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Everything posted by Cavalblaze

  1. Check his sucking reflex then if it's ok, try taking the others away but make sure that they are kepted warm as they can't regulate the temp. Let him try and feed on the nipples closer to the hind legs, they tend t have the most milk. Express some milk down so he gets a taste and just see what happens. If you are really concerned and the puppy is not nursing strongly strip some milk from the bitch and feed it to the puppy drop by drop from a syringe or dropper, so they will have the colostral antibodies. They don't need alot, a couple of mls and burp the pup afterwards to remove any air, just like a newborn baby.
  2. Yep, still remember that smell eww. ....not nice. Gas that makes you wonder why they didn't explode because it's that vile. Then they do explode and you wonder how on earth you are going to be able to stomach cleaning that sloppy green poo up without bringing up your breakfast. Goodluck LizT!
  3. All of my pups have been reported to be thriving in their new homes. Great to recieve pics back and contented babies playing happily. Started lead training Mystic and we have the "im not going anywhere with that on mum" attitude happening at first. She puts the stops on and won't walk, lol. Everyday we will keep trying, we are making progress, slowly.
  4. GSDs sorry to hear about your loss. Double blow it's even harder. They will be together over the other side of the rainbow bridge. Kitty looks like a ragdoll to me, choc seal point with mittens? :D ;) I have a soft spot for them. We loss our Birman to kidney failure 2 yrs ago, he was 10 years old. I had been debating getting a ragdoll since, but it's the fur factor. They do shead lots of fur, should be kepted indoors and brushed daily. Both breeds are exceptional, temperment and appearance. Blue eyes are devine. Our boy, RIP.
  5. Team snag, that is going to keep you busy. I think they are right, she deserves a chance and might suprise you. Hope you have a couple good friends able to be show handlers, 3 baby pups super cute! We have got one of ours here with us visiting and i got some photos of the other Ruby girl, all happy healthy pups. Waiting to hear back from the boys owners but i'm confident he is doing ok.
  6. We've just had a phone call from one of our pups owners asking if we can puppy sit for a few days. A very tragic death in the family and they need to travel a long way to attend to matters. More than happy to have her back, Mystic will be delighted to have a little playmate with her engery levels. Going to be a full house as we have a bitch staying with us for stud duties too.
  7. Bip bip....here comes tenties in the car.... . Since you all showed interest in chooks, I thought i should let you know i hatched another lot of chicks, we have 14 in total. I'm keeping a couple but will sell excess stock. The following snap shots of chicks and what they should look like when fully grown (Show stock photos) ours are not show quality and may vary in colour and appearance. 3 Barnevelder double laced, 2 pekin bantams (not pictured), 1 gold laced wyandotte, 8 Silver laced wyandottes.
  8. Advance puppy pack plus my own bits -Pedigree papers, microchipping papers, vaccination card, photos of pup and parents, detailed care instruction sheet with my personal contact info, Dogs Victoria info, puppy collar, worming tablets, one flea treatment, toy with mothers and siblings scent.
  9. Howdy all, hope everyone is well and enjoyed out blissful sunshine today. All my pups have been delivered to new homes and we are now a quiet household of just the one pup and 2 adults. Mystic is so full on, it's been awhile since i've had a young pup to train. Photos of the Mystic, 12 weeks this coming Tuesday....where did that time go!
  10. Use photobucket. No need to downsize, its free to sign up, just takes a few seconds. http://photobucket.com/ When the photo is uploaded onto photobucket there is a IMG Code, just copy and paste into DOL. Simple and easy.
  11. Nor did mine, she ate her breakfast and delivered at 11am. I will say that she also vommitted it back up but not all Cavaliers go off their food. Quick tip, Cavs are great at pulling on umbilical cords and creating hernias, so put in your box something that you can place over the cord area of the pups. Goodluck, Sway has a good whelping supply shop. http://www.whelpingsupplies.com.au/index.php
  12. Oh that is sweet, he is adorable. I personally like the blk/tans. He has potential!!
  13. That was so funny. I am sorry,...but that tops the cake! :D Team Snag, big hugs from us regarding your girl. But remember 2 boys are delightful, just like the parents! I have all my fingers and toes cross for my blenheim co-owned bitch which is due to come into season any day now and awaiting a return stud service. tapping my foot....No phantom pregnancy this time or I'll be getting her desex.
