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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. If they have a 90 degree bend they would mean that the mesh around the top would be at a right angle to the fence?? If so I would envisage that your dog could potentially jump ontop of that and out and over, the idea of the 30 to 45 degree angle off the fence is they cannot climb it by going up the fence and they cannot jump and land on it and go out that way.
  2. Hahahah I wish I could use my Jedi mind, seems to be on the blink of late :) There are no guarentees that getting anotehr dog before Bubba has to go is 100% going to work. It will take time to consider the needs of both dogs adn yourselfs, try to match age, activity level, breed etc and hope it works. There are no guarentees and I think you also need to think about what happens if it doesn't work?? What would you do?? However you are not going to know until you do it. As long as a new dog/pup is accepted well then I think you are well ahead in helping Maximus deal with losing his best mate and possibly the most security he has had in his life thus far. I can honestly say I have always had more than one dog - apart from a few months - and I find that the dogs tend to pick up on us being upset and sad but tend to cope very well if they have a canine friend when another crosses over. I wish you the very best in whatever you decide and hope it works out the best it can.
  3. The only time he has behaved like this that they know about. I don't for one second believe it is the first and only time he has been so violent to a living person or creature
  4. Personally I also find I cope better if I have a dog before one passes as I don't then feel like I am trying to replace on if that makes sense. I have developed a relationship which helps with my healing rather than trying to develop one when your heart is breaking. Not sure if I got that across very well :)
  5. I would consider introducing a puppy before Bubba goes. It gives Maximus time to bond with the new dog before he loses his mate. Even with a new mate he is going to find the passing of his best mate very hard and I would follow veterinary behavioural guidance as to how best to deal with that, ie he may need some medication among other things. As hard as it is, well done for thinking before it happens and trying to work out what is best for your situation.
  6. I have to say, even though I have three and they are good I am now going to seperate my bitch and two bots as they boys are entire get along brilliantly, the bitch who is now desexed and is a bitch and doesn't give any warning and nails one in particular. Lewis currenlty has four tooth holes in him from her nailing him. We are all over it. When all three are together the boys can't play as she won't let them. With her out they have a great time.
  7. I got some Grain free on Special in Woolies last week. The dogs seem to like it so far.
  8. OKay - senario Kids soccer game. Everyone lined up along edge of pitch, small fence directly behind that, cars parked directly up to that. person goes to smoke behind the cars and the wind blows the smoke all over the people sitting around the edge of the pitch. Or even better, someone sitting around the edge of the pitch and light up there. I think there should be a not allowed within x amount of metres of soccer game - or whatever.
  9. Does it name the registry? Ther eare other regisrties some have already been mentioned, there is also one called the Australian Pet Breeders Association or some such thing. Basically you can register any cross or breed with them, they have nothign to do with the ANKC. You do get papers so yep they would be an independant registry. They can be a registry and independent and be dodgy, or they can be legitimate ie working dog registries etc
  10. A knee jerk reaction may be to smack a dog or shove it to one side - that is bad enough, but to break that many ribs?????WTF???? I don't give a shit who he is, he should be in jail and have his medical license revoked. I am sure no-one is really pleased about having to clean up disgusting poo messes, but they happen. The dog didn't do it on purpose. If my dogs toilet inside I get annoyed at myself that I dodn't take enough notice of what they were trying to tell me. You certainly don't scream or yell at them and you certainly don't do whatever he did that caused that much damage. I am very surprised the little dog survived. I would have been extremely wary about having him around young children like that with that sort of knee jerk reaction considering what kids can produce!
  11. I have 4 but three are mine, one is my husbands soI kind of have three as they are always with me, his is with him. I find three far better than two, as said I can take one and there are still two left as company. I do have a smaller breed so that helps, three easily fit on the lounge with me - there is not heaps if space left :) I have the odd foster go in and out and the odd other extra and I find that a bit harder and like going back to my three.
  12. There are lots of things, but let's see how I go :) Rommi - she is so easy and quiet to have around, loves cuddles but won't stand I your head demanding them like someone else in the house. Always hangs close by, always there and should you call, zoom at your side tail wagging. Lewis - he was mine from the moment he arrived. He is my Velcro dog that must be touching me pretty much all the time. He would work for me until he dropped just because I asked him too. He is my boy and will do what it takes to find me - which isn't always a good thing :) Wilson - well from the moment I laid eyes on him, he was mine. Plus he was the only pup that came out nose first and made things easier for me :) he is the larrikin of the group and so much fun with just a bit of naughty :) he works very hard for me already and we still only do very short stints.
  13. What an arsehole. I don't care what his day job is. Should have had everything thrown at him!
  14. You and me both, say it too loud and people yell, but we have rights too. I answer even if they can kill people??? I wouldn't care so much if passive smoking wasn't so dangerous, I could live with the instant headache if it wasn't dangerous to me and my kids.
  15. Yep looks like a hot spot to me. When mine have had them, I clip the hair short around the area, wash it in Malaseb, dry throughly, put neocort on them and stop them licking. They usually heal up pretty quickly. Very occasionally they can come up really fast and mucky literally overnight and these need vet treatment, ie quite often sedation as they can be really painful, clipping, oral AB's and pain killers and quite often Neocort or something similar.
  16. Thanks for the link, your kennels look fabulous. I was chatting to hubby last night regarding the escapologists escapades. I think at the moment we had thought to go with the rollers, but now, I'm liking what I see on your web page. Thanks for the idea, will show OH and see. Fencer is coming Monday so will have to make a decision soon. NO worries. They are tried and tested, I have seen dogs get to the top and not go over :) I hear a kind of tink tink noise one day whiel I was cleaning, it was a little Stafford crosse who was sproinging up in the corner and his head was hitting the angled in bit above the top rail and his tag was clinking on his collar. He gave it a fair work out. He had escaped from the other kennels in town before and his owners yard many times. I figured if he was being kept in it was working very well. I was considering covering the top compeltely like the runs but decided to go this option instead.
  17. What we did at the kennels was put up a 6 foot fence and then put metal bars angled inward at 45 degrees from memory and put loser rabbit wire around that. I have certainly had dogs climb the fence and try to jump it (and they woudl ahve cleared the top rail) but have hit this and cannot go any further. I will find a link to the page the photo is on. Photos are on this page http://www.countrylaneboarding.com/facilities.asp
  18. Bugger I threw out my ball after the Am Staff chewed it through to the red, I should remember to remember which ones have guarentees. She also ate two Hurley's! Lol our Hurley got eaten by the ride on mower and is still going strong! One took her two visits and a couple of weeks to destroy, the second one lasted two hours. She has Go-cart Tyres for toys at home.
  19. Bugger I threw out my ball after the Am Staff chewed it through to the red, I should remember to remember which ones have guarentees. She also ate two Hurley's!
  20. Thank you, that is very interesting :) It has given me some ideas :)
  21. This may be why people think the horse died from passive smoking, read down a bit http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/28/us-usa-marlboroman-death-idUSBREA0R04920140128
  22. It also causes issues with pet birds, like budgies, 'tiels and canaries. Which also does not surprise me. I know studies have to be done or people just won't believe what is staring them in the face, but really how stupid are people who don't think it is an issue to other living creatures??
  23. Mine only has an issue at the beach. We have very fine sand that sticks like anything even when dry. I try to make sure his bits are well rinsed off, but it still causes abrasion issues.
  24. I am surprised it needed a study really, they are mammals like us. If passive smoking is an issue for other people it is highly likely that it will cause an issue with other mammals.
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