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Everything posted by Cavalblaze

  1. Hello, I went to Noorat and met Tenties. I didn't stay long as i had family visiting back home waiting for me. Fairly big turn out at the show, although i was mainly focusing on the Cavalier section. I didn't see how she went, sorry. How did you go, Cav? I didn't show, just sticky beaking. Took Mystic my blk/tan pup along for a couple of my friends to see. Mystic is 8 months old and grown so much in the past month. Such a skinny girl at the moment due to her growth spirt, i do hope to put some weight on her. She isn't a show dog but still it was good time for us to reflect on others opinions and see everyone else strut there stuff.
  2. Hello, I went to Noorat and met Tenties. I didn't stay long as i had family visiting back home waiting for me. Fairly big turn out at the show, although i was mainly focusing on the Cavalier section. I didn't see how she went, sorry.
  3. Hello Everyone, Just popped my head in for a few minutes catching up on the latest with you all. All is well here, except for my 2 yr old daughter who has had a fall and broke her arm. Top it off it was a bad break and required pins so she is in plaster up to her shoulder. Doggies are all well. Lele is due to come into season soon and I've lined up a Aust Ch Blenhiem stud to cover her. Last try at mating her as she is getting up in years and has served her motherly duties well. She is to be desex and kepted on as a pet regardless of the outcome, although i hope i do get a nice blenheim girl to follow in her mums footsteps. Her older daughter Mystic had her first season the other week which stirred up the entire neighborhood. Chookies - 28 little chicks have made the journey to the main chicken coop now. Some have already left for new homes others are awaiting for me to be able to sex them before being placed. (Some breeds are more difficult than others) They are 4 weeks old, Australorps, Light Sussex, Orpingtons, x breed layers and a couple Pekin Bantams. I did get a gorgoues Blue Pekin which i intend to run on along with friendly buff pullet. Adding to the collection here, i seem to getting a few Pekins, so cute. I do have the x breeds still available in pullets if anyone local is looking for health chooks. They are Leghorn x New Hamshire, lay dark brown eggs with a high production rate and are a docile breed ideal for backyards. And as always roosters are always available for free in all breeds meantioned. I've got more eggs on order and will have more Australorps, Pekins and Wyandottes and maybe a few other large breeds in a few months if all goes according to plan. Enjoy my chick hatching, so do he kids. Also looking for homes for a couple of goldfish. One of our tank filters died and the little tank is now home to all 5 fish, bit over crowded. These are huge goldfish, bigger than the ones seen in the pet shops. So anyone interested i have 3 huge ones and 2 little ones. Pick 2 of your choice. Well that's about it for me, housework to do as always. Bake a cake, Hubbies B'day today.
  4. Went for 10 minutes, getting too hot for my comfort zone. Watched the cav section, NICE!!! Black and tans were out in force. Hope anyone that went enjoyed themselves. I did pick up a whelping mat while there so that was a bonus.
  5. Although the township in Horsham is set to peak today, it looks like my immedate family will be ok. They have a water view with the streets having some flood waters but the houses at the moment are safe. It's a godly site around the city and beond but hats off to all the volunteers and community for their ongoing around the clock support. Unfortuantely my nana refused to evacuate when asked too and last night had a turn and collasped. Her house isolated by floods the Ambulance couldn't reach her. Thankfully they managed with man power of neighbors and friends to get her out safety and had a very long battle overnight in emergancy dept. She is now in a stable condition hooked up to all sorts of machines and monitors. She has diabetes and due to a infected leg wound is taking medication which must of upset her levels and it dropped to 0.01. I am relieved that she is in the best place for her now but that is how stubben and stupid some people can be. She now realises that but now, but i'm hearing all sorts of stories of these elderly people in Allansford who just aren't getting the bigger picture. If you are asked to leave, it is for your own safety and so the crews don't have to continueous worry about you. On a brighter note glad everyone here is Ok.
  6. Dunno Cav. I would've thought they'd be ok there.... might be worth you giving them a call for first-hand info. Called them, all is well at the moment and they don't beleive they will be under any threat of flood waters.
  7. Anyone know if the Hopkins Caravan park is fairing? Parents along with several show exhibitors have it booked for Friday onwards. I'm assuming it might be in the line of the floods though with the way things are developing. Edit to say I'm praying they open the hwy by the weekend its Speedway time, Dog shows all these people need to get through.
  8. Vic Road update as of 10.30 am - Princes Hwy - Closed at McKinnons Bridge Noorat Road. Detour via Camperdown-Cobden Road and Warrnambool-Cobden Road. Western Hwy is open at the moment for travellors between Melbourne and Adelaide but that may change.