  14. Stop the puppy milk. We found the puppy milk was making the stools rather soft. 8 weeks the vet and friends told me that they don't need to be supplimenting milk. The kibble and raw fresh foods should be ideal diet for your youngters. I know they like their milk but once we cut it out they all were fine and they all adapted to the water.
  15. Thats a good question. From my perspective : Knowledge and Experience, proven accomplishments and someone that is well respected in the breeder community for high level of interaction in the dog breed. Someone that you are comfortable talking to and can trust. But there is more to being a mentor, it comes with the willingness to help others for no personal gain, able to give you time and give constructive criticism but also positive feedback. I found several people were willing to share opinions but the expertise of these comments were far beond correct. So the idea is to research, get yourself out in the show community and meet the breeders in person and ask lots of questions.
  16. I second this. As a new breeder in Cavaliers having great support from mentors with decades of experience behind them is worth its weight in gold. There is so much to learn, books & DVD's are great but they can't cover every aspect of breeding and having those faithful trusted ears to listen and point you in the right direction is very important. Like yourself i owned cavaliers for many years prior and when deciding to start out on my own and become a registered breeder i found it is really hard. Lots of challenges, heart aches and disappointments. Tears will be shead, bank accounts will be empty. I've made mistakes, big ones...but it is a learning process and that extra support pays off like with with my first litter as there were complications and the good thing is there is people that will support you and help you. Be focused, listen and although there is those who throw you negative feedback that is part of dog breeding and you learn to either justify or dimiss those remarks. Feel free to PM to chat.
  17. Our last baby left us today. Gee its quiet now.
  18. Yep we are down to two. Shari left today, she is within 5 minutes of me so i can still wizz around and see her. Banjo leaves Sat.
  19. Lovely pics. They are stunning puppies, very much like their parents. Staying goodbye to the babies is a tear jerking experience, stay strong! I really have noticed the difference since Chanel left us, Shari goes mid next week and Banjo if fully recovered goes next Sat. I'll be lost without them, but Mystic will be even more so lost as she has always had sibling company. I was going to let her run with her mum until her milk dries up completely she will remain by herself which i'm sure will be protested. All is well in our camp today, still a bit of a upset tummy but shoveling down food and is alot more happier in himself. Mum also scoffed her food down this morning which are all good signs. ;)
  20. Things appear to be improving. Good positive signs are that he is eating and drinking now, wanting to play and the drooling and shaking have eased. He is a good patient, his mum is also eating and drinking too.
  21. I have had to rush one of the pups to the vets as he was in real bad shape this morning bleeding from the bowel and drooling this morning when i woke. Tucked away in the corner of the pen shivering, not a sound coming from him although there was smelly poo in the pen. Orginally thought it was a blockage but we soon ruled that out. No temp nor vommitting, stomach was fine and internal examination showed no blockage. The only conclusion the vet and i have come up with is that gave my pups and dogs some fresh (human) mince last night direct from coles supermarket and it may have upset the pups and adult dogs. My bitch, the pups mum is also showing signs of distress. We have had to isolate the pups and dogs, giving them only chicken and rice plus fresh water. Antiobotics have been given to the sick pup and he is in a room by himself with a heated bed. Mum is in the garage on the sofa with a heater going, two pups are in the kitchen while dad is outside in the pen so that i'm able to monitor them all. Running out non carpet rooms! Black tan pups movements have gone runnyish but she still is happy playful and the other is the same. Called Chanels new owners to assure they remain on guard too, just in case. All are now looking better, however we were informed that they have a case of Parvo in at the clinic at present which they have quarantine which is even more reason to be on guard. Although vaccinated, they are still in high risk. We did re-worm all pups and dogs today as per the vets instructions just to be double sure that we are covering all aspects. Hopefully things settle down and its just a case of a stomach upset.
  22. What a great family, you couldn't ask for better. Took 2hrs of chatting and get to know you time and I'm really happy to put faces with people who wev'e interacted with over the past months. I'm sad to see her go but I know that she will be so well cared for. She ended up falling asleep in the arms of her new owners and the instant bond was magical. I have shead a few tears, along with my 4yr old daughter but we have 3 other pups and 2 adults here to keep us occupied.
  23. I'll be in tears in 30 minutes time. Our first pup is heading for her pet home today. ;) The family called to say they are on there way. Crappy day, cold wet and windy. Pups have been inside all day, adults are outside freerange but are housing on the sofa in the garage with coats on.
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