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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Seen the Caesar Youtube where he pushed a Lab to the point it bit him and hard and wouldn't "submit" to him. Makes for interesting and somewhat disturbing viewing.........
  2. What on earth were they even trying to achieve????? Idiot
  3. If I owned the attacking dog it would be euthed immediately. Having said that if I had a dog aggressive dog it would be managed do it couldn't escalate. I have had one of mind taken out literally thrown nearly six feet after a large dog tboned him at speed then stood over him. Luckily it stopped there He was in the middle of training for agility and was running at speed, looking at me. I guess some would say he asked for it as his speed and movement could have provoked predatory behaviour in the offending dog???? Yeh right!!!!! I too wonder at a person would can leave a scene caused by their dog that leaves a severely distressed and injured dog with as equally distressed owners. What a sad reflection on today's society. I do wonder if the potential fines / jail time these days is a factor in that.
  4. I am looking at stocking it but also feeding it to the cats and using it part time with the dogs :) Thanks for the heads up, the price is quite expensive and that is what is making me um and arr about it. K9 Natural is freeze tried and they have a complete food and a green tripe. Also made in New Zealand.
  5. I am doing some research on the Ziwipeak and K9 Natural range and thought what better place to ask for peoples thoughts and opinions than on DOL. So sock it to me, the good, the bad, the so-so's please :) Oh and I am also researching the Ziwipeak cat food as well :)
  6. Banding isn't chopping portions of tails off. I agree - if these agligations are correct, prove it or get rid of it from the letter. To use unsubstanitated stories such as these is extremely unprofessional. While I understand the if we can't crop then so what if we can't dock, puppies are cropped at a much older age so it is far easier to leave a dog uncropped than it is a dog who would have been docked or banded at a few days old.
  7. My dogs are fed whenever. Their main meal is in the evening, it could be between 6pm and midnight. I never have a set time for feeding. Sometimes they get a treat or bone in the mid morning, sometimes not. My dogs are fed after they have been laying around in the house for a bit and never after, even though I now have a breed that is not prone to bloat. Leash walking is not like hooning around 5 acres twisting and turning though. A gentle lead walk I wouldn't be too worried about
  8. Oh Caz, those photos are gorgeous. I am so glad that they will be held accountable even if the fine is so small. I hope the press release comes off as you would like it to. You have done such and amazing job getting Buddy's story out there and getting the grooming salon held accountable even though you are grieving. You are made of tough stuff. Gorgeous, gorgeous Buddy.
  9. Interestingly Lewis is very quiet while awake but the noisiest when asleep, he has done small howls but mainly yipping, paddling and growling- which can be very loud!!! Rommi rarely does it but it is yipping and growling for her, never howling :)
  10. In Autralia there are no required tests for Whippets as yet, In the US they test for multiple things including hearts, thyroid, eyes etc
  11. I have seen hundreds of dogs bitten by snakes mainly our common black snake the Tiger Snake. I have rarely seen a dog react to antivenin and never seen one react so severely it has caused death. Normal protocol at our vet hospital is to give Histantin when treating with anti-venom to ensure that any reaction is stopped or minimised. We have also treated dogs whom have been bitten without testing for envenomation first. None of those dogs ever reacted severely. Not all clinics carry venom detection kits. I have also seen dogs come in purple as they are that paralysed they cannot maintain their own airway, amazingly many of these walked out days later after aggressive treatment. I guess what I am saying is yes our snakes are deadly but you got him there quickly, he is getting treatment and it will knock him around but chances are looking good for your boy. Everything crossed here.
  12. Lots of googling and a vibration collar. Looks much like a correction stim collars but you can use it kinda like a clicker to mark behaviour and they don't have to be looking at you to know they have done the right thing. From everything I looked up ages ago for a friend with a deaf dog they had a very ugh success rate.
  13. I hate vaccinating every year - I wouldn't do it but for the damn kennel requirements! Most kennels would accept trienniels wouldn't they? At least that is less vaccinations than doing it yearly
  14. Hmmm many things that can affect longevity are determined before we get them. Give them a good diet, keep them lean and fit, I also do three yearly vaccinations not yearly. If you do all of those sorts if things then the rest is up to days and their genes
  15. My dog was once put down a place in the lineup due to his up and back, the judge told me he was lovely put on the up and back his legs were going everywhere - which they were. More training and only an issue now if I rev him up too much and forget to ask him to steady up before we gait off.
  16. There were so many stupid comments in that article I just shook my head, however I did look at Lewis and think hmmmmmmmmmmmm that could be dangerous. Love it when people pluck rubbish and numbers out of thin air put them together and create an apparent fact.
  17. If you have chosen your day to have her Euthanased ask for some pain kellers, you know she sn't happy, make her last few days as pain free as possible. It is a horrible situation and never gets any eaiser. I agree with a adage, one day too early rather than too late. I always aim to do that. Sometimes I ahve recieved blood results and euthed them then and there, or they have been fine in the morning and then by the afternoon we have no choice, but in otehr situations I alway remind myself it cannot be fixed, quality not quantity, and I owe it to them to let them go before they get very painful or distressed. I am so sorry you are going through this, it is so very hard mentaly and physically.
  18. Some of the owners comments are beyond stupid but yep the situation sucks. I was asked if someone could use my registered male over their non-rego'd bitch. I said no. They told me they would just wait until she was in season and out her in with him, I woudl never know. I told them they could try but if one hair was harmed on my dog they would be sued, they would also be sued for using my dog without my permission, not to mention any legal ramififcations. I then added, not to mention that would be after I had finished dealing with them myself!!! And they would have to get past a padlock. Needless to say they laughed said they were joking and left it at that. I would be livid if someone did that, not to mention all the other crap, imagine if they got injured or a disease that affected their fertility so they could no longer be used in your breeding program?? Why do people think they have the right to just take it because they want it. Really makes me cranky! They would be welcome to take on me, my baseball bat and my fury!
  19. I have met an 82 kg Rottweiler. He was at the higher end of the height scale but also morbidly obeses and did not live his natural life span. He died suddenly of a heart attack. WHy people want huge Rottweilers is beyond me...................
  20. I am happy to say a new vet that started at my local vet and is not too long out of uni has impressed me with each visit I have had with both dogs and cats. I must remember to tell the owner as I am impress with the fact he is up to date with latest recommendations and vaccination protocols, but also because he listens and is happy to be educated if he doesn't know a lot about something, ie conditions peculiar to hairless cats :) I hope they keep him :)
  21. Awww cute - Hope your are back home to take more tiny pony photos very soon WnH
  22. Yep I do and I leave them with the dogs at the kennels as well. Excpetions being small dogs, elderly or arthritic dogs and those that suffer from epilepsy. For those that cannot have clam shells or refuse to use them, I freeze the big plastic juice bottles full of water, wrap them in a towel and leave them on their bed. I find drapped puppy dogs that are passed out fast asleep and not panting :)
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