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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. It is in large or prolonged doses but not as a once off apparently.
  2. I don't see how it is the vets fault either. Not ideal, but did he not want to take the cat to an afterhours vet for whatever reason? He overdosed the cat big time, the vet gave him the correct dosage to administer. Admittidly Nurophen is not something most people who advise to give a cat but maybe that was what he had in the house and yes as a once off at the correct dose it wouldn't have been an issue. There is far more to this story than being told here. He has lost his cat which is awful and I really feel for him, however I do not see that the vet is at fault on this one.
  3. Why feel sorry for the dogs??? They don't care what they look like andprobably love all the extra attention they get during the grooming process and afterwards.
  4. So happy you like it!! I fiddled with his smile for ages, he spent some time looking like he had something evil planned hehe. oh no worries at all :) no pressure :)
  5. Brilliant, can't wait to see my boys if you get a chance that is :)
  6. Amazingly clever, but hmmm imaging walking them down the street :)
  7. Run, run run now, very fast, well away from these. They also have a BB as well as a Frenchie - sigh, wonder what monstrosities they manage to turn those breeds into.............
  8. Yep I doubt a bunny would stay hooked on a barb fence if not already dead. Personally I have always found the hanging of dead creatures on fences a bit odd and gross, but that's just me.
  9. Does anyone know anywhere I can get the old soft dry bed, used to only come in blue with blue backing, not hard bcking like stuff around today. Mine is giving up the ghost, only 20 years old!! My green backed vet bed isn't hard at all, but it's only a few years old. It is quite hard until you give it a few washes then it softens up :)
  10. Enabler *fist shake* Although maybe I did need some more anyway.. :rofl: :rofl: Maybe I should ask for commission :)
  11. Does anyone know anywhere I can get the old soft dry bed, used to only come in blue with blue backing, not hard bcking like stuff around today. Mine is giving up the ghost, only 20 years old!! I have only seen the green and rubber backed, but I have only had mine around 5 years :)
  12. They are going to get heaps of orders through today and go Huh????? Hehehe I meant to order mine last week, but yep forgot. They have some fantastic new colours and designs. I had to get cow print - couldn't resist :)
  13. Yes I had a lovely conversation with them last time I ordered which was quite some time ago now. Very helpful and great service. I have just ordered some more :)
  14. I have ordered some more vetbed, got most of my whelping kit sorted. Just have to build the whelping box now and we are set :) Much excitement :)
  15. In my house there is the steadfast rule that cats are never chased ever! Our dogs and cats get along really well but I never leave them together unsupervised. Boo our oldest cat lays with and smooches the dogs and will sleep by their dog runic they are confined - even in the rain at times. Any sniff her bum to hard, try to chase her or generally annoy crap out of her and she flogs them. Claws in the first time, then game on. Our working BC has even found the abity to ignore his chase instinct and gives her respectful distance. Harry we got as the naughtiest kitten ever and he and Lewis play quite happily but again always supervised just incase the inner Whippet tries to come out and treat him like prey. In October we got two adult cats who had never been around dogs. One is very laid back about everything do fitted in quite quickly, the other was a little more reserved but since Sphynx and Whippets both week out the warmest spot in the house, they are now often seen sleeping together. The Sphynx - one especially would flog any dog who decided to try and play too roughly or chase.
  16. Oh and thanks for reminding me I needed to order some more :)
  17. Peperone pet supplies, they advertise in the banner up the top or if you google them you will find their website
  18. Yes, I can get the ratios for you a little later if you like. VAN also have supplements for joint and skin issues which can help.
  19. You most certainly are not the people who just got rid of the dog because you had a baby. This is a whole 'nother matter entirely.
  20. I have to say after seeing the second part of your story that I would be euthanasing. It will be very stressful to try and keep them apart, the dog obviously does not like your baby. Your baby is very lucky that his injuries were not more serious. I realy feel for you. IT is such a hard situation to be in and no matter how many people tell you you are doing the right thing you will second guess yourslef and feel terrible. In the same situation I would euthanase.
  21. Hi Rally Valley, We are redesigning the puppy packs. I will PM you with some information :) Thanks :D Could I please have some info PM'd to me as well- we are having litters at around the same time :)
  22. The VAN website says 24 hours is recommended, if you have forgotten you can use hot water and it will do it in a hour I think? But yes it needs to be left the 24hours if doing it at room temperature. I personally don't like using the hot water as I wonder if it affects the mineral, vitamens etc
  23. Awww what lovely people we have on DOL. Glad this session was better for her. Lets hope the next three are as successful.
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