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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Yes I have also fostered/rescued other breeds and crosses and they are always told if for any reason you can't keep, call me I will take the dog back.
  2. I would try protexin and put him on chicken and rice longer term. If he is okay on that I would do a correctly monitored elimination diet via your vet.
  3. Is there a breed standard? What adult height and weight does that say? If there isn't one how can anyone say he is too big? 25 inches isn't that tall, he may be a dog who grows faster younger then slows up fairly quickly. I would also get the hind legs checked to be sure. He is handsome :)
  4. Is there a breed standard? What adult height and weight does that say? If there isn't one how can anyone say he is too big? 25 inches isn't that tall, he may be a dog who grows faster younger then slows up fairly quickly. I would also get the hind legs checked to be sure. He is handsome :)
  5. Oh geez she and you have been through the wringer. Sorry I know nothing about that condition. I hope she is better soon
  6. He doesn't seem bothered by it at all. I will take it off in a few days just to make sure there is correct blood supply etc. but otherwise he seems very happy :)
  7. I feel the way I do because I owe it to the dogs. That is the bottom line, I owe it to the dogs I bred. If someone believes the way I feel gives the puppy owners an opt out clause then so be it. What happens to my puppies is the most important thing to me.
  8. Yes I agree the owners do have a big obligation towards they dog they bought and a huge reponsibility in ensuring that dog is well looked after. However as in all walks of life there are oxygen thieves who will not care and just want to get rid of the dog - and to them now problem - as quickly as possible. I know of a breeder who got on a plane, with cash in hand to pick a dog up from some people who had bought her then didn't want her but wanted their money back. At the end of the day they didn't get their full purchase price back, but when a person was on their doorstep with cash in hand and a dog crate they happily handed the bitch over. I know not everyone can do that but I appreciate there are people out there who are willing to do whatever they can to make sure a dog of their breeding is safe. And to me that is the ultimate issue. I want to know where my puppies are and I want them safe. I also have not bred lots and won't so I am able to take them back if and when it is required. I have taken otehr breeders dogs of my breed and kept them with me until they could pick them up at no charge to anyone so they would be safe, it's just what I do and what I feel comfortable with.
  9. Yes agreed, I can see that sometimes there may be no way of taking a dog back. In that situation I would expect the breeder to be instrumental in helping rehome the dog appropriately or try and get the dog into breed rescue etc etc etc. Locally we have a once was registered then bred every heat so couldn't register them so stoped being a member breeder of my breed. I have helped get their puppy's out of pounds, rehomed and into rescue over the years and have my feelers in a couple of areas biding my time. I help where I can but I must put the safety of my animals first so cannot always take them in.
  10. This is what I got from a Whippet forum I go on that many have tried and has worked for them. I will see how it goes and revisit another technique if required
  11. I believe I am ultimately responsible for any pup I breed and should take it back. If one of my dogs ended up in rescue or the pound I would want that dog back end of story! My puppy buyers are told I will take their dog back at any stage throughout that dogs life, no questions asked. There is no offer of paying for the dog, but if at the end of the day it was the only way to get the dog back I would do it. However things can change in a persons life where they cannot take a dog back for whatever reason. In that case they should do everything they can to find that dog an appropriate new home. Where I can I will help other dogs but I will not put any of my other animals or pet at risk to do so.
  12. thnak you all for your suggestions. I don't know of any rolelrs anywhere but will go searching at my MIL's. He doesn't seem to be in pain and will still wag the tail. It just goes to one side and does hang with it's curve like it did - I will take some photos and post later.
  13. I have just discovered Lewis has dislocated his tail around 2 inches from the tip. I assume he did it while playing with the others a little earlier. I am wanting some ideas for taping.
  14. Sounds like an average a Whippet to me???? Not sure what is so unusual about her????
  15. Having a Dobe around very young kids is hard work and I wouldn't recommend a Dobe to someone who has never owned one with a young family. They are fantastic dogs in the right hands and circumstances.
  16. It is Friday 13th AND a full moon..........
  17. I have seen a few deaf Blue Cattle dogs, but that would be becasue they are more common around these parts than reds. A vast majority are also BYB and from untested parents and pups are not tested. we also have a reasonably high number of ACD X Staffirds and they seem to be up there with deafness issues - but it is in the ones who are predominatly white with roan spots or vast areas of white.
  18. They look great weights to me and have good muscle condition.
  19. Only two types of people own small dogs........okay then.............that is quite a broad generalisation. I know of some very intellegent people who own small well behaved and trained dogs. I also know of dickheads that own small, medium and large untrained dogs that bark and growl and carry on like idiots. Must remember to tell the small dog owners they are morons and either a blonde dumb bimbo or an old blonde bimbo or just old.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  20. If you cannot take it, do not give it. Doesn't seem fair to cry foul when you have instigated worse in relation to other people and businesses. I am quite sure no sane person would wish anyone ill health, however she went into what she did and inviting what she did with open eyes. That does not mean I condone releasing addresses, hate mail and phone calls. Seems her organisation was not beyond releasing addresses and personal details themselves. As I said, don't give it if you can't take it.
  21. People get puppies without thinking because they are bloody idiots.
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