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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I would never say no to a dog breed that sheds, however it is a consideration when I am looking at breeds and was a deciding factor when it came down to three breeds I was finding hard to seperate. I wouldn't buy a dog with a coat like a GSD or Lab and have it in the house, it would do my head in, so therefore as much as I like them I wouldn't own one as it wouldn't be fair on the dog. I would prefer to have say a Lagotto or Poodle coat and keep it essentially clipped off - which I can and would do myself. I have found medium length coated BC's lose some hair but nowhere near as much as the breeds I previously mentioned so could see myself with a coat like that.
  2. You would need a very secure area to leave a Whippet when you were not there i.e inside or a secure dog run or secure yard. Mine come with me around the property, are well socialised with stock but are not permitted to go into paddocks with stock. They only go into paddocks when invited or taken in on a bike or in a vehicle. They never went in with the horses as I had one who would stomp on them as soon as look at them. They do come on the bikes etc when we move stock. They have had pet lambs raised with them - yes they play and all go for walks together. They of course and not left with lambs etc without supervision. They sould liek they would tick many boxes.
  3. Have you contacted the Boxer club in your state? They may know of a Boxer rescue, also have you contacted his breeder? That should be the first step.
  4. So the first and second had one mating and the third had two? Were they prog tested? Or once mated they were separated?
  5. Mine doen't seem to show that it affectes them in anyway, and as they are shown rarely they have whiskers for ages between having them clipped off. I have cats with no whiskers and they are not affected either and are far more agile than the cat with Whiskers. So I am also guessing it can be what they are used to to a degree.
  6. Do you mate them once daily, every second day? while a bitch is standing. Do you mate them once only, twice only? Do they run with the bitch so mate as often as they please? Is this generally multiple times a day or do they settle into once or twice daily. If you do once or twice only matings is this done because they are prog tested? Or do you do it that way regardless. Do you feel that any particular way of doing things impacts their sperm negatively or do you think that you should only mate them X amounts of time so as not to make their sperm count potentially drop?? Anything else you would like to add please feel free. Just something I have been thinking about and seems the people I have aksed all have different ideas so I would like to hear yours, please :)
  7. Apart from the cropped ears that is generally what is done here as well as trimming along all seams in the coat, so where the coat meets down the side of the neck and also from the carpal pad to the large paw pad on the front legs, and when docked, the underneath and end of the tail to make sure there were no straggly hairs. I do shirts on the Whippets, whiskers and any straggly hairs around the ears. ETA and of course trim nails, make sure teeth are clean and wash them :)
  8. I have only had baby's/toddlers with my Whippets. They are brilliant and although kids and dogs were both trained in correct behaviour there were one or two occassions I turned around to see a toddler lying on a Whippet - child got told off and dog got praised - and they were very good with them. I think Whippets in general are very good dogs for families. Lewis was news the other day and walked around then stood very quietly and patiently while 24 pairs of hand patted him and felt his fur and generally made a fuss of him.
  9. Yay :) Am watching with interest and excitment :)
  10. Clinical signs of 1080 poisoning are usually noticed within half an hour of ingestion, although symptoms can take more than six hours to manifest. Initial symptoms include vomiting, anxiety and shaking. These quickly develop into frenzied behaviour with running and screaming fits, uncontrolled paddling and seizures, followed by total collapse and death from cerebral anoxia. Rigor mortis sets in quickly. Yes it is a horrendous poison and a terrible way to die Having seen more than one dog suffering exactly like this I would euth my dog ASAP if I knew they had taken a 1080 bait. No way I would put them through that.
  11. From memory Rommi didn't weight near for a reasonable while and none of her other joints are/were affected, she is just a woose. Hope he is feeling better soon
  12. Have heard others use something like this http://www.surfpet.com/shop/petsafe-dog-agility-weave-pole-guides-pdt00-11034/
  13. I have seen people use that plastic square trellis stuff with curtain hooks at each end, cut to size that then go on the appropriate poles.
  14. Mine was the same :) she layed there snoring then when woohooo fooooodddd!!!!! With Greys the ones that do not leave are basically bled dry. Some vets have a resident blood donor who does regular donations. Many do not.
  15. My Rotti was a blood donor on quite a few occasions. She went to work with me so was only a door away if we needed blood very quickly. She used to get tinned food after - her favourite treat :)
  16. i had a small smile not long ago when I was discussing my cats and the food I had changed them to - VAN. He wrote it down to google it! Hmmmmmm He was oh right when I said raw meat then asked what the VAN name was so he could write it down. I would have thought lots of people would know about VAN??!!!! Talk to your breeder and choose the food that suits them :)
  17. I would do one then the other if and when I needs it and not before
  18. Yes I wondered that and yes I feel the same about Advance, better than Supercoat, not as good as many others :)
  19. Really. Wonder were he heard that from!! What does his clinic sell? Personally I think BH is better than Advance, however as in most cases, I am sure some will disagree.
  20. There are certainly those types around Pers - not an unreasonable thought. :) Yep I am a tried and true cynic as well - that was my first thought. I hope your boy is okay and it is nothing sinister.
  21. No, many moons ago we had a Rotti with OCD of the elbows and hocks as well as HD. That is all we know of.
  22. Oh yes the waiting room vigil, that was such a comfort. Smoke alarms are very important mine went of randomly one night -scared hell out of me - not sure what the issue was but thankfully no fire, but it was that loud which I was glad of as I was out of bed in a flash - concerning thing, kids slept through it!!
  23. That was also me being over cautious as she did her cruciate after colliding with one of the other dogs at speed.
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