I had never heard anything about dogs not being able to eat macadamia nuts, and figured that perhaps I wasn't the only one so thought I'd make a thread about it.
A couple of weeks ago we'd left a bowl of nuts on the coffee table in the lounge room, and our dog decided that she wanted to eat some of them.
My son came out and told me that she'd eaten some and I thought it was cute, so told him that he could hand feed her some
Well she loved the things!!! And the cashew nuts.
But then my husband got home and looked up the internet only to find that macadamia nuts are a BIG no no for dogs :D
Oh dear, thankfully she hadn't had too many, but I was watching her like a hawk all night just incase something happened to her.
I had honestly never heard that before and I believe that I am someone that is fairly knowledgeable about dogs and their health etc.
Anyway just thought I'd put it up here incase anyone else was planning on giving their dogs macadamias, it's a bit embarrasing to admit and might make me sound dumb for all I know but I'd rather someone else learn from my mistake.