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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. You have done the right thing. It would have been quite a shock got her, especially since the whole litter may be affected. Give her a little time, she will also be upset that your puppy is so unwell
  2. Ooooooh mor Fauve babies, let's hope you can come to a mutually agreeable location very shortly!
  3. Well done... no excuses or "he's never done that before" stuff... kudos to the owner for taking some responsibility, even though it's after an horrific incident. T. Yes agreed. The owner is shocked and devastated and it is good to see someone taking responsibility. I feel for that poor woman, so traumatic
  4. Oh and I am someone that over thinks and over analyses everything, so the decision I came to was not arrived at lightly. Their is no ripping out of a joint, their is no hacking of anything. My dogs and puppies health and happiness is at the forefront of every decision I make for them
  5. Removing dewclaws is something I am a little torn over. However not because removing them on a day old pup is cruel. If they can cause issues with tendons, ligaments then I want them on, other than that I want them off. Having groomed and worked in by hospitals for a long time left on there are many potential very painful issues and removing them on an adult dog is traumatic, painfull and drawn out. My babies got theirs removed, I sat in the whelping box, I felt worse for disengaging them from the milk bar than doing the dew claws. Over in seconds, no screaming, no blood, done in minutes, all babies back on the boob and happy. As for the joint, tendon issues I have had Rottweilers, Dobermanns and Whippets. All have had their dewclaws removed, all have done obedience and agility none have had any joint issues, none have had arthritic changes even when advanced in age. I haven't had issues with slipping, they can all chew very effectively on bones. Due to never having seen any joint issues in my own dogs I decided to do them. Far quicker and less traumatic than those I had seen done by vets. My oh said so when are you doing the toes, they were all finished and he hasn't heard a thing.
  6. Just put it on and feed them, then let them do their thing - and then they look very cute, like this :)
  7. Purdie, Whippets are dogs with no (none that I can smell) odour, even when not washed for a long time, so if needing a low odour dog is high up there I would consider looking at them. Mine go months between washes and still don't smell Also they do shed but very little. When mine are having a coat change they get a brisk scrubb over with a zoomgroom and that takes care of that. My OH is very sensitive to doggy odour and he can't smell them either.
  8. I would do a vasectomy then castrate down the track if necessary. I have entire dogs and bitches and in 20 years I haven't had an oops yet :)
  9. Sometimes. Sometimes they do need help no matter how relaxed they are how loved they are or how much you just let them do it themselves. Hopefully most times Yep, but my experience recently showed me that no matter how much you do things right they can still test you a little :)
  10. If the snake can get away it will, if it is bailed up it will be very defensive as its life is at stake, so it reacts accordingly. If a dog is that close to a snake that the snake feels the need to strike it will then keep going. If they are cornered they will rush at the person /animal that has them corned and strike
  11. Oh you f$&king imbisile!! No frigging idea not a bloody sceric
  12. MIne had eaten it with no worries, but they are also fine on the Lamb one
  13. Fingers crossed his results are good ones and you get to the bottom of his issues quickly.
  14. Hmmmmm I think it comes down to someone who is calmly confident and has no expectations of behaviour or strength and weaknesses. The dog feels that. Does it mean they would happily leave with them, nope I don't think so. Some people talk great dog and the dogs love it, they respond well - for that short period of time. Doesn't mean they want to run away with them. I have dogs come into the kennels that do or don't do things that they may not at home. I have washed, blow dried and trimmed a dogs nails - who apparently screams like it is dieing and throws it's self around if you bring the nail trimmers out. I just do it, I expect they will stand there and a vast majority do. I will have dogs follow me around and love me up and seem really happy. The owner walks throught the door and they blow me off, even after periods of 5 to 7 weeks.
  15. Sometimes. Sometimes they do need help no matter how relaxed they are how loved they are or how much you just let them do it themselves.
  16. My youngest has been snapped at twice by dogs. Once was his (and my fault) the other was no fault of his own he walked past a dog who perceived he was too close left its bed and snapped at his face. He for some reason has always been fine with our dogs but afraid of dogs he doesn't know. Their behaviour is totally different and dogs act different towards my two boys - the other is not worried about dogs but knows not to approach them. I believe that my youngest is more of a magnet to get snapped at because of his body language and behaviour than the oldest one. He would be wise to teach calm avoidance than fear If a dog goes up to my eldest he stands still and let's it sniff, if a dog goes to my youngest he panics, lifts his arms, his movements are jerky and his breathing pattern changes, he used to bolt to me but is getting better. We are working on it and I have no idea where it came from as we have always had dogs and he is fine with ours
  17. I don't have links to studies but the vets I worked with said to never supplement prior to whelping for the reasons Steve has stated.
  18. WTF you are not serious???!!! That is the sickest most insane, disgusting things I ahve ever heard. All of the gorgeous dogs that would be killed becasue of idiocracy. OUr Stafford died at 15 having never been an issue and was a lovely dog each adn every day of his life. What a disgrace.
  19. My vets do not get paid directly but I do have an account with them which never seems to get to zero!! Well it did once then scooted up to $700. If required I use a credit card and then pay it back off that.
  20. I fed and walked a dog for near on 15 years and one word from his master and I was blown off! He liked me enough but I still was not as important as my OH was.
  21. Yes I agree, however that is the info I was given when I asked. I think the idea was being looked at more from a treatment rather than a prevention. I am still not really sure myself, I haven't supplemneted as that is that advice I was given from a breeder and vet who has and breeds my breed, so I went with that. IT is something I ponder still though
  22. My dogs and I like to hang together, call it what you will but we have fun :)
  23. OSoSwift

    Dew Claws

    Good to see it is all sorted :)
  24. It is very disappointing. When I was working as a receptionist/groomer, the new grad vet was getting less than $10000 a year more than I was, and my wages while not the basic wage were not high. I had far less stress and responsibility than she did.
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