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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. To me from the photos he still sppears to have growth bumps on his front legs. Those growth plates close over first, then the ones in the upper arms, so even if the ones just above the carpus have closed he will still have some height left to grow. He does still look quite immature to me, but I don't know a lot about Akitas. Could his breeder measure him for you? He may well be not gaining any weight as he is getting taller?
  2. Yes I did. It was interesting. I also think the pet shop owner saying if she had of known about the Bichon she would have charged $200 was covering her arse. That way it made the purchaser look like they had got more for their dollar, thereby covering her arse when it came to potential reimbursements.
  3. Akita Standard Group 6 (Utility) General Appearance: Large, powerful alert, with much substance and heavy bone. Characteristics: Large, broad head, with relatively small eyes and erect ears carried forward in line with back of neck; large, curled tail, in balance with head. Temperament: Dignified, courageous, aloof, tends to show dominance over other dogs, though the trait is not encouraged. Head And Skull:Large, in balance with body, skull flat, forehead broad, defined stop and clear furrow. Head forms blunt triangle when viewed from above, free from wrinkle. Muzzle broad and strong, cheeks well developed. Nose large and black, bridge straight. Lips tight and black. In white dogs flesh coloured pigmentation is permissible on nose and lips. Length from nose to stop is to length from stop to occiput as 2 is to 3. Eyes:Relatively small, almond shaped, clean, moderately set apart and dark brown. Eye rims dark and tight. Ears:Strongly erect, relatively small, thick, triangular, not low set, carried forward over eyes in line with back of neck when viewed in profile. Moderately set apart; slightly rounded at tips. Mouth:Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Neck: Thick and muscular, comparatively short, widening gradually toward shoulders. Pronounced crest blends with back of skull. Forequarters:Shoulders strong and powerful, moderately laid back. Elbows very tight. Forelegs well boned and straight when viewed from front. Pasterns inclining at approximately 15 degrees. Body:Longer than high, as 10 is to 9 in males, 11 to 9 in bitches. Chest wide and deep, depth of brisket is one half height of dog at shoulder. Well developed forechest. Level back, firmly muscled loin, moderate tuck up. Skin pliant but not loose. Hindquarters:Strong and muscular. With only moderate angulation and stifle. Well-developed thighs, strong hocks. Well let down, turning neither in nor out. Feet:Thick, well knuckled, very tight, turning neither in nor out. Pads hard. Nails hard. Tail:Large and full, set high, carried over back, full or double curl, always dipping to or below level of back. On a three-quarter curl tail, tip dips down flank. Root large and strong. Hair coarse, straight and full with no appearance of plume. Sickle or uncurled tail highly undesirable. Gait/Movement:Vigorous, powerful and fluent with strides of moderate length. Back remains firm and level. Hindlegs move in line with front legs, whilst gaiting may single track. Coat:Outer coat coarse, straight, and standing off body. Undercoat soft and dense. Coat at withers and rump is approximately 5 cms (2 ins), slightly longer than on rest of body, more profuse on tail. No indication of ruff or feathering. Colour:Any colour including white brindle or pinto. Colours are brilliant and clear. Markings are well defined with or without mask or blaze. Sizes: Height at withers: Dogs 66-71 cms (26-28 ins). Bitches 61-66 cms (24-26 ins). Faults:Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. Last Updated: 30 Jan 2013
  4. They can sometimes reach their full adult height at 8 months - depending on lines. However they fill out, gain muscle and maturity. My male Whippet Lewis was full height at 8 months, but at age 5 is a far more substantial dog than he was back then. He has gained muscle, depth and strength, weighs more and is fully mature. Talk to your breeder.
  5. I agree a national card with the same checks and balances as say our drivers licence or similar. It does seem some are more interested about hollering about injustice than helping the progress of assistance dogs.
