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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. and the story again http://www.savingpets.com.au/2014/02/izzy-and-her-little-family/ The previous thread was deleted after the RSPCA threatened litigation, there is a little bit here http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/241867-the-tail-end-s-b-s-insight-tonight/page__st__90__p__5967800#entry5967800 This coming up again is hard for Whipitgood, she wasn't going to bring it up again but if it helps then she will do it. They were shattered.
  2. I'd say profound temperament problems or heath issues would justify the decision but without further facts, It's hard to say anything about the decision. I know the situation there was nothing wrong with those puppies. The foster carers were a senior vet and a registered experienced vet nurse and breeder. This is the pups the day before they refused to hande them back and killed them. They first sighted temperament problems then apparently they had badly deformed spines and hips causing severe pain. They lied!
  3. No you are not the only one Sabbath, I spend hours reading and researching foods, feeding, vaccinations, when to desex and the list goes on. I find it rather interesting :)
  4. I agree, even though you seem a bit cranky and defensive, that jhe needs more mental stimulation. Hide treats around the house, puzzle toys, treat dispensing balls etc. They are a very barky breeds and having had them in the kennels they do know how to bark and it can be very annoying. I would also suggest an antibarking collar before surgery. However if surgery becomes your only option then do it. Much less stress for everyone. When it cools down maybe lots of short walks will help provide him with mental stimulation.
  5. I feel your pain! Prior to the birth of my puppies I asked the vet about dewclaw removal. I was told no they didn't so it as it was unethical and placed it up there with docking and debarking - which is a whole different debate!!!! Anyway, I thought long and hard about if I should remove them or not. Both my adults have theirs removed. I considered getting the breeder of one of my adults to come down, do the babies and show me but at a plane ticket of over $600 it wasn't really a viable option. I thougth long and hard and decided I did want to remove tham after having Whippets in the kennels with their dewcalws left ona dn hearing the stories of injury from their owners and others. My breeder sent me some photos and description of how she did them. I did them at two days of age from memory. She sent me the correct scissors, I had the Condy's and it was all systems go. To say I wasn't worried would be a lie, I was shitting myself, but I figured if you are going to do something you need to go in with confidence and just do it, so I did! I sat in my whelping box, puppies where all lined up feeding from mum. I grabbed a pup, cleaned the area with antiseptic wipes - they yelled at bit at being pulled off the boob - snip and dob(condy's), snip and dob, baby back on boob - no squeaking at all. I think I held my breathe during the first one but it was done very quickly, bubs didn't care, bitch didn't care and straight back on the boob. all done and dusting in under 10 minutes. All of them have minimal scarring and no issues with regrowth. I would now happily do my own babies again.
  6. I do puppy vacc's, then a booster at 15months. Previously I had given them the trienniel at 15 months, with the view to give them that as titre testing was $250 per dog down here. I have been informed now it is around $80 so will be titre testing them when their vacc would be due and going from there. Previously my older dogs were not vaccinated once they were around 6 to 8. Now I have boarding kennels I woudln't do that which is why I went trienniel and will now titre. I use Sentinel Spectrum as many dogs that come to the kennels bring fleas which I then have to treat them for, by using Sentinel spectrum I don't need to worry about them bringing home fleas that then dump flea eggs everywhere in my house. I also HATE fleas with a passion and grade them with roaches in their disgustingness. Worms are much the same so I prefer to have them treated. I do not use the yearly heartworm vaccination and have not used it for many many years. We don't have tick issues - apart from some kangeroo ticks but fleas breed here like anything, shocking at this time of year. Just going to dog training will yield a few fleas per dog - yuk! My children are vaccinated but I don't do them every year, and I do not believe dogs need to be done every year.
  7. Her inability to see sense will see someone else badly injured if not killed. That's if it doesn't happen to her first!! The dogs life would not be at all enjoyable. He would be in a high level of stress all the time. The other dog, well, that would be no picnic either. The instability in that house would mean everyone was stressed and on high alert all if the time. If she chooses to be an idiot, fine, but the dog should not be allowed near anyone else unless muzzled
  8. Of course you had a good reason to be concerned, very scary!!! Glad she is feeling much better :)
  9. The first time I asked about titre testing the quote was $200, recently a client got hers done for $70 each. My dogs have their puppy shots then a first yearly booster, the older dogs had a triennial, now they will be titred. I have a boarding kennel and accept titre tests but don't advertise it as those that know about it and have had it done ask. I have one person who was venemently against vaccine for kennel cough. She was educated and we had an interesting discussion I would have boarded her dogs. The only case of Canine Cough I know about from my kennels was in a vaccinated dog, his sister who was in the same run didn't get it and I had no reports of any other dogs that were staying at that time that had it. I have had some bark themselves hourse though.
  10. Fantastic news. Have you ever used Blackmores Arnica Pillules??? They are fantastic for helping with pain, swelling and bruising. I give mine 2 for a few doses then 2 per day until no longer needed.
  11. Well when she is dead due to her big sorry baby it won't matter will it. No bloody brains in her skull
  12. My pups and dogs were given two puppy vaccinations with a booster 12 months after the second vaccination
  13. Well there you go! What a clever girl!
  14. Wow she has really hurt herself, poor love. You think of all the somersaults and running into things they do and they just get up and keep going. For her to go down and stay down she really hurt herself. I am glad she had eaten and is more settled. Lewis once hit a tree at speed, he slammed into it sideways went down and couldn't get up for what seemed like ages. When he did finally stand up he was standing with a tight curve in his spine, shaking etc. he did recover and over the course of the evening improved but he had the biggest lump and bruise and was very tender and swollen. What concerned me the most was he didn't utter a sound. If he thinks he has hurt himself he screams blue murder.
  15. I used to babysit and 18& a half year old kelpie. Our own kelpie lived until over 16 years but had to be euthed due to a sinus tumour.
  16. Go you little rippa Reba!!!! You are so very clever :)
  17. Oooh yes with whipped cream on top as well please. I have brought chic chip muffins:)
  18. If dogs were in packs running wild a dog from outside the pack would be driven off at the very least and at worst killed. Now I know our dogs are domestic dogs not wild and I know there are some individuals that are social butterflies. What I don't get is the perception that a dog is only or properly socialised once it can deal with being thrown in an area full of dogs - many or all it has never met- and expected to enjoy it! It doesn't make sense to me.
  19. I got so excited when I saw there was an update, now I have to find some patience again :)
  20. For a start, the agreed price on booking is the price you should pay. Even if it isn't illegal it is certainly unethical. Secondly, I need to put my prices up :)
  21. Alternatively can you contact the state in which they are registered to see if they are listed as one of their breeders? They may have alternate contact details for them. Are there any specific Akita issues/diseases that may result in a smaller adult dog? If so are there any tests you can conduct to rule that in or out? Are you anywhere near an Akita club? Someone may know the lines and know if they are faster or slower to mature. They may even have contact details for the breeder. They also may know of someone who can measure him for you and re-measure down the track.
  22. Anybody's a dog trainer these days, just like anybody is a photographer LOL Very true. We had a behaviorist pop up down here. Never been to trianing, never trained a dog in any arena to the best of my knowledge and what I could find out, but he did some course and walah a dog behaviorist. oookkkaayyy then!
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