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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. If they are native animals go to the Dept of conservation - or whatever they are called these days
  2. Yep probably is copycats, doesn't make it any less stressful for MUP's friend
  3. Do whatever you need to do to keep your baby safe doggleworth. You are in my thoughts. Yep, same here. Agree. And me... T. Me too Me as well
  4. From experience I can tell you often the vet is blamed for the death of an animal - be it their fault or not. Event he receptionist or vet nurse can be blamed. People are hurting, they have suffered a great loss and they lash out. It is quite common. It also can cause great stress for those in the firing line but is something they have to try to cope with and not take personally, although that can be hard at times.
  5. Inside when they are around 50% dilated or above is when they are of different size, when she is outside in bright light they are both small and the same size. It seems to be the bigger they get the more noticeable it is
  6. Well outside they looked the same this morning, going to check them again inside. The pupil isn't constricted just a different size to the other one and acting normally. Will put her in a darker room and see what happens.
  7. She was laying on my lap in the lounge room, I could see both eyes so I wouldn't have thought the light would have been noticeably different???? I used a torch and they constricted and dilated as they should just at different sizes. I will check them again and check outside in the daylight She has not hit her head that I know of. She is mostly with me so while she may have and I don't know I would imagine she would be showing some signs of discomfort if she had
  8. Whippets are not particularly fragile. Mine have run into trees each other and other solid objects at speed somersaulted up to quite a few times, got up and kept going. Many friends have told me if there dogs did half of the acrobatics mine do they would never get up!
  9. We don't have a veterinary opthamogist within 750kms unfortunately We do have a vet though, no worries there. It's just freaking me out that there are no signs or soreness, injury or inflammation - that kinda leaves me with a brain issue or a cancer type of issue I hope there is a simple explanation!!!!
  10. I have Rommi sitting on my lap and I happened to look down and notice her pupils were of noticeably different sizes. The both react to like at the same rate ( well from what I can see with no correct equipment) there is no redness, discharge or history of injury at any time through her life. She is 5.5years and currently 6 weeks pregnant. Due to knowing there is no history or injury I am just freaking out a tad! Google was not my friend!!!!!
  11. I have no idea about Greyhounds? But I have had a few breeds of dogs and none of them have been overweight as the health risks are just too great for me to allow them to become overweight. Rommi has her food changed daily depending on if she has put on a little weight or lost it and also how much she has done i.e it been freezing and they have spent pretty much all day inside or they have been to the beach running for hours. Lewis generally eats what he doesn't and rarly much more so he is far less likely to become overweight but if he does his food is reduced by 25% until his weight drops again, same as with Rommi. They rarely vary more than 500gms above or below their ideal.
  12. Yes Steve that is what I was getting at. I do not believe they would make up a false story but they will use it as a chance to get more donations.
  13. Yep frustrating. Or the "well of course even my dog would do that if I bribed it or shoved food at it all the time" :banghead: Yep the food does it there is no skill or training involved at all!!!!!!!
  14. Glad she went well today, not good about the surgery though
  15. He is looking much more motivated and much happier. He has some animation happening which is great and you are walking faster which also helps, if you can motor a little farster again as he is a nice tall boy. Well done and a fantatsic improvement. One little thing I do is I really practice keeping their focus as I step off. It can sometimes be the hardest thing to do. If I take one step and their eye's or nose drop I stop, get their attention, reward that attention then see if I can hold it for one step then reward, then reward, two steps, then 5 then 2 then 7 then 4 etc etc etc.
  16. I didn't say they deliberately created a lie, I daresay somebody has reported what they have found or think they have found. The fact there is a news story on this is what I think has been done to peak peoples interest and therefore secure donations.
  17. Yes and the reason I have switched to it is my dog ended up with gastric bleeding from NSAID. If you were really concerned about having to give your dog unneccessary things I would concentrate on getting her weight right down and you may find she coped much better than she has been. Getting their weight down is a very cheap and effective way to reduce stress on joints and help with any lameness issues.
  18. The power they have in their back legs can snap their spines if they kick while being held around their chest with no support for their hindquarters. There is no way a rabbit would hang like that until it dies unless it was comatose. And honestly if the RSPCA had any idea they would know this or have considered it. They are trying to rustle up more donations by appealing to the general publics empathy.
  19. Rommi at 6 weeks, I am thinking there is a few more than the 3 they told us :)
  20. A couple of happy snaps :) Rommi is 6 weeks at the most today :)
  21. My green backed I have washed is soft now, but it was quite stiff for the first couple of washes
  22. I am sure those Poodles and other long coated breeds in full show coat would get more than an hours grooming in total before going into the ring.
  23. Yep mine came to work with me, but then again they do every day :) I didn't turn their heater on straight away so they were not happy!
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