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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. We currently have 3. We always say we will have 2 but over the years we always seem to have three, personally I want a fourth :) Currently we have the two Whippets 5 & 4 and the feral child working BC pup who has loads of beans and is going through the I chew EVERYTHING stage yesterday was the truck seat and the kids blow up pool toy, before that the tree , forgotten the rest :) he is always herding, the other dogs, the cats, the kids, kites, birds, bugs anything that moves gets herded. One Whippet is retired after TPLO surgery as she didn't come back as sound as I thought/would have liked so I don't train her any more. Lewis is the only one I am training a lot, I do little bits with the BC but his main job is sheep herding which I don't do. I think the facilities you have makes a difference also. I have yards and runs and crates which can be used to seperate dogs if and when required or they all bunk in on the lounge. I currently have 16 in the kennels and due to how things are set up that is easy managed as well.
  2. Although I haven't actually flown a dog - yet - with Wayrod I have to say every email and message I have ever sent has been answered in a timely fashion - once at around midnight eastern states time - and he has been extremely helpful. He is certainly my first port of call when airline travel is required, and I would happily recommend him to anyone.
  3. I have owned a few bitches so here goes. First Bitch Rottweiler - desexed at 8 months, buy 12 months had incontinence, euthed at 3 years due to Quality of life issues due to OCD Second Bitch Dobermann - desexed at 6 years after she had a caesar, then got an infection and got desexed in a rather short timeframe! Was incontinent by around 7 1/2 to 8 years of age, had a small cyst on a teat but that was it, died at almost 12 from DCM. Third Bitch Dobermann - Had an open pyo at 5 years of age, started in the last few days that her season finished, was treated then she was speyed before her next season. Was incontinent by 6 years of age, treated her on and off for it until she died at 8 and a half from DCM Fourth Bitch Whippet - just turned 5, entire no issues so far, will be desexed by 6 years of age or there abouts. I am not looking forward to it as all my bitches have had incontinence to some degree within 18 months of desexing. I am choosing to desex her to make sure she cannot be misnated when she is too old to have babies, not having seasons is easier, no having to be locked up kept away from the entire males etc and also to avoid any potential infections.
  4. The couple of trials I have had so far have been two full days plus And a much smaller kennel and no day care
  5. What fantastic news, things can end up in the strangest places!!!!
  6. Thank you for sharing Charlie's story. He was an amazing little dog which showed with his last ride to the vets. You guys are amazing. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of Charlie's, and your lives. RIP little fella. One in a million
  7. normal kennel = dogs have individual run or are in a run with their own family members at owners request, are exercised by themselves or with their own family group - for no extra charge - and have heaps of human interaction and play - for no extra charge -, eg ball throwing, frisbee throwing etc. They are exercised in a dog yard that has chainmesh so therefore can see and interact with dogs through the fence.
  8. know the right people you can get pretty much anything!
  9. I have seen quite a few stoned dogs in my time, usually they had stolen hash cookies or got into compost (Mull butter or old plants) or garbage guts it. Occassionally a curious dog would get into a teenaged childs supply who would swear black and blue it had nothing to do with them, but would then get a lift back or call afterwards to say they had checked and the dog had found their stash. One dog had what seemed to be LSD poisoning after going with its owner on the weekend to his gardening job at the highschool. He threw up a small plastic packet that was quite chewed. Happens a whole lot more than you would think.
  10. Was it her legs that she couldn't get in the correct position or was her back making it impossible if you get what I mean? Under a GA unless there is a physical reason why they legs/hips cannot go that way then they should. I would consider a second opinion of the films and toss up whether or not it would be worthwile - I know its another GA - but in time getting her GA'd and xrayed at another clinic. If they hips were not aligned correctly they may be covering up a potential issue.
  11. Or the Shihtzu X Lhasa that was blind at 3 from hereditary illness???
  12. I have also seen some reports and the facebook page. Yes ours is made here, but I would still stay away from using the product until a full and thorough independant investigation is held. It does seem thyat a lot of dogs ahve become unwell adn the standard answer given out on their facebook page is severly lacking. You may think the FB page is trash and it may well be, but the complaints are written there by average owners who have not been given answers that don't sound like "we are just sweeping this under the carpet." I quite often work on - where there is smoke their is fire". Very rarely I have been wrong
  13. All my dogs are seperate and I have had some people do trials. It's more to see if the dogs stresses unduly than to see if they get along with other dogs.
  14. What a good split of colour, well done Furia :) Very healthy looking babies, mum is doing a great job.
  15. You don't need luck :) You will have it sorted very soon I am sure. Good to hear Roo is coming along and no Rome wasn't built in a day :) Little Roolets will chill with time :) YOua re doing a great job.
  16. Our male was done at 8 and he had massive testicles. The scrotum was not removed and over time it shrunk back to a little "fold of skin" In over 15 years I have never seen the scrotum removed in any dog of any age where the castration was routine. I also question why the dog was desexed prior to bring given back to you his owner. Rehomed to someone else yes I can understand, but not back to his owner.
  17. To me it it sounding more like a tantrum and I can get out, rather than I am very very stressed and beyond thinking and break out. Best of luck and I am sure Nek will have you on the straight and narrow very very shortly.
  18. Yep they have no idea. Sounds like you and your girl have been through the wringer. I hope you get some sleep and everything settles for you.
  19. The dogs attacked dragged and pulled down people. Regardless of how they behaved in the ring, they were dangerous not properly contained and out of control causing some people to be seriously attacked, quite simple I would have thought.
  20. There are kennels out there who accept titre testing, three yearly vaccinations and vets signing off on yearly vacc's for three years :D. Maybe try asking :)
  21. SOunding very positive :) well done to you, Nek and Roo
  22. Doesn't look very nice Hope it isn't worst case senario, all finegrs and paws crossed. I have said many times to owners the dogs cope fine etc etc, but yeh totally different kettle of fish when it's your own
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