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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. MY BIL clips his off and their coats so far have always grown back normally. They are entire so not sure if that makes a difference. They line up to have it done and seem much happier. We have shocking grass seeds around here and one of his dogs got grass seeds in his testicles after one run through the paddock (they are working dogs)and he ended up very unwell and very sore. they thought they had got them all but obviously not. They don't have the issues when they are clipped off
  2. I just looked at the stay loyal and they have mixed protein including chicken, beef and tuna. No good for me. Why can't more companies go with single or minimal protein sources
  3. Oh and I don't think there has been any quality drop that I have been able to notice even though I have watched for it every time I order. I do get reasonable amounts of it at any one time so would expect I would have seen it.
  4. My dogs have been on it for a few years now. I have raised a litter on it and am growing a puppy on it. I also feed it as my default food in my kennels. I have not had any issues with any of my four dogs or my litter. One is a working BC with ADD and he is going really well and maintaining his weight nicely. I feed the lamb and rice as one dog cannot have chicken and I want the highest caloric value. They have eaten the fish and potato and liked it and had no issues with that one either. I would try it if you like it use it, if you don't like it then try the next one :) Oh and I rarely have issues with upset tummies in the kennels and some dogs are getting a totally different diet to the BH.
  5. Now I have my IMax I have a large crate in the boot area and they all go in there. It is great for going to dog club, I can leave the back up but they are out of the sun/wind. It also means should I have an accident they don't go flying through the car and hit my kids or myself.
  6. My WHippet was 18 months old and cycled around 7 to 8 monthly on average after that. She has recently been desexed.
  7. I have a Coolie/Koolie in the kennels, I think over here I have seen it spelt with a C :) I suprised her by going past and saying lovely Coolie. To which she replied, yes, yes she is. Apparently lots of people argue she is an Aussie - of which there are even less around these parts :) I get stopped with the WHippets a lot. I generally don't mind and am happy to chat. I do get the how about you feed your dog, geez that's a skinny dog, look at the skinny dog comments. Mostly I ignore them sometimes I ask if they have ever seen a fat athlete/sprinter? they go no I guess I haven't. I do want to get a T-shirt that says my dog is not skinny yours is just fat though :)
  8. I am most catious about dogs that have the potential to cause my dogs the most or more harm. A large dog or heavily built dog ahs the most potential to casue my dog harm than a 4kg toy breed. Having said that all dogs are shown the door if they try to get close.
  9. A bandage if you know where the bit is is good, but inevitably is on the face or you can't find it in fur. So bandage if you can but don't waste time looking for puncture marks if you can't see them readily or didn't see the dog get bitten.
  10. I believe from quite a bit of research is that many people think Vit C has worked when in fact the bite was a dry bite. Adult snakes can choose to envenomate and generally won't waste venom on something they can't eat. That of course changes if their life is on the line. The small baby snakes are just as toxic as adults and generally more agressive as they need to be to survive and tend to envenonmate first time every time.
  11. One of my pups went at 12 weeks. She has basic training, was clicker savy, had been around kids, cats, sheep, alpaca and vacuum cleaners TV's etc etc. She had been for car rides, seen new people and had lived as one fo my own. She was picked up travelled 4 hours like a trouper and has fitted in very well at her new home. All of the puppies were put in a puppy pen in the loungeroom every night and took turns learning how to relax on the lounge and fall asleep watching tv and drape over people. So had the off button well established. Toilet training had begun as well as wearing a colalr, walking on a lead and doing sit, drops, heeling all with clicker training. I hope this helped them to be well adjusted babies, that was my aim :)
  12. I have heard many things you can do. I would only do anything if it didn't interfere with my getting the dog to the vet ASAP. Every second, every minute is precious and can make a big difference to how advanced the symptoms are. My advice, get someone to call ahead and get your dog in the car and get to the vet as quickly as possible. They will be waiting for you, essentially throw the dog at them and let them save them. Taking time to bandage, inject etc is precious time that may be the difference survival or death. The best thing a person can do is think well before hand if there are any instances that you would choose not to treat i.e if the dog is completely collapsed and having difficulty maintaining it's own airway, the dog is purple and breathing but barely etc etc. It is very difficult to be trying to go through all these decisions when under duress. I have all my vets numbers in my mobile so I can call out of hours, hear who is on call but not have to write, remember the number and call ASAP and get in the car.
  13. Wilson gets pee'd on often..............becasue he wants to see what Lewis is doing, then sniffs, hence pee'd on dog, again!!!!! Who in hell would pee on their dog.........I am going to be very careful which dogs I pat in future!!!
  14. Interesting. In 15 years at vet hospitals I have never seen a large dog with LP. Only smaller dogs and many with no history of collar pulling, etc etc. Mainly put down to genetics. The largest around JR size, granted I haven't worked at a Vet hospital since 2005
  15. They must be pulling damn hard and consistantly to do that much damage. Are you sure this is no genetic compontent?
  16. Pretty much any dog of any breed that runs towards me and mine is treated with the utmost suspicion. The larger they are the more energetic I am at keeping them well away from mine!
  17. Souff, this is DOL statement of the year for me. It is something that everyone of us, not just airlock, should be mindful of at all times! And, from memory, pretty much the only statement from Souff this year. DOL needs more Souff posts :) I had to do a double take on the date to make sure it was a current topic when I saw Souff had posted. I saw a Souff post the other day and said hey it's you, good to see you back :) And I agree :)
  18. If all dogs are essentially the same why don't my Whippets guard??? My Dobes did as did my Rotti. The Whippets must be broken. They also do not round up sheep but the BC does and is extremely good at it???? If they are all essentially the same I should be able to get my Whippets to be good sheepdogs????
  19. Agreed. I don't let our working BC play with the Whippets. He rounds them up at speed and if they don't yield he hip and shoulders them. He sent Lewis around four feet through the air and off our luckily small retaining wall. But he was winded. His play style works great with other working breeds but not do with the sight hounds. I have owned bull breeds and I can tell you an off lead bull reed rings big alarms bells with me, especially with the Whippets. I love bull breeds but they are what they are.
  20. I haven't read the whole thread yet but wanted to address this - as of 1 November it is compulsory for all dogs to be microchipped in WA. Came in with the new cat laws and hasn't been given much attention because of this. Oh really I have seen nothing of that mentioned anywhere?????
  21. Gun, shoot idiot human.....................
  22. I also have to say I have seen true collection with nothing on a horses head full stop.
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