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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Ever seen what small dogs can do in a fight, I have. One small Aussie terrier cross was attacked by two Tenterfield Terriers - they all were from the same home. The little Silky cross survived - just. I don't care what breed of dog you have keep it on lead where it should be, have it off lead but under control in off lead areas and we will all get along just fine. Personally I don't care on the size, with a Whippet a biting JR can cause a lot of damage as can a Kelpie or bigger. Just this week down here a Cavalier was killed by a dog at our off lead beach. The other dog apparently saw the small dog from a few hundred metres away and ran at him at speed with the owner running and calling frantically. The attacking dog paid no heed. Two young children and their mum saw their dog mauled and that badly injured before them he died. The owner of the attacking dog said - oh he has never done that before. Now I believe that is crap either they are lying or have no bloody idea what their dog is telling them. That dog was not under effictive control and should never have been off a lead. This really strikes a cord with me as I occassionally take my Whippets to this beach, it could have been them.
  2. Yes mine is 1 metre by just a bit over a metre and it was a pain as the back was so stiff. I have washed it many times now and while it has softened it is still very stiff
  3. I have no issue with people having their dog offlead in a designated area. However if I call my dog to my side even in and offlead area I expect that others will/should do the same as I obviously don't want my dog to interact. If I allow my dog to stay running free then by all means allow your dog to run up to mine
  4. Around here people let their dogs out after 5.30 as the know the rangers are finished for the day. They lock them back in at around 6 am before any of the rangers are back at work. It's most frustrating. I do not appreciate having off lead dogs come up to mine full stop. Experience has shown me there are more not friendly to aggressive than there are friendly. I will soon be walking three Whippets, all on lead all under control. I expect the courteousy of others doing the same. Luckily I live on acreage so it is not something I have to worry about often, but sometimes we all go in, the kids take their bikes and we go for a walk around. It should have to involve dodging dogs or defending my dogs and kids from them.
  5. My dogs are very well trained and behaved. They will walk at heel with no lead. They will call off live prey. My dogs are walked on lead in and around town and built up areas where required to. Why? Because I know my dogs are not robots and I am not willing to risk something may cause them to not listen or stop thinking and then they get hit by a car or injured by a dog. I think too much of my dogs to risk that, I would never forgive myself.
  6. I washed mine and put it in the dryer so that reduced any fluff issues. I did find that the green backed stuff was quite hard and yes it does soften in time, but it takes quite a few washes and due to the size I found it a bit painful to wash/dry. The rubber backed was much easier to get into the washer dryer as it was far more pliable
  7. Oh definately I agree with you. I had similar issues - we only have one vet - I am just stubborn and stick to my guns, now trienniels are common place.
  8. At the end of the day you are the one who makes the final call on what happens with your dogs/s Tell them you will be having the trienniel vaccination and Kennel Cough yearly(if that is the way you wish to go) and they can like it or lump it really. They cannot make you do anything.
  9. I would say no they don't as black is not a dilute colour. They may well have alopecia, just not of the dilute variety.
  10. I do currently have seats in it, I am going to remove the last row but have no where mouse proof to store them right now. I did get in the back with the door shut and do lots of measuring and it won't fit, so looking at about option D :) It is the puppy I am most worried about so will concentrate on getting a crate for him that still leaves enough room for the other two. Since it is new I don't want him eating it!!
  11. The best price doesn't not mean the best vets or care. However it would be nice to have the choice. We have one vet hospital - used to have three - and while you have a choice if vets to a point, you don't have a choice of hospitals and some fees are very high, such as $180 for a triennial C3+CC. It would be great to have a choice
  12. Definitely wash, I had some towels then paper underneath but mainly because I have Whippets and they don't do anything but very squishy and comfy
  13. Heellooooo :) I will find piccies. We got an old Square tube Hessian sack bed frame. I bought a rubber ute liner from Bunnings -around $60 which would do a couple depending on the size. We then got some angle and used that and tek screws to hold it all together. I use it in the kennels with some serious destrusto's and so far none have been able to eat it. It is soft and suprisingly springy, warm, robust and disinfectable (loving my new words). The angle does quite go to the corners as we used what we had, but there are no sharp edges or corners and everything is rounded off I will try and find photos, be back shortly :)
  14. I am looking to get a crate that will fit in the rear cargo area of my new - well to me - Hyundai i-Max. I know the footprint of an XX-Large collapsible crate - 120L X 75W X 85H - will fit in the rear area, but I am wanting to know if one will fit in properly without rubbing on anything before I buy one. I want to put three whippets in it and will have a divider to separate the young delinquent from the well behaved older two. Does anyone have an i-Max and has put a crate of this size in successfully please. Thank you :)
  15. My babies were 8 weeks old on Sunday and the first one goes Thursday
  16. Yep see a trainer for training advice not a vet. It has been a huge day for you both so just take it one step at a time., 1.5 cups of dry food a day is an enormous amount for a dog that size. Over time when he drops some weight and gets fitter he should become more energetic.
  17. Definitely - puppies need to learn that to be alone is a good thing and the sooner it starts, obviously in small doses the better. My Whippet puppy people have been told this as well. Whippets love people and are velcro dogs so they need to have it reinforced from a young age that to be alone is not a bad thing.
  18. ANy puppy can dig, just a smaller hole for a toy puppy. If you are concerned go to bunnings and buy some mesh then get some tent pegs and peg the mesh down from the base of the fence. That way if puppy wants to dig out they have to dig right under the mesh and the fence
  19. Gorgeous photos and yes please keep going :)
  20. I would also be concerned if they have already found something to fight over and will be confined together. They can start quibbling over where to sleep be it a patch of dirt or a bed or kennel. Can you make it two runs? Then they can see each other but can have bones or treat balls etc etc. I leave my whippets together but have a large grass yard attached to the runs, two dog runs, each with a crate and two beds.
  21. Great news, poor little loves, so sad. I think Police officers do an awesome job under very trying circumstances.
  22. Well at least you know it will only get better from here. I guess people people that are on here are passionate about what they do and why, and also particularly if they have been around a while get a little bit over seeing oh but my babies are so gorgoeus everyone needs one etc etc. So yeh you have to forgive people if they seem over zealous. I hope your girl is feeling okay today. I am very passionate about what I do but I have learnt to bide my time and give a considered response and find that tends to not get peoples backs up - well not all the time. Sometimes I have no patience and my response is a little less toned done :) We all have our days :)
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