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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Yes I believe dogs can be born with a temperment not suited to living with humans or living in our society as it stands. Not sure what I would call it, more likely aggressive than mean. Having conducted PPS classes over many years there are some puppies that turn up that just blow you away with their reaction to things, you get everything from fear to totally cruise and very occassionally downright aggressive. Humans are mammals we are certainly not all born with the same temperment, so I would not expect a dog to be. I believe the percentage of dogs born that way is small and most are a result of the environment, most can be managed with a knowledgable owner and correct training, however I believe some should be removed from our society. Some dogs are just born with their wiring mixed up. Good breeders will only breed together solid temperments and avoid a dog with a squirrelly temperment, for good reason.
  2. Alternatively maybe start them on a smaller amount for a few days until they get used to the taste a little more? May not make any difference? But might help :)
  3. Mine is such a pig she doesn't care but yes I have heard other people say they mix it in well
  4. Thank goodness he is much better. Lots of hugs and especially from my Lewis to your Louis :)
  5. Just recently I mated mine. I allowed them together each morning. The first two days she stood, was a bit grumbly at it but allowed him to mate then yelled bloody murder when they tied - for a short time - then settled. All their ties were between 20 and 30 minutes. She ended up standing for 7 days total but there were 4 where she was a absolute tart and her diff got locked into reverse into his chest until he obliged. I was quite suprised they mated over a week, but I wanted to mate them as long as they were both happy to stand, no prog testing etc. The last day she stood, she allowed him to mate but grumbled and wasn't too happy with the tie again so I didn't put them together after that as I though a week was more than enough anyway! Bloody pigs :) I was wondering if a bitch allowing mating over 7 days happens only if they were just a bit odd. The only bit that is a little annoying about it is the fact the birthing can happen over a much longer time but this time I wanted to cover as much of the potential conception time as possible. Not only that but prog tests are expensive down here and it takes until the next arvo to get results, so I chose nature this time. Now the waiting game begins.......
  6. Mine is on Both Cartrophen and Rosehip stuff as well. Her cartophen was three monthly then monthly when she was sore, but now I am going to play it by ear, she had one around a month ago and I will leave it as long as I can. I buy a few Cartrophen injections at a time - usually around 3 or 6 depending on intervals - or a whole vial when two animals were on it monthly- and give it myself when needed.
  7. Oh no poor boy, We are sending healing vibes and have everything crossed for Louis
  8. I agree the dogs should be destroyed. The rangers seemed to be handling the dogs in an effective yet calm manner, which under the circumstances was great to see. Any dog in a pack, especially one with inadequate boundries, has the potential to inflict harm and inflict great harm as seen here. Many people have a pack with no understanding of what that means and the extra responsibilties that comes with. You have more than on you have a pack. You have a large powerful dog you have added responsibilty, you have a pack of large dogs and you need to make damn sure they have effective boundries and control and there is no room for error. The fact that no-one died is amazing and a testament to the very brave souls that went to this mans aid, the did not give up or back down in what would have been a highly charged, very distressing and very dangerous situation. The dogs should be euthed and the owner dealt with extremely strongly. there is no place in society for these dogs.
  9. I took my Whippet to her second show my first, and her first obedience and agility trials with her when she was 3, I think, no younger than two anyway. They can go a good year between shows as of the last 4 or 5 years :)
  10. Yes it had added issues, I was 34 weeks pregnant when she died, then had a terrible time nearly died myself and really needed my dog. I think it took longer to get over due to not being able to grieve properly becasue of all the other stuff going on. I was angry for a very long time and vowed I would never own another Dobe.
  11. I know how they feel. Haven't watched all of it but I lost mine at 8 and a half. The same, it wasn't a suprise by then, but it was awful to get that diagnosis. I was very lucky in the fact I had her one month after diagnosis and got the time to say goodbye, many don't get that chance................
  12. Love these coats, where do you buy them? I made them myself from a pattern I drew up :) Clever girl, well done, I'm jealous :laugh: Would you like a copy?
  13. call her whatever you like, give her lots of rewards when using her new name and in no time she will forget what her last one was :)
  14. Love these coats, where do you buy them? I made them myself from a pattern I drew up :)
  15. I would use old polar fleece blankets, less mess when a big hole gets chewed!!!! Looks a bit lumpier, but I hate having to pick up the white poly full after it has been spread around!
  16. Yes I agree. I remember a UK whippet club sent out a questionnaire to every whippet breeder and owner they could find in the UK. They got lots back and out of the Whippets who didn't die from old age, something like 80% died in accidents and 60% of those was from running into things at speed resulting in things like broken necks/backs etc. the numbers are probably not exact but pretty close from memory. That was a wake up call for me and yes I have had one Whippet run into a few solid objects including trees at speed. On another occasion two collided and one ended up requiring TPLO surgery.
  17. A friend who breeds JRT's has always said they write cheques with their mouths that their bodies can't cash. JRT'S were very popular down here quite a few years ago I worked in a vet hospital at the time. Most died from snakes and dog attacks.
  18. This is the shorter neck one, I have never had them get a leg through the neck on these
  19. This is the basic type of coat mine wear. This is double polar fleece, they also have the same but with a waterproof outer, batting and polar fleece and courdroy and polar fleece with a shorter neck
  20. I am thinking the same, until they take full responsibity for their part, there is no way I would let them have a pup of mine!
  21. MIne have coats on unattended. They are well fitting custom made and have extended necks. So far touch wood I have never had an issue with them coming lose, slipping or getting legs where they shouldn't be. They would freeze without them in winter.
  22. I am currently boarding a dog 6 weeks post ACL extracapsular repair!!! Luckily after the initial excitment she has been very easy to keep quiet :) It is hard on them but worth it in the end :)
  23. Not a position I would put my child in. Especially since my 5 yo had his face bitten by a dog he walked past, didn't look at or interact with at all the dog was a good 3 feet away, but he was close enough to the bed it was on for it to react. I was told afterwards it wasn't good with kids - nice to have known that well before!!!!
  24. If the dog and bitch are left to choose when to mate how many days do you find they mate over?
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