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Everything posted by curlyking

  1. My engravewr tool only cost $15. it is bigger than a dremel but works just as well. The only difference is that the Dremel, at least some of them are variable speed but mine is single speed. It does not rev as high as the Dremel so the nails do not get as hot as quckly. Alternatively as I suggested in my first post, use sandpaper stuck on a piece of board or a cross cut (bastard) file from the hardware store.
  2. Personally, I prefer to file the nails. If I was using clippers, I would use the plier type as opposed to the type that have a sliding gillotine action. I use a "poor man's dremel" bought from Bunnings it is a rechargable hobby engraver cost me $15. If the nails are really long you may need to cut them first but if you just file them regularly you will find you don't need to cut them. The beauty of filing nails instead of cutting them is that it actually pushes the quick back within the nail. It is also very hard to make the nails bleed as can readily happen with cutting them. I found when I was using a clipper I erred on the side of caution and usually did not take them short enough in case I made them bleed. I'll never go back to clipping adults. I start filing my pups from about 4 weeks of age when the nail thickens up a bit. Sue (formerly kingaire)
  3. Good heavens above. What about all the dogs in the wild? How many dogs do you know that love to eat a birds, rabbits or some other animal raw? In my opinion your new pup is more likely to have far more problems from eating the Eukanuba (or any commercial dry food) than it is from eating raw meat. My pups are raised on a raw diet and never eat cooked meat. They have raw chicken necks, wings, frames etc as well as raw beef, lamb and pork either minced or in chunks. Although for the young pups - up to about 6 months I do tend to use human grade food. I have fed raw meat for over 30 years and never yet had a dog with an infection from the bacteria. Really these Vets have no idea other than what the dog food companies feed them, which is to brainwash them into thinking they have the best food and to convince "us" to feed the food the pet food companies want us to buy! As far as I am concerned - and this is my opinion and it is not important to me how other people feed their dogs - feeding most commercial food - dry, tinned etc. is akin to feeding your children on McDonnalds all the time. Find another vet and enjoy your baby. As for the heart murmer, as long as it is not a major one there is a very good chance that it will not cause any problems at all. This could also be a reaction to the vaccination.
  4. Another alternative which works well for me! Good luck http://www.herbal-treatments.com/dog_heart..._treatment.html
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