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Everything posted by Cavalblaze

  1. Back from Vets. They couldn't find anything physically wrong with her except that her nipples are three times the size of normal dogs, therefore the little ones are struggling to get a feed. She also isn't the best mum at present wanting out of the room however she is bond to the whelping box . As a precaution measure, they have given her a antibotics and i am expressing to avoid masitis. My friend said the room temp is fine and it's just mum that is singling out the strongest and weakest puppies is evident at present and i need to be wary of that. Puppies welfare...., little ruby will be parting us in the next few hours i beleive. As she can not hold her own head up she cannot be tube fed, and all i can do is express and suringe feed as the smallest teat size for bottle feeding is too big for her. She is fighting but isn't improving. Black /tan i will persue with expressing and bottle feeding. She at least can suck and has a better chance. The struggling ones have had antibotics and fluids given under the skin. The remaining 3 rubies i will continue to top up with formula or express as per advised. They are looking ok at present but i'm very concerned and will be monitoring them.
  2. Off to the vets, she just vommitted everywhere. Something aint right.
  3. I haven't calcuim supplemented as yet, she has a good supply of milk, it;s leaking out but I will be looking into that. No puppies that I can feel are remaining and no discharge, temp or anything to suggest that there is a physical problem. I let her outside for a break and she came back in refreshed and did take them on but she got up when i lefted and wants out again. I just need to get a baby sitter and then i can lay beside the whelping box and spend all day there reassuring her. At present I'm home alone, I've got my youngest daughter 19 months and i can't get a good run to stay there without my kid complaining or getting into mischeif. Calling for a babysitter and again no bloody answer. So fustrating. I also could be that she could be getting upset by my interferrence, and that my scent is getting put on the puppies, she seems to be less interested. She is toileting them, it's just the feeding she is not resting enough for them to attach long enough for a full feed. At least now they are warmer, i've raised the temp of the room and given more heat and the pups are comfortable.
  4. I have had a terrible night. I lost a black and tan pup , Lele just refused her last night dispite me consently checking and assisting, she died early this morning. Mia (Ruby) is fading away 120grms this morning, and the other little black and tan is struggling. I've given them nurtigel, hand feeding by syringe and also trying to get mum to take them on. Lele is not feeding them consistantly, she won't relax, pushes them away and only the strongest are managing to keep up. She just wants to go outside and then she comes back in and just looks at them. I've given her a mixture of condense milk/egg/honey this morning, 4 chicken necks and she has finally eaten. I've got a friend who is a experienced Lab breeder letting me borrow her heat lamp, figure that is a better option than the heat mat as the pups are left by themselves alot and they are getting too cold. I'm just guttered this morning. :p Any help or advise would be appreciated.
  5. PUPPIES HAVE ARRIVED. 3 Ruby girls, 1 Ruby boy, 2 black and tan girls. Yep 6 puppies, not 4 as the ultrasound showed. We are battling to save the littlest Ruby girl, birth weight of 135grms, she is a fighter so fingers cross. Sorry for not posting earlier but I'm having a hectic day.
  6. Thanks everyone, One of our littlest ruby girls isn't doing as well as the others but she is hanging in there. I've called her Mia and her photo is attached. I just wanted to say a big thanks the Bilbo Baggins. It's so great to have the support and reassurance. Yes having 5 girls was a shock, my husband believes there is something in the water. I wanted a girl for myself so I'm pleased to have them. Here is a poor quality photos i took this morning.
  7. Correction.... 6 puppies, 1 male Ruby. Breached but doing well after aspirating.
  8. 5 puppies born 11.30 - 1.00pm I have 5 girls, 2 black/tan & 3 rubies. Slight mismarks of white on chest but overal good. Weight ranging 135grm - 195grms. Off to vets, missing placentas
  9. Thought Lele was going to go into labor last night but as it turns out I was wrong. I was awake all night, waiting, watching. Think i managed 3 hours sleep. She is nesting and urinating alot, restless and her temp has dropped to 36.9 last night before bedtime but i haven't been able to get a reading this morning as hubby flew out the door this morning and it's a two person job. Funny enough she wanted chicken necks (loves her food). She has milk, able to squeeze her top nipples. So i beleive I'll be posting news within the next 24hours.
  10. I got it too, I think the email list has been created from DOL listings.
  11. Definately worth another scan, to put your mind at rest. 7th June will come quick enough. Best of luck!
  12. They took Mimi in for the U/S and the vet said no one hear knows how to use it so we'll have to palpatate her instead Two vets felt her and said yes she is definatley pregnant with a few babies in there! She's due end of June/beginning of July. I am only just confident enough to say I think Vanilla is pregnant as she's beginning to get thick through the body. She's been showing behavioural differences like wanting heaps of fussing and strokes. She's been laying in bed for the last couple of weeks also, I have to drag her out as she's too comfy to get up! She began a funny little habbit of nibbling at her front legs whilst in bed at night prior to us falling asleep. If I stroke her she stops but as soon as I stop she nibbles again, very quirky So if she has taken from the first mating she would be due about 23rd June. She has been mated to grandad Deej who is 12 this year. Congrats, you will busy if Mimi and Vanilla are both in whelp. 12 year old stud and still producing the goods, thats a good effort! Good luck June's deliveries! Shall we all be blessed with healthy puppies.
  13. We are feeding 3 meals a day plus cheese and other snacks throughout as she at my feet begging for food. She refuses to eat puppy kibble or can food so she is on the finest human food I can provide. I know exactly that she was 7.5kilos when we had her ultrasound at 30days. She is now around 9.2kilos with one week to go. Her weight gain has eased off a bit. She had a stage were she was packing on the weight and I was a bit concern. We have 4-5 pups showing on ultrasound. I can't seem to keep her still long enough to feel or see the pups move She normally is a lap dog but since pregnant she rather wiggly and uncomfortable to postion herself. Everything seems to be going along fine, hopefully next week I can share some puppy photos. Wish me luck, my first time "flying solo" whelping a litter. All very exciting and stressful at the same time.
  14. That is great news!!!!!! I have been popping in here many times a day, wanting to see this message and now it is here! Keep up that good healing Jed. Diddo, so glad to hear Jane is making a postive progress. Be very happy to see her back in the forums again.
  15. Well done, not the best outcome but certainly a glimmer of hope. Breaks your heart to hear the poor baby animals suffering. As for the sale of pregnant guinea pigs don't be suprised if the store mated these on purpose as some parents like the kids to experience the birth of animals and also if they can get $40 for a guinea pig thats more $$$ in sellers there pocket. Remembering these folks aren't promoting for animal health, they are there for dollar value only. Im upset today too, seeing on a online pet sales advertisement 6 week old Cavalier puppies "ready for new homes", each with birth defects. Another case of BYB.
  16. Yep we have a Ultrasound at 30 days and 4 clear blobs showed up but there was a possible fifth which is a shadow behind which the vet said he couldn't get a good veiw of. Lele has whelped under her previous owners but this is her biggest litter, for a small cavalier she is carrying well. She is 5 years old and retiring afterwards. I'll be delighted with 4 but would 5 is a bonus, hopefully within the litter a healthy girl for me.
  17. 2 weeks to go and counting. Trimmed her feathering under her belly and legs, whelping box is ready and I've got everything set up. Nipples are enlarging are just about touching the ground as she wattles about. She gracefully wonders about the house, looking for food! She is pounding on the weight, 9.2kilos today from 7.5kilos before in whelp. Photo isn't great but it's a large belly full of growing babies.
  18. Danny at hampton vet hospital = best. pm if you want his number, but i think you will be able to google it good luck scout Thanks, she has found a clinic who has been recommended for the procdeure. The ligagemt is RUPTURED. .
  19. :p How bloody horrible, I am completely shattered to hear the news. Best wishes for Jeds recovery and that of her suriving animals. RIP for those that were sent to the rainbow heaven.
  20. Yes TPLO is what has been recommended. As we have researched the larger clinics to discover that it is the going price for this particular procedure and somehow she is just going to have to find the extra cash to get it done.
  21. Yes I do agree, she is happy to pay $2000, just $4000 is just a bit more than she anticipated. The consulting surgeon said the price was higher due to his size. Her vet will not carry out the procedure, he referred her to this specialist which is were the quote is from. I guess you can say he is oversized Golden Retriever, large scale giant! He would be 40kilos plus. He is slightly over weight, not excessive. He is big frame, huge feet. Walks daily, loves his walks. I can't say he is super fit, he doesn't do any agility or advance exercising. I hoped that someone might have had a large dog and could recommend a good vet or specialist that could carry this out within price range. He is 8 years old and is a lovely pet. She wants to give him a quality lifestyle without the discomfort he is currently in.
  22. My sisters 8 year old Golden Retriever slipped on the wet steps and has suffered a cruciate ligament injury. She has had him to a specialist which quoted $4000. She has asked if anyone can recommend a slightly cheaper vet/surgeon to carry out this procedure.
  23. Yeppey....Puppies. Told you she would go in the godly hours of the night....haha... Congrats on the lovely new additions. Have a rest and don't forget to post some photos of your new family members. 2 tri Boys, 1 Blenheim Boy, 2 Tri Girls......how lovely.
  25. Thanks everyone, will keep you all updated. This is my first time whelping on my own, already up half the night worring Sorry, forgot to meantion due first week in June. 2ND-5TH June, all colours expected (tri, blenheim, ruby, blk/tan) as I mated her with my black and tan boy. Good pet homes lined up for them so hopefully we have a trouble free whelping. Lele has had puppies with her previous owner without any complications. I've got my mentors number and several breeders on speed dial plus the vet just in case.
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