  9. Morning, Mum and Dad are ok. Water is everywhere on neighboring properties but they are ok, the water hasn't hit the house yard. One of the lucky few, (one of 3) it is yet to be detirmind if the peak has actually happened out Drung South which is 20 minutes from Horsham but regardless they will fine. Can't say the same for my friends on the next road, they are out sandbagging at the moment but the water is gushing through. Pam Ross "Cavildown Cavaliers" son Graeme has had to evacuate as floods have entered into his home which is on the same road. Pam herself is find she lives on the otherside of the town. Parents are out offering assistance today, horses in paddocks that need rescuing and livestock along with sandbagging. Dad is out walking through the flood waters to reach them. Mum is staying posted to the phone. Our biggest fears are for the actually Horsham township. They are already experiencing flooding but the river hasn't peaked which indeed will wipe out alot more homes in its path. Any homes within 2 kms of the river and is on flat or low grounds will be affected. Travelling through yesterday arvo via Pamure the water was just about over the road there at 3.30pm and it certainly had alot more to come so i can imagion that may well be under now. Watched Hopkins Falls rise yesterday, in the morning there was a steady flow by the arvo it was considerably higher and a true rapid falls.
  10. Howdy all, Regret to inform that the floods back in Horsham (my home town) are worst than first thought and a town meeting today confirmed that my brothers, nanas and cousins property is under threat. New estate areas were built along the river areas but designed to handle a major river flood. But they have today stated that this flood is alot higher than what the areas are capable of handling and homes will be affected. Won't know how bad till tommorrow arvo when the river peaks but it is set to be a all time record. Sewage seeping in backyards it's rather horrid. Mum and dad are out in the country 20km from the township are are cut off by road. The SES has been to them this arvo and told them that they are also in the path of water and that they need to get all machinery, caravans etc to higher ground. Most likely not going to hit them in depth but will have water up to a few inches under the house and surrounding the property. The actually river would be several Km away from my parents property but it's waters are overflowing the Wimmera River at great speed and already running along the nearby road and will most likely hit them by tonight. Never have they had flood water reach them so it is a real eye opener to the scale of distruction and indication what this will have on the township when is hits. It isn't going to be like the other floods, it will distroy homes. Further flooding with the Mother in law in Terang (MacKinnons Bridge) has 80% of her property under water. The house and machinery sheads, livestock are all ok at the moment. Visited her today, photo below was taken at 1pm in her living room, it was still rising when we left. Emu creek, Princes Hwy is to the left but are under water cutting traffic. Round rolls of hay are like tumble weed rolling in the water down stream. It is deep and gushing through. So thats my family scene at the moment. Can imagion i feel rather hopeless sitting here but until it passes all i can do is sit tight.
  11. Hello, we are all going ok. Haven't committed to exhibiting the dogs this year have a few personal things that I've committed to and I've had to take a step back in relations to the complex of the dogs and focus on the family. However depending on how I'm travelling in lifes journey i may considering mating Lele in a few months when she comes into season. We had a setback with our co-owned girl in Horsham who had to be desex due to a health concern and therefore we kepted Lele entire as our backup plan. Looking at using a Blenheim stud, so it would be a particoloured litter. Its our last opportunity with her as she will be desex this year regardless of the outcome. Mystic is a long dangley teenager, good news is they do grow out of this stage. Photos below.
  12. G'day Gee it's a long time since i've been in this forum and I thought I should drop in and say Hi. We are all well. High and dry which is a blessing considering what the rest of the country is going through at the moment. I have a Uncle in Queensland who is keeping us updated and although water has surrounded him he is safe. Most of my family live in Horsham Victoria and already are peddling through knee high water with the worst set to peak in a few days as run off from the mounts approaches them. Mum just wishes it would stop raining and humidity is really getting to her, plus the mossies are really bad at the moment. They have been in that house for 30 plus years and are well aware of the flood waters that surround them and that they are about to be cut off from accessing the township soon. Last minute dash for supplies and they are now well prepared. As for us, rain hasn't affected us in any way. Dogs are all well, Lele had a trip to the vets today for a follow up on a scratched eye which was inflicted by her daughter Mystic. No serious damage done but still unpleasant for the poor girl. Still hatching out chickens, got the incubator running at the moment with a good supply of eggs that appear to be developing. We sold just about sold all of our chooks except for a couple of favourites over xmas period with many people wanting more so I'm having another go incubating and mainly focusing on purebred layer types. I'm please to say I did get 1/2dozen Australorp eggs this time and they looking promising. I set over 50 eggs in various breeds so it is the biggest ever incubation I've done. I can only hope they aren't all roosters or I'll have to start a chicken shop up. I do hope everyone is well and that your friends and family are safe.
  13. Ha, Ruby....I can picture that happening, ....lol... Think my Lele is the same, she doesn't stuff around much, by the time she huffs & puff we are ready to catch the first pup. And then it's a race to keep up as she pops them very quickly. I was warned though, her previous owner told me to be on guard.
  14. I offer a cash back on proof of desexing. Buyers are required to provide a vet certificate. A incentive is a good encouragement for them to follow through with the procedure and the bonus is you know when its done and can stop worrying so much. But there is no guarantees, dishonest people could still do wrong thing but we have been bless that our pet owners have all been trustworthy folks. Personally recommend my buyers to wait till the dog is 6 months old or older till they enter into such procedure.
  15. Can you beleive how time has flown by, my pups are 5 months old tommorrow! Had a play date with Miss Energized Bunny "Ruby" formerly known as Shari last week, which was nice, exhausting for me as she just doesn't stop. Always was a handful that one. Lele is back in season, just finishing up her cycle now. Thank goodness too, it's been kiaos juggling dogs as i rest her up this season. Next will be Mystic, my baby becoming a woman ....l it's all too much. Hopefully a few months off that, but never know with these toy breeds so keeping a watchful eye. Since we bummed out with our upcoming hopeful blenheim bitch Bella we decided to breed one more litter with Lele next year, so i'm giving her 12 months break at present. Will definately be retiring her next year regardless of the outcome. For a 5 yr old dog she is still as active as puppy, gives Mystic a run for her money, very cute playing togther.
  16. Totally agree, it's all part of learning experience. My last litter we had one girl who was the fighter and i felt sorry for the other siblings as she was a energized bunny and never slepted attacking the pups who where trying to get a bit of shut eye. And boy could she bite, ears and tails were her forte. Always knew who started the fight and how it would end, she was the boss regardless that she was 2nd smallest in the litter . Still today 5 months on she still is full of spirt, that live wire engerized bunny is still in her though. Thankfully placed in a pet home with owners who are home 24/7 and with older cavalier that keep her in lined and she isn't as vigerous in her play and learning better manners (slowly). The other pups are as plasid and docile natured as their mother.
  17. How super cute !!!! They have grown so quickly. ;) My cavalier girl is resting this season as i didn't want babies over xmas and she needs a break. She is very annoyed with me for keeping her separated from her partner. She is such a tart!
  18. Howdy, Took some snap shots of the crew yesterday, our little baby is now 17 weeks old. Gulp .... In the process of basic commands and taking it day by day. Smart little girl, short attention span. Sammy her dad has really come out of his shell and as you can see loves a play with his daughter. Mum Lele is content sun baking.
  19. Solution to husbands that sleep in, seek the puppy!
  20. Arh nope, sounds like she is going to have babies! ;) Wishing you best of luck.
  21. I just got a email from one of my pups owners to notify me that they had her desex at 13 weeks old. gulp.... Apparantly they took her in for vaccinations and the vet pushed the subjected until they relucantly agreed. She is just a baby, i don't agree with the vet at all and stand by the 6 month recommendation for female dogs which was written in the papers sent with the owners puppy pack. Poor miss is off her food a week later, it concerns me. Nothing i can do about the situation now, just hope she recovers from such a huge operation on such a tiny pup. I've advised the owners of warning signs of infection and if they have any concerns to consult the vet. rajacadoo sorry to hear of your bad day, things can only get better. Blakbelgian you are very good with names, i might ask your help next time. Which will be some time away as we had to get our co-owned girl desex due to a health concern. Hope everyones week has been better than mine. Suffering from a annoying head cold that has a consent flow of green snot.
  22. That's great news, so pleased to hear the girls are doing well.
  23. Same here, We got enlarged tummy, milk, nesting, even went into the huffing and puffing of labor....she was empty. 10 points for performance, had me and experienced breeders fooled. I hope in your case it's a mis-calulation on the xray and you have some beauitful babies. Weirder things do happen.
  24. Sorry to hear of your loss. At least now mummy dog can focus on the girls and let them thrive. Big hugs, thinking of you.
  25. Thats good news. Some of those liver tea remedies or nutrigel is good to help stimulate and give a little boost to weak pups as others have meantioned. It's going to be a long night for you tonite Liz, try and get some sleep in between feeds. Hope mums milk comes in tomorrow and makes the process a bit easier. Thinking of ya!
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