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Everything posted by BIG-DOG-LOVER

  1. I was wondering the same thing!!!! I love 'artsy' photos
  2. I love your wedding photos Cosmo, so sweet
  3. Claude and I...... My 'lap' dog And one of the first photos of Claude and I, taken only a few days after getting him, hence the gigantic smile on my face
  4. Oh really???? I'd be interested to know also...
  5. It's a terrible position to be in, but as the human, sometimes a decision has to be made by us We had to say goodbye to our GSD girl on the weekend. She had been going downhill rapidly over the past few months and then more recently lost control of her bowels. We knew it was nearly time for her to go but still were putting it off (for our sake). On Sunday morning I went to give her some left over spaghetti bolognaise sauce (which she loves) and she didn't walk up to eat it as normal so I placed it under her nose where she proceeded to sniff it but not eat.......that was the moment that I 'knew', and went and spoke with my husband. The hardest thing was as soon as we put the lead on her she to take her to the vets she was very excited and was the same at the vets.....vet said this was normal and was just adrenaline kicking in. It's not a decision that we took lightly and was exceptionally hard to have to do (first time I've had to make the decision), but we knew it was best for her that she got a chance to rest. Hugs to you as I know exactly what you are going through.
  6. Congrats Lynai and Wowsa. He certainly is growing up quickly and looking stunning as always
  7. It's hard to believe he is 77kgs, photos just don't portray the true size of them hey? He's just as gorgeous as ever.
  8. Oh she is just adorable - congratulations to you Wishing you loads of fun and happy times together
  9. "Wowsa" is the perfect name for him, cause gosh he is humungous already He's looking amazing Lynai
  10. Gorgeous shots, I love gorillas and monkeys they are such awesome creatures, I can watch them for hours whenever I get a chance to see some. Love your work
  11. Good on you Sway I don't think my Saint would be very good doing ET's
  12. Happy half birthday Wowsa I so wish I could come and visit him!!
  13. Awwww gotta love that face He is devine Lynai! (and doesn't your son look cute on the High School Musical bean bags ) The window thing reminds me of when my son was playing Bob The Builder at the age of 2 and tapped the window with a hammer and broke it Couldn't be mad at him as I was the one that left the hammer in his reach Are you going to get any Chrissy photos of the dogs???? Can't believe Wowsa is 5 months old already - gee the time flies!
  14. Can't comment on the trend of profiles for Saints (or any other breed) but I must say that I love the stockier look of both Mastiffs and Saints - the chunky heads are the best
  15. Great photos once again Lynai - it's great watching him grow
  16. Wowsa is looking exceptionally good In the photo where he is sitting with your son his facial expression is gorgeous - looks so inquisitive!! I love the solid mastiffs as well, there seems to be a lot of different structured mastiffs over here and the good ones are few and far between IMO.
  17. Just what are you implying???? Admittedly I am blonde
  18. Was having a bit of a panic that's all, but after I'd calmed down I did some research myself so thought it best not to bother everyone with another 'how do I fix this' question
  19. 6 weeks isn't long I know. It all seemed to be going ok though. Yep we hand feed them treats together and they are fine with that (well so far, can never say never )
  20. Indeed Amen to that. Aged dogs can also be forgetful of previously existing rules. You may need to help her out a bit more now. Thanks both of you for your help
  21. Thanks Persephone, Good points there. Yep I will make sure I pick up their bowls. They get feed their bones separately but I just didn't even think that normal feeding time would be a problem. 'Tis all a learning experience
  22. When you put it like that I guess I may have over reacted (or at least reacted to the wrong dog...) Thanks poodlefan
  23. Try www.clickerlessons.com - I printed off the lessons from their site to have a look at and they are pretty easy to follow
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