  6. A card that has a photo of the dog on it adn states. This dog is a service dog, who is required by it's owner for their healtha nd well being. Service dogs have access to all areas blah blah blah Wha is bad or demeaning about that? Why would that be so bad? It shows the dogs, say's yes this dog is a legitimate service dog with access to full areas. Seems it would solve a lot of issues. If someone came to my restaurant for example, told me the dog was a service dog but had nothing to prove it then I have to say I would think they were lying. Call that demeaning but as we have seen people with try to claim their dog is a service dog when it is not.
  7. give her time and space. She may tolerate but never really like those she percieves as outsiders. I have one like that, he tolerates others affections but prefers to be on me.
  8. Oh yes there are heaps of people watching this and who have everything crossed for a positive update :)
  9. This little boy is doing well with supp feeding and growing strongly now :)From memory he is well over 400gms from a few days ago.
  10. That poor Whippet, I am amazed she is alive and amazed she managed to flee with such extensive injuries. What a tough little dog. The owners and dog will never be the same again. And people wonder why I am protective of my Whippets when dogs run up to them!
  11. I would think that would go without saying :)
  12. Speak to his breeder, and yes changing dry foods may help. I had a Dobe pup who grew two inches in a matter of weeks, he looked like a spider and got panosteitis. It didn't matter what i did he grew, but he was his full adult height at 8 months and from there filled out over a few years. You want him lean but not skinny and what sort of exercise is he doing for two to three hours per day?? Over exercise is not good for a young growing Dobe. Oh and rules of thumb are just that, some bloodlines grow more quickly than otehrs, and some individuals do also.
  13. I am yet to smell my Whippets and they have gone months without baths, I have also asked people who will tell me if they do and they have said no.
  14. Labs in general have a stronger odour than many other breeds. GSD's and Goldies are up there as well. I have Hairless cats that can get more body odour than my Whippets. I often as guests if my house smells of dog just to be sure. So far they say no :)
  15. Oh I hear you - people can't actually be that stupid can they???????? Surely they are just pretending!
  16. It's kinda like that little mum voice you hear chastising you if you forget a please or thankyou or forget any of your other manners...........................
  17. Everything crossed here for a positive outcome, easy birth for bitch and babies. You have been thorugh the mill!
  18. I have no idea about bitches at that stage of pregnancy. I hope regardless of how the puppies have faired that she can recover well and have a c section on her due date. What an awful situation to be in hopefully she recovers well and quickly
  19. I think that the last part if response is an over reaction. You have a very sick puppy, or course you are emotional and upset. You buy a puppy expecting to have a cute, naughty, gorgeous bundle of mischief. I would email them again but I would also call them. They may be arses, but maybe they are not, you will find out if you call them. I have also been on the receiving end of buying a puppy who ended up with numerous genetic issues and was euthanased at 4. That breeder had suddenly moved and was not contactable - sure. I have also recently bred my first litter. I sent those babies off with a clean bill of health. If suddenly one of my puppy owners called me tomorrow and said there was an issue, yes I would be shocked. I would want a written report, I may even want another opinion. This does not make me callous, I want to know what and why. Personally I would refund the purchase price. I would also offer them the choice of returning the puppy but would not expect it.
  20. I have never notified them of date of death or cause. I also want to keep my dogs papers
  21. I can kinda of see I think what Amax is trying to say....maybe. I do not think my dogs fear me, but if they really overstep the mark and I roar they back down very quickly. Is that fear or respect, who knows? they certainly look chastised but are quite happy to go back to normal once the situation has cooled off. When it comes down to it I am boss and we go by my rules. Quite simple. If someone pushes it too far, they get pulled into line and at the end of the day I ultimately decide who is allowed where and when not any of the dogs. I certainly wouldn't want a dog to be genuinely afraid or scared of me, that would not be healthy for anyone and I feel the potential for a deadly situation is much higher in a family where a dog fears its owner/handler.
  22. There are 44 homes confirmed lost with the potential for more. Last I heard it was contained but not as yet under control - that was a little while ago now though. Yes Many people just didn't have time to get out as it was moving so fast. Just terrible
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