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Everything posted by Cavalblaze

  1. Credit to the photographier as catching 9 puppies in one photo i hard work. Gee they are all so cute with wooley coats. Looking really good size for such a large litter you've done a fab job raising them. Glad yours are eating the kibble mine are turning the nose up at it. I was hoping to have all of ours fully weaned by 6 weeks and we are slowly getting down to 1 feed off mum a day only because she is so fully loaded with milk and the vet feels she is a prime candidate for mastitis. So this week will be her last feeding them easing her off a bit slower than what we usually would. Nice looking girl you've picked, i hope she turns out nicely for you.
  2. Most of my contacts initally start from email. I refer them to complete a application form which is on our website. This way get a idea from that what people are after, if our dogs would suit that type of living arrangements and if we have something suitable we tend to follow up with a phone call. We have a right to ask questions, looking out for the better interest of the dogs welfare.
  3. I just called them as i have puppies leaving in 2 weeks. They said just email [email protected] all your details and that of the new buyers and they will manually put them through.
  4. Best of luck for tommorrow oakeydoak1, i hope you don't shead too many tears saying goodbye. We have had a buyer cancel so little Jorja girl is going to stay on with us till a appropiate home is found. I'm not planning on advertising her as we seem to to get alot of enquiries all day and night and at the moment in my health status i'm just not up to dealing with the extra hassles. So here is Jorja, if anyone knows a friend who might be interested they can PM me.
  5. Gee wizz that is scary Mick, hope the little fella makes a full recovery. I really don't want to advertise Jorja for sale, being a female puppy of a popular breeding type as soon as we list her we get every 'want-a-be-breeders' apply and exhausting amounts of emails and phone calls at ridiculous hours of the night. Regardless that we state limited pet papers and offer desexing cash back offer it means little to nothing, I am sort of over it at the moment in my current health status. I did try and contact the other interested parties but they have sourced puppies elsewhere. I didn't take details of the last few enquiries as they were over the phone and i just said they were all sold and we lefted it at that. Honestly i not fazed if we have to keep her on here the kids adore her and she is so gentle and plasid nature and being so tiny she don't eat much so no harm done.
  6. One of my puppy buyers has cancelled so i have this little girl still for sale if you know of anyone that is interested. I did have 3 buyers last week which i turned away so i am rather disappointed that the buyer has cancelled this late in the process but thats the joys of being a breeder. So Jorja ...She is tiny, the runt of the litter but full of personality and is very affectionate. Loves the kids and human interaction. Eating and drinking well, very playful and has the cutest facial expressions. She is considered our favourite pup but you can't tell the other buyers that! I'm not wanting to advertise her so if i can find a home via friendly contacts great, otherwise she can just stay on with us.
  7. The little buggers sure do have sharp teeth. All coming along well here!!
  8. G'day, Puppies are all coming along well here. Weaning process at the moment, Lele is easing back the feeds. All of the puppies have buyers awaiting their arrival 20th Aug we are traveling to Melbourne to drop them off. You wouldn't beleive how much they have grown, 5 weeks on Tuesday and they are running around chewing on everything. I do recall the gumboots at the past Hamilton dog shows, rather appauling really.
  9. Hello fellow June thread members, Hope all your puppies are thriving and growing into lovely little dogs. Ours have started solids, little buggers make such a mess but that's part of the learning process. We now have potential homes for 5 of the pups, just dear little Jorja the runt of the litter remains unspoken for. Photo of them doing what they do best, sleeping!
  10. Yey, more puppies. 5 is a good managable number. Congrats! We went down to 5 puppies last night, one had done a runner and escaped the whelping box and went for a scroll around the room. Thinking that they are just babies and won't move from the whelping box i pulled down the puppy pen so i could access them better for feeding. Here I was pulling all the blankets out and screaming out to hubby i've losted a puppy, thinking she buried herself in the blankets or my 5 yr old daughter had stole one to take to bed with her. Hubby just stood back laughing at me pointing to the little girl sitting in the corner of the room watching me, little bugger. :nahnah: Here is a photo of Nitro, he is sold but i rather liked this photo shot. Very hard taking portrait photos of puppies they wiggle about so much but he did sit still for a few moments to bark at me.
  11. Very cute puppies, all look well too, including mum. We are managing here, it's long day hand feeding 6 puppies, rotating them with mum so they all get a chance to feed. She appears to be coping well, injections stop tommorrow so i hope we don't relaps. Started liquid calcium supplimenting today and changed food to tin puppy but as you can imagion that isn't to her liking which is how all these problems came about in the first place as she has picky eating habits. Pups are ok, they haven't loss any weight to date so i will keep a eye on them. I feel the little one is actually enjoying all the extra attention. lol.
