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