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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Sorry but what a load of shit. The page reads like the ramblings of a nut! This is an American page as well from what I can see. Yes the 3 d's of cattle go into pet food.
  2. I think there are some urban legends included there.
  3. It has already been explained very well do I have nothing to add there. One question, why do neuters not get any extra points after breed level when entires do??
  4. Oh that is great news :) And yes I would never go a 12 month implant ever again! Can't wait to see babies :)
  5. NO don't change what youa re doing, it is working, the foods youa re feeding are good quality foods. As said Advance is okay, Science diet is crap. I would ask your vet intellegent questions about why, if they don't ahve good answers go elsewhere.
  6. Yep, meat meal is a better first ingredient as meat is from memory around 80% water - anyone feel free to jump in and correct me :)
  7. Sorry Cos I didn't realise that had happened as well. SO sorry to hear that. Your heart will be shattered
  8. It is not about muscling into her business, it is not a business to an ethical breeder. They want to try and stop people producing puppies for profit without thought for soundness of mind or body, or those who will sell an Akita to the first person to turn up with the cash. If your breeder does decide your pup is of quality and upgrades him then that is quite an honour that she trusts you to do the right thing- honour that. The dog world is a small one. If your pup does get upgraded I hope you enjoy showing him
  9. What an awful situation to be in. Personally if the dog were mine I would euthanise. It would be a quality of life issue for me. It is not something that can be fixed, it will deteriorate and from the sounds of it the dog can no longer do basic fun things he would normally enjoy. I have made a decision similar to this before but the dog was not affected in as many joints. It is a very difficult decision to make and I feel very much for you. Hugs to you all
  10. Oh yes!!! Their lamb green tripe is AWESOME. Stinks to high heaven but the dogs love it. I feed Holistic Eagle Pack. My lot does very poorly on TOW. That makes one of mine vomit - and it's the one with a cast iron gut! Annoys me because I like it and would use it.
  11. I feed mine Black Hawk and also use it in my kennels. I haven't tried Eukanuba for some time but was told many eyars ago not to use it with Dobes so haven't used it since I have all three varieties but feed mine the Lamb as one can't each chicken and the working dog loses weight as he needs a fair bit of food to keep weight on his ADHD behind! The Whippets get 1 to 1 1/4 cups - Lewis 3/4 to 1 cup - Rommi 1 to 1 1/2 - Wilson the puppy 3 to 4 cups - Goose Working BC Their amount varies depending on exercise done for the day, any bones etc consumed and how their weight is going. The working BC works sheep at least half the days of the week and even when not working is flat out chasing, well, nothing half the time, but he never stops. He maintains good weight and muscle tone and has good stamina on that food and amount. I use it in the kennels and use different varieties depending on the individual dogs needs. Mainly I use the lamb as the general fall back food. I have had allergic dogs improve and don't seem to get upset tummy issues and have had people change onto the food after their dogs having it here.
  12. I had no idea it was so bad - I haven't watched the news in ages - until it popped up in my newsfeed on FB. One of my FB friends had a horse at their mums that they couldn't get out but have been told she has survived. Her mums house is gone. It is such a shock. I hope there are no lives lost. The Victorian bushfires are still a horrible memory at the front of most peoples minds. I have everything crossed no lives are lost and our wonderful firefighters stay safe
  13. SO very very sorry to hear that you lost your gorgeous Tentie. Please do not blame yourself, there should be far more testing done on imported products. Stories like this a re avery good reason NOT to feed imported treats from China etc. I am going to share this.
  14. Great news, glad it has worked out for you and Church :)
  15. THis! Sounds perfectly find to me, you are controlling when their free to sniff etc starts and finishes. I would have no issue with it
  16. Yes very well put :) I would talk to them about it. If they can come up with very good evidence based proof as to why it is required well okay, but I would still refuse. Then again I can be a stubborn cow so yeh :)
  17. To me Cockroaches, fleas and rodents (I like pet rodents just not germ infested icky ones) are all on the same level of nasty!! I really dislike fleas!!!!
  18. NOt sure they would be penalised, but yuk!! If I was looking at a potential breeder and their dogs were crawling in fleas at a show they would be removed from my list.
  19. Fingers crossed!!! WHo chooses the third party?
  20. Wow!! How would you stop ordering? I'm thinking of getting Greyhounds just to buy the collars :laugh: :laugh: We don't stop. There are support groups available though. :laugh: :laugh: Hullo, my name is Brandiandwe, and I am a greyhound collar-aholic. Hello my name is Ososwift and I have a terrible collar addiction. I do make my own, this now means instead of just having copious collars, I have bags of ribbon, webbing and metal hardware for making said collars. These take up more room than my collar collection and I think I have spent more money on the items required to make them - as you always have to buy just a couple of metres of the new ribbon that is divine - than I would have if I just bought collars......... It is fun though and you can make a new one as often as you please. I give mine away when I have a bit of a collection of previously worn collars :)
  21. I feed my roo, it's lean and they love it - some dogs find it a little rich though. I also feed some beef and the odd bit of lamb. I have one that gets very sick if he is fed chicken so none of them get that. The cats are on Roo and VAN and so very healthy now, a far cry from when I got them.
  22. Oh crap, sorry to hear that. I hope there is nothing serious and it is better very soon.
  23. I disagree. We had a goreous young very overweight lab come into the vet hospotal. She had hurt her back was in immense pain and could barely walk. After seeing her etc the vet told the man she was very over weight and went through what to look for ect, approximately how much weight she needed to lose - was a lot. The guy was genuinely shocked. He said, I take her running at the beach every day, she is fit, I had no idea. The weight had creapt on after she had finished growing but kept getting fed a growing puppy amount. She did have good muscle but was not even a sausage, her sides were her widest part. He put her on a diet, weighed her dutifully and got her down to a perfect weight. I remember him once again expressing the suprise that he just hadn't seen it and had thought she was a good weight and how it seems he eye was trained to see what was infront of him as acceptable. The little Lab stayed a great weight and didn't have any more back issues. Many people were the same.
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