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Everything posted by Cavalblaze

  1. Good news, I've got puppies on the way. Took my blenheim girl in for a ultrasound and results were 4 blobs with a shadowing 5th (considered a maybe). So happy, nervous and all emotions rolled into one.
  2. Best wishes for the bi-black sheltie's. Cavaliers - 2nd June - 6th June not yet confirmed. Booking ultrasound end of month. Pregnancy Confirmed. 4 blobs on the ultrasound with a possible 5th one shadowing behind. Cavalier puppies due first week in June. :D ;) :cool: (Can't half tell how happy i am)
  3. Oh yes...I get that alot. Mikelli .....Love your signature of the lab puppies..
  4. Best wishes for the bi-black sheltie's. Cavaliers - 2nd June - 6th June not yet confirmed. Booking ultrasound end of month.
  5. Big congrats to the lovely litters popping up in the thread. Wow some big litters too, that will keep you all busy! Regret to inform we have a full blown phantom pregnancy. Bella is Lactacting, nesting doing all the right things but took her to the vet after being overdue and got told she is empty. Will try again on her next season and have her prog tested and carry out further investigations to save us the heart ache of the prolonged waiting. On a brighter note we hope to make Junes list, Lele was mated 31st March - 4th April and we had 7 successful ties. (woohoo) Will be looking at getting a ultrasound at the end of the month. Lele has had previous litters, great mum and such a good little miss with whelping.
  6. 8 counts of Parvo reported in Warrnambool on 'disease watchdog'. Only the locations come up so we can't clarify if this is part of the pound or clinic, could be one litter or eight separate accounts. Yes I've heard Parvo is about..... It's a real concern as I've got 4 week old babies here! It's not even safe taking them to the clinic for any work when we can't find out 'where' exactly! Hope everyone's dogs are vaccinated and we all take precautions. I avoid ANYWHERE where dogs congregate in numbers - I think an out-of-town beach is the safest option.... I was hoping to take Lele in to Wollaston Clinic at the end of the month for a pregnancy ultrasound. Debating if it's a good idea. Guess I can ring up and ask if there has been any cases presented to that clinic.
  7. 8 counts of Parvo reported in Warrnambool on 'disease watchdog'. Only the locations come up so we can't clarify if this is part of the pound or clinic, could be one litter or eight separate accounts. :D
  8. I can confirm the Wimmera Mallee Area is battling with Parvo outbreaks at present and have several reported cases. Local pounds have been affected as they battle to control the outbreaks. The radio stations are broadcasting the increasing number of reports and advising pet owners.
  9. Update: It is a Phantom..... ;) We are looking at trying again but this time getting all test done including prog, bloods and xray. If it fails then she will be desex. Should note that parvo has been very active in the area and the vets have been advising her co-owner to try and avoid un-nessacary contact with the clinic regardless of the fact she is up to date with vaccinations.
  10. Glad you agree with my initial thoughts. I have requested the co-owner take her in to see the vets ASAP. I didn't want to come accross as a panic freak which is why i posted this discussion. Her whelping due date was calculated from her mating date. I would at this stage say that she has NOT made a effort to strain and even look like going into whelp. Uterine inertia is a possibility but i would imagion we should of witness a sign of being lethagic or being exstremely uncomfortable but at present she is eating, drinking and besides being not able to jump up onto her favourite chair she is walking around and rather happy. She does toss and turn a bit to get comfortable for the night but in all she isn't in any pain. She isn't large, I'm not expecting a big litter as she is nothing like what i've seen other dogs of the same breed look like at full term. She is slightly rounder than usual but you would question yourself in thinking has she just put on weight. Maybe she has fooled all of us or I might get a suprise!
  11. Our (co-owned) Cavalier is overdue by 5 days. She is bigger in the abdomen area but not huge. She has milk, she is nesting and acting rather uncomfortable trying to positioning herself to rest in the whelping box. On palpation around day 40 the stud owner thought she could feel 2 pups but being a maiden bitch it's a bit tricky to tell and she wasn't co-operative either. We have no ultrasound equippment in her residing area and have let her go naturally as there has been no signs indicating trouble. She has had no discharge and we are all tapping our foots waiting. We have made a appointment for Thursday with the local vet. The bitch is 2 years old, 3rd season and first mating. She excepted her stud partner once for a 25 minute tie, afterwards she refuse any further attempts. My question is, should we be acting sooner for a veterinary consultant? I'm in the frame of mind that this could this well be a phantom/ false pregnancy! This is my first litter and very I'm concern. I have heard some dogs can go 7 days over and have been told to wait but its killing me!!!
  12. Cavalier babies due tommorrow but there is not even a hint that she is ready. Last i heard on Tuesday was she is unable to sit on her favourite chair now, poor little Miss. She had resided to the fact the floor is a safer and more comfortable place with a belly full of legs and tails. :D Co-owner is happy with everything and is also very well prepared so I've just got to wait it out now for that phone call. gulp...
  13. Thanx! I'll remind him to let RSPCA know too. :D nice work Gee Wizz, 3 cavaliers! I would say they have escaped from someones backyard. Being people dogs they have absolute no road sence and will run out in front of a car without a motion of fear so I'm so glad you rescued them. Hope the owners have microchipped them and they get reunited soon.
  14. Glad to hear of your new addition, hope all works out well for you. :D
  15. Congrats! Stud owner has had another viewing of my co-owned bleheim girl and she thinks 2 pups by feel. She isn't showing much, so fingers cross for 10th April. My other blenheim is now being service so we might make June thread too. Puppy overload... can't wait.
  16. My Vet advises us that if a dog stomach is upset to go 24hrs without food then slowly introduce plain boring food like chicken and rice. Main thing is that he is drinking well and not vommitting. Usually it takes a few days to get back to normal. If you are still worried consult your Vet.
  17. This all very interesting. I called the vets where my girl in located and in the whole township none of the vets have ultrasound equippment. We are hopeful our Cavalier girl is pregnant. One tie only 25 minutes and stud owner has had a look and had a hard time trying to feel for anything and the bitch wasn't happy about being examined. Maiden bitch so she isn't giving any real definate signs away. We have found she has put on weight, been a bit off colour somedays. She did have a discharge just after her season finished. Nipples are slighlty pinker, not really noticable. We can do a Xray for $140 after 8 weeks, but i'm letting nature take it's course. We either are going to have little babies or not, test aren't going to change that. It would be nice to know numbers and get a definate confirmation, but we'll work on idea she is pregnant and if she is having a phantom we will try again in 6 months. Cavalblaze - RE: U/sound, are you referring to the 'larger' town nearby to you? Just curious, because my vet ultrasounds. The bitch is in Horsham Victoria. She is co-owned and resides up there, my former home town.
  18. This all very interesting. I called the vets where my girl in located and in the whole township none of the vets have ultrasound equippment. We are hopeful our Cavalier girl is pregnant. One tie only 25 minutes and stud owner has had a look and had a hard time trying to feel for anything and the bitch wasn't happy about being examined. Maiden bitch so she isn't giving any real definate signs away. We have found she has put on weight, been a bit off colour somedays. She did have a discharge just after her season finished. Nipples are slighlty pinker, not really noticable. We can do a Xray for $140 after 8 weeks, but i'm letting nature take it's course. We either are going to have little babies or not, test aren't going to change that. It would be nice to know numbers and get a definate confirmation, but we'll work on idea she is pregnant and if she is having a phantom we will try again in 6 months.
  19. Congrats on your wins. We bumbed out at Noorat, my boy was unwell and i withdrew him Saturday and took him home. He appears to made a quick recovery. Must get his neck/back looked at as he his walk isn't quite right, seems to be a bit stiff and sore up around the shoulder area on the left hand side. Anyone have the number of a good chiropractor for dogs it would be greatly appreciated. The guy we deal with is no longer about in this area.
  20. Sounds to me like she wasn't ready on days 9-11. You should keep the male around and test her acceptance of him daily when it gets to this stage of the heat cycle. When she is ready, she should actually tease him and back up to him. You will see her tail move up and to one side which is a good sign she is ready. It only takes the one try to conceive. 15-20minute tie is a good effort. So if it isn't meant to be then be glad you got the one tie. My maiden cavalier girl only accepted our selected stud once and afterwards she wouldn't have a bar of him. We are looking forward to puppies in April.
  21. As the others have told you it's a matter of having first hand proof that the dogs are suffering or being used outside the rules and regulations. Dogs Victoria will not be able to act if your information is a verbal conversation (hearsay)and will require some form of physical evidence to back your claim. Unfortunately in the breeding world we do get disreputable breeders and also people who set out to tarnish others reputation by making up stories, it goes without saying it's dishearting. If you go firsthand and visit this so called puppy farm and take a friend, you'll have a eye witness to your allegations and may get further in procedings.
  22. Oh what a bummer. Fingers cross that the ultrasound is wrong. Our girl seems to be getting slightly larger accross the back and a little lethargic on some days. I think the stud owner might look at her over the week and give her verdict. She is pretty clever lady who is more experienced at picking up on the pregnancy signs. Goodluck everyone expecting.
  23. Sicking isn't it. There are others "registered" puppy farms running that are just as bad, along with non-registered. Needs to be harsher punishment, its a joke that a animal life is worthless in the eyes of the law. Dont ya just want to give those pugs a big cuddle ...plus a bath!
  24. Nothing to report, bit tied and lethargic. It's been rather warm climate wise which could be contributing to her status. No visable signs to indicate there is puppies brewing. Bit early to tell, we are 17 days from mating. Only got one tie, 25 minutes. We are hoping it was enough! Kimba sure looks a happy mum to be.
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