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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Quite an interesting comment coming from you. I would have thought you would be quite so condeming of a whole area of anything. Not all dressage horses are frothy mouthed pulled in anything. Many are light, engaged and not forced. Spurs like anything can be used lightly with good judgment and very quiet legs for precision. Yes there are rednecks who rip horses sides up I have seen them myself, but not everyone. I have seen horses in true collection with no bit in their mouth, can't say they are jammed up. As I say, for someone who advocates it isn't the tool it is the person on the end of it, I am suprised.
  2. IT also relies on someone who has a clue about tattoo's. Many years ago a ranger called me and said I have a Dobe here that has not been claimed we are looking to rehome etc etc (I had Dobes). I asked them to check her ear for a tattoo. She did have one, so I got them numebr, contacted the WA DObe Club and found her breeder. Unfortunately the breeder did not want her back and was extremely unhelpful and we rehomed her to a lovely home. The point being unless everyone tattoo'd, many or most people would not think to look for a tattoo and if they did they would likely have no idea where to start looking for the info they required.
  3. I have seen horses bleeding from spur use with rowels, yes even the rounded ones as they are thin and can do damage. I have seen damage from blunt little short ones as well. Considering how sensitive horses are I would think thickening along the sides is more an idication of an idiot owner/rider than being from a cetain discipline as I have never required spurs on any of my dressage horses. Those that worl at higher levels that d use them wouldn't use them heavily enough to cause that sort of thickening or scarring, the want a horse to want to work, not to avoid, start or run away from the leg.
  4. Ther will only be damage if a dog is constantly pull, hitting the colalr etc. My aim is to have my dogs walk on a lose lead and they are not tethered. The working dog is tethered but he has been taught how to tether correctly so doesn't hit the end of his either. Oh and I do not use Harnesses unless for a specific reason, Neck injury Sledding dog sport requiring use of a harness - tracking etc I see no need to use on, I do see a need to have a dog walk on a loose lead.
  5. That's archaic thinking. Wouldn't let that stress you out! Hahahah they obviously don't own Whippets. YOu are definately NOT their master, they are far to regal for that type of talk :) I also highly reinforce - especially my pup - for coming to me, if I call him or he just comes back, now it is a game, he zooms as fast as he can to get a reward. Shocking way to train a dog :)
  6. The thing is you have no say on who is or is not a contact on a puppy's chip once they are in the owners hands. I think that there should be place of origin ie the breeder on the chip, then two contacts. Not much point having a breeder on there from anotehr state if the dog has gotten out, been picked up, has an owner frantically searching and becasue they can't be contacted plans are being made to send said dog abck to another state. Much more sense to have my SIL who lives just down the road. However I think the breeder should remain an unchangable piece of information that is attached to the chip.
  7. If you had eaten your dog you will have to deal with the mental after effects. Either that or commit suicide. So will this guy. Seems like he has suffered enough without a bunch of judgement from the armchair know-nothing crowd. Yes fine but I had said I would not be able to cope with it. That is my observation about myself, which I am allowed to have and no-one but me would know what my mental health state may or may not be. From what I have read even after stuff was trashed he continued, he didn't take the option of returning and going when he was re kitted out. That is how I read it, personally I couldn't give a toss how anyone else read it. Thta is my take on it. IF that is correct then I do think he did the wrong thing. IF not then so be it. Either way he will be lucky to survive.
  8. Write your number on the dog in permanent marker? The joy of light coloured coats! just kidding, obviously :laugh: Well maybe or maybe not.................. I know of someone with a Sphynx who wrote **No Ketamine** on her Sphynx in permanent marker when he had to go to the vets for a GA to make sure no-one got it wrong or forgot :)
  9. In my view he was unprepared, he was warned against doing it, he did do it without a sat phone or distress beacon. Yes a bear trashed his camp but surely he woudl have had some stuff? he chose to continue on his hike not return??? I am reading that into it but I am guessing he continued and ended up in a worse situation rather than aborting the whole thing?? I may be wrong about that, just my take on it. To me it reads he killed his dog a matter of days after, not many days after when starvation had set in. I personally could not cope with the metal after effects if I had eaten my dog.