  12. Morning, Survived the night, not much sleep in this household but at least i managed to keep them alive along with my daughter who has a 40 degree temp. 2 of the larger pups are refusing the bottle, only try my best and figure if they get hungry enough they will eventually take it. Lele is ok, i had to introduce 2 smaller pups back to her at 4am as i could feel the heat starting to develop in her utters and they were massive! She had milk pouring out everywhere the poor dear. She has handled 2 pups really well, i do 20 minute feeds every 4 hours. I'm now rotating the pups so they are all getting a feed off mum. Vet saids providing she is still recieving the injections prior to feeds and we start getting the suppliments into her too, we can increase that to 3 pups every 4 hours and monitor how she goes. That would make things alot easier.
  13. I've called a local vet nurse in to help, they just aren't taking the bottle well enough and i'm getting rather exhausted now with the effort of trying so hard and lack of sleep.
  14. Been a long night. Was about to say she is ok, but not so....back to the vet. She isn't well, poor darling. Injections are working but they don't last if she feed pups. So i am home for now, armed with more injections to give her and she is to not feed her puppies till we get her stablized. Vet saids maybe bring in 1-2 pups tomorrow and see how she goes. At this stage in time i am going to be bottle feeding 6 puppies by myself.
  15. She aint well, doing everything we can. Pups are to remain off her for 24hrs, injections 3 times a day. May be able to introduce 2 pups back tomorrow, in the meantime it's bottle feeding. Anyone wanting to help by all means pop around.
  16. Been a long night. Was about to say she is ok, but not so....back to the vet.
  17. I have been up all night but she has made a grand recovery from her appauling condition yesterday. She was given calcium Ampoule, plus antibotics to prevent mastitis. Pups are back with mum, the vet wanted them to stay on. I thought i would be in for this massive vet bill as we were there for a few hours last night as her heart was racing so much and dispite the drugs it took ages to bring back to a regular beat. After hours fees and all $135, figure that was reasonable. Not out of the woods yet as these things can spring back easy, i have to try and source some Calcium suppliments today as the vets didn't have any, but at least a positive start. A huge relief for me as hand feeding 6 pups would of been a handful. Take it all back, she is going downhill again, back to the vet we go.
  18. Big issues tonight, Eclampsia. Raced into emergancy, I'm giving her injections throughout the night. I never had the need to suppliment my dogs before but i seems this big litter and those utters are so massive that Lele is producing so much milk, beond normal for her little body to naturally intake. I have been feeding her raw diet, so refuses tin or kibble so i guess i should of considered supplimenting her earlier.
  19. Emergancy tonight. Eclampsia or otherwise known as Milk fever. Big litter and a small dog with massive utters so she has a overflow of milk supply. Hopefully caught it early stages so i'm hoping it can be controlled via calcium supplements. But for now i am doing injections overnight, time will tell. I'm home for now, see how she goes with me playing vet nurse but if i see any more down hill signs back in emergancy and have bottle feed pups.
  20. Swear dogs must know it's me coming along in the car. I just rescued a Cavalier off the middle of the road a inch of being hit by passing cars, along with its friend a bouncing a spinger spaniel. Thankfully a lady walking her poodle came along and told me the dogs belong to the house on the corner. All home safe and sound but they better count their lucky stars as it was certainly was a very close call.
  21. At the moment in the litter she is a bit of a stand out as her sister is 710grm were she is only 386grms. The rest are up in the very high 500- 600 bracket so she does look really tiny amoungst them. But you are right she is hitting her milestones in development and i hope come 6 weeks i won't tell her apart from the rest.
  22. Sorry to hear of your loss Fordogs. Puppies here are all coming along well, eyes are open and look at Jorja go! She is the runt of the litter so i am very proud of her achievements.
  23. 14 days, hasn't that gone by quick. One of the boys potentially sold. Puppy photos, ok let me give you your puppy fix for today. Won't upload them all, but here are better photos i've taken today. Ever tried keeping these little babies still for a snap shot, it just doesn't happen. Jorja is 370 grms, Revlon topped the scales at 654grms the others aren't far behind. Mick, won't go into details my breeding program why i am choosing to backout. This public forum and we would be posting all night long boring everyone but i am happy to pm you. :D
  24. Yep that was her very last litter at 5 1/2yrs old she has served her motherly duties well and deserves to retire. Her daughter which i kepted from last year has been desex. She has always been a tiny pup and on the advice of our vets and specialist in Melbourne we did what we felt was best for her well being, nothing to do with her cosmetic features as she is one good looking dog but in such a tiny frame! Lele will remain on with us as a desex pet once she has weaned the pups. Mystic which is her daughter from her last litter is also still here too. I'm not overally concern that i have no breeding dogs at the moment. I have got other breeding buddies who will assist me with obtaining a suitable puppy in the future and there is no rush, we will wait till the right one comes along.
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