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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. only half an hour? I used to crate for a minimum of an hour
  2. Both of mine were a little different, one had stiff front legs and pain, as well as a wobbly back end, the other had some neck pain but not obvious and her gait was a little off. As time went on it got very obvious in both. One was a later onset so she died of old age heart tissues. The other died at 8 and a half from cardio and had spinal spondylosis so who knows what would have happened had she lived to be older. They were both older onset though. A friend had one who had signs young, he had back legs that were going a bit all over on the move but he had no obvious pain.
  3. Belly pain quite often presents as lameness or stiffness. Could be tummy pain or she tweaked her back or leg?? Fingers crossed she stays just fine!
  4. I do have a hunting camera :) that is an option but the area it may be entering the paddock from is quite large. I will have to go and have more of a look, but the boundry is quiet a few hundred metres long.
  5. There are some little things you can do at home. One is to knuckle their paw under. They should right it within seconds. If it takes a prolonged amount of time or they lift their foot up quite high to right their foot it can be an indication of an issue. Also neck pain. If you lift their head gently straight up so their nose is pointing at the roof, then down their chest between their legs, then to the left and right their should be no bracing or pain. They can also move quite stiff legged and appear painful in their front legs. I hope you find a savvy vet very soon to figure out what the issue is with your girl. Having had Dobes with Wobblers it isn't much fun
  6. I know that my idea of fit and lean is different from Joe Public. I do dog sports with mine and condition them carefully. I had my Whippet in at the vets and weighed her after recovery from TPLO surgery. She had gained 500gms. I said to her, yes I thought you were getting a bit fat. The vet said that he thought she wasn't overweight at all and could gain some weight- a couple of kgs. We are talking a Whippet who is generally 10.5 kgs. Half a kg is noticeable but if she gained a kg or two she would be fat! Not to mention she had had orthopedic surgery which meant she shouldn't carry a scrap of extra weight. I took my Whippet to the markets yesterday and got the look mum there is a skinny dog, look at the skinny dog etc etc. I have also been asked if they are rescues because they are so skinny, you need to feed that dog more, don't you feed your dog etc etc. I do eventually get annoyed at that because they are lean but fit with good form muscle. I have been tempted to get the shirt with a whippet in that says my dog is not skinny yours is just fat. I am quite sure if I walked past someone dog and said oh look at the fat dog, oh that dog gets fed far too much, or how many coffee's can it hold people would be offended. Having worked in the industry I am very careful, polite and careful how I handle any discussions on weight, even if they bring the subject up.
  7. I would second contacting The american Bulldog association/registry they will know what diseases should be tested for
  8. yep 1-3 tablespoons. I LOVE the smell :)
  9. Maybe down the track I can work in a trip to Perth at the right time :)
  10. I am in WA and our lab is Vetpath, they just don't want to do it.
  11. Ah okay thanks :) my guys love the show stopper :)
  12. Ah okay thanks :) my guys love the show stopper :)
  13. Do I remember reading the super fuel is not something to give continuously or do I remember incorrectly
  14. Oh and if I got a flock guardian it would be an Anatolian :)
  15. I can fully imagine that happening, considering my pet sheep is currently in there and a crate was his home and shelter for quite a few weeks as a bub. I still haven't heard back, so frustrating. I would have thought it a legitimate usage.
  16. Go trienniel, it is registered for three years so will give immunity for three years - all being equal, yes I know some dogs won't get immunity regardless etc etc etc
  17. A dog in my possession is evidence that cannot be argued with. Hopefully the rangers do bring the trap out. I do have a hunting camera but the are is too large and with too much cover to photograph easily
  18. We don't have wild/feral dogs here, there are out further. We unfortunately have lifestyle farmers instead with their dogs
  19. Maremma might be okay but I am not sure I need more dogs :) I do have 2 alpaca but they are my pets and from everything I have read they can get badly injured trying to guard against dogs do I am not going to risk that. I suspect I know which property they are coming from but want proof before saying anything Having a lamb who was perfectly health that had to be put down due to a crushed throat is very upsetting. The poor lamb would have been in pain and terrified as would its mum who was valiantly defending it and even gave us a run for our money when we went to pick it up. And people why farmers shot roaming dogs regardless of if they are actually caught in the act. My livestock should be safe on my farm. People should keep their bloody dogs home. I have four and I can manage it!!!
  20. I have contacted the rangers. It has to go to the head ranger and shire for approval. Interesting since I only have to be a farmer and do an open book certificate to lay baits!!! I am hoping we can get a trap from the rangers, they will not put it out until the weather and rain clears which will be a few days by the looks., if we do get approval. I was looking at the cage type with the door that drops down. Thank you for the links I will have a look.
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