  10. And there in lies the quandry of many of us............
  11. Ah yes you have to love that. I have a 16 week old puppy I was doing some stack training with. I inadvertantly trained ears and expression - which I now capitalise on :) Oh yes well of course that will happen if you use food. Said in a very condascending way. Um yep and???? I am training him and getting it faster (which to you is a bad thing because I used food??) I don't get it. I get great behavior more quickly but because I use food to "bribe" my dog it isn't valid????????????????
  12. What a gorgeous Puggle :) Yes that is often why I visit DOL :) A Pug x JR is commonly refered to by idiots as a Jug! - yes I kid you not!
  13. In my family if they don't work they are pets. Becasue of this when we wanted a working dog we went to a reknowed breeder of working dogs that was recommended as we were not accomplished trainers or working dogs adn we wanted the dog to have the best chance at being a good working dog as if he wasn't we would have had a verandah ornament and I would still be running around like a working dog. He is a brilliant sheep dog that has exceeded our expectations, especially at such a young age. There may be many working dog puppies bred and a good half of them fail, however many of them are from oops or random litters or bred by those who throw two dogs together and wonder why it doesn' produce all brilliant work dogs. If more people bred for the right reasons there would be a higher percent of dogs that don't fail as working dogs, the rest well there is no helping some idiot humans sometimes, and some dogs despite genetics just are not work dogs :)
  14. She is totally gorgeous! I love that dirty face, and the waahhhhhhh face :) She is a stunner and yes she does look like and arabian foal. Stunning :)
  15. If she does try to scratch you can put a little pair of socks on her back feet and tape them on, or put a bandage around her back paws. Even though speys are routine they are still intra-abdominal surgeries so they will be uncomfortable and a little painful - same as we would be if we had just had surgery - although they are much more stoic than us and recvoer more quickly. You need to keep them quiet for around 10 days so they fact she is quieter is normal and what you would expect. She may even not eat properly for the next 4 or 5 days - depending on her pain tolerance. My Whippet was a total sook and the fact she can't have NSAID's didn't help, but she didn't get out of a waddle for a good week. It was 2 weeks before she got out of a trot. Now you wouldn't know!
  16. Is she trying to scratch or chew the sutures? some dogs don't annoy them at all, some do. Wait and see what she does. The suture line may ooze a little for a few days, as long as there is not a heap of blood seeping out or a huge haematoma then it is normal.
  17. It looks fine to me. They do get a little swollen and red and the suture line is not going to be dry straight away as it is trying to start healing. She will have had injectable antibiotics and pain relief so will not need to start tablets until the next day. Everything looks quite normal so don't panic, give her lots of cuddles and relax or she will pick up on it and you will stress her out.
  18. Off topic, but Hey Souff haven't seen you around for a while :) Nice to have you back :)
  19. Congratulations :) fantastic photos :)
  20. I know of a local who had one dog and three cats chipped. She got them rechecked and two of the cats and the dog had chips that were not working and had to be replaced.
  21. My dogs don't wear collars with tags unless we are out and about. So that make me irresponsible? A friend recently had her 15 week old puppy and adult Goldie have an incident where the pup got her jaw caught in the older dogs collar, the olde dog paniced, the puppy got flung sideways into the footpath brusing her ribs and she also bruised her jaw. As a result neither dog now wears a collar unless being walked out at training etc. Is she also irresponsible??
  22. It would depend on the story. Our working BC isn't chipped. - it isn't compulsory here yet - as he is owned by my husband. He does not want a foreign object in his dog, it is something he feels quite strongly about and while it is not compulsory he won't be done. All mine are done.
  23. Hoping its just a behaviour/personality thing, hes a very timid dog Fingers crossed for you. It will be a very worrying time for you.
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