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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Me too :) there you go!! Mine run naked but a flat collar would be acceptable. Definitely no halti's or harnesses. If a dog is very new, the person is doing one low bar jump and they are right there, then yes a lead attached to a flat collar. I would never ever drop a lead and especially not if it attached to a halti or other head control device. If the lead was to wrap around a jump with a dog going at speed then you could bring the jump down on the dog, but when it is attached to a head control device the potential for a serious neck injury is huge.
  2. I had a list and kept a file of emails. When the pregnancy was confirmed they were emailed saying the pregnancy was confirmed, obviously we didn't have eaxct numbers etc but where they still interested. When they were born photos were emailed out and once again they were asked where they interested. From aorund 2 weeks on their personalities started to come out but everyone was told that I wasn't sure who would go where until later and I knew their personalities etc. Luckily the three I had fitted three families perfectly and one who had waited 2 years got to take home a very precious girl I would happily have kept :) They were all happy to have their puppy chosen for them based on the puppy's personality and their situation. If you are concerned email and ask :)
  3. Sometimes it is not that easy. Some of the dogs mentioned here who have had to have it for medical issues. They used this so as not to have to castrate them but to control a medical issue. If it isn't going to wear off in 12 months, fine, just tell people the truth and show actual data.
  4. With the 1 hour bike ride - you can fall into the trap of giving your dog too much physical exercise - which means it takes more and more to wear them out - I know because my brother made this mistake with his dog :laugh: Mental stimulation / training is far more exhausting than running walking the same amount of time - if you build up your dogs fitness you will have to keep it exercised at that level. This is true of any size or breed of dog really Yep you just make them fitter so they can be naughtier for longer!!!!
  5. Locally there have been a couple of cases of offenders caught by a dog. Everytime the dogs has been thanked and the owners asked to give them a big treat. One shepherd did not lay a tooth on the person but everytime he moved a muscle it roared and kept walking circles around him until police turned up and the owner called it off. Police thanked it for making their job so much easier and suggested a big juicy bone might be the order of the day :)
  6. I also found similar info well after I realised there were issues. I would not think 6years old would be too old to breed a male dog. He may possible have some issues doing the matings purely due to lack of experience that many stud dogs have gain earlier in their life. I remember reading 80% regain their testosterone levels by 12 months with 95% by two years (maybe 2.5years??). However on the info I was reading that was not a return of sperm, purely a return to the level of testosterone needed to produce viable sperm. It appears that many dogs that have the 12month implant have it not wear off for around 2.5 years. Part of the reason I started this thread was that information appeared to be so lacking on the use or long term consequences of this product. My hope is if it helps one person make a betetr informed decision then I have achieved what I started out to. In some circumstances it may still be the best way to go, but my thoughts are if you want a dog as a future stud dog don't use it or if you need to collect them first as there is every chance they will have delayed return to sperm production or a reasonable chance it may not come back at all!
  7. Just those that don't work. The letter asked you to get them checked if the chip didn't read they would cover the cost or re-implanting a new chip
  8. I got a letter sent out regarding a cat I have with one of these chips and that would have been a good 6 months ago.
  9. OH.MY.GOODNESS I really don't think I could live with that scream!!!!!! Having said that Wilson is being a pansy and going through the "oh my god you have left me in the other room I am going to die" yelling of late! That is pretty bad but has nothing on that Toller scream!
  10. I would like two but only if they some in blue, are guarenteed with children and won't run away as I don't have any fences but that shouldn't be an issue. Don't worry about vaccinations, they don't really need those. My cheque is in the mail.
  11. Can you trim pussy cats nails??? If I have been a bit slack and the Sphynx have been left a week longer than normal between baths, their nails get long and they can do damage to each other. When they are properly trimmed they don't cause any scratches
  12. You guys realise that they have just made it super easy to, and clearly have the intentions to, add more breeds to BSL under the menacing category? Owners of any large, powerful breed should be very afraid. They wouldn't have put that in unless they intend to use it. Yep agreed, I think any large guarding, guardian breed, or bull breed is walking a very thin line.
  13. I love dogs are so smart........even if it can be somewhat frustrating!
  14. The other thing is you asked if people had EVER had a dog that had done this, this, this etc. I am quite sure most people have become better educated as they have gone on, I certainly have. So whilst they may have owned a dog that has, for example, bitten someone, it may have been their first dog. A couple of dogs down the track that senario may well never happen.
  15. MAybe ask Troy to delete this one :)
  16. I accidentally got a small amount of that stuff in one of my eyes when giving it to my horse. My pupil went huge and stayed that way for two days and I didn't even get a full drop in there. I wouldn't be panicking yet :)
  17. We had an attack cat lives here sign. One person happened to look up to see a cat peering at him from the roof. He froze. The cat was friendly. I have a sign saying please drive slowly dogs running free. One reason is because we are on a farm and there may well be dogs running around the five acres around the house. In the past when I had Dobes if someone did manage to sneak up before I got outside they never got out the car! My gate is now locked so I only get people in that I know about. It's a long walk from the road!
  18. Really, maybe they jet don't have any idea and can't help so haven't commented!
  19. I have owned a few dogs over the years, never had one bite a person, I have managed to call a dog off biting a person. One of my Dobes bit my other dog quite badly but it could have been so much worse, one of my current dogs gave me a $400 vet bill after biting another Whippet hard punching a hole through her nose into her nasal cavity and ripping out an incisor that ended up with the gum being sutured. There have also been puncture marks into my other dogs. Part of that is a lack of bite inhibition and a leader of the pack/fun police complex. The other part is whippets have thin skin. All of the interdog aggression issues have been directly attributed to hormones.
  20. Well either they do or don't. My BIL has one with a nice coat and one with a bloody horrible coat. It was horrible before it was clipped off, but is the same since he started clipping it at around 6 years of age. The one with the good coat has a good coat after his coat as grown out. I have also groomed some that have had coats that never recovered after clipping, problem is you don't know until you do it. I wouldn't clip mine off, but many do and like it that way.
  21. Punishing a dog when it does actually come is so counter productive it isn't funny. Dogs are not pre-programmed to know come means now! How they are taught and rewarded or punished directly determines the decisions they make when faced with a recall.
  22. A canter is a three beat pace and a gallop a four beat pace. The speed at which a dog changes pace is different from all. I have increased the speed of and length of stride in my boys trot with training and conditioning. Pacing is a two beat movement with the legs on the same side moving in unison, the trot a two beat movement with diagonal legs moving together. A dogs conformation will influence their speed of the trot and the length of stride whilst trotting.
  23. Every day as I live on acerage. They don't have free access to that all the time as we have too many snakes around. But every day they have play and runnign around, hutning each other and wrestling toys from each other and playing tug, generally in the evening. I also take them to the beach from time to time, every week out to fortnight in the warmer months. If anyone else is there I leave and go to another beach - we are spoilt for lovely not crowded beaches here. Especially during the day, during the week :)
  24. very frustrating. I hate it when new information makes you doubt your decisions and second guess yourself. You did the best thing at the time with the information you were given. No-one could ask more of you than that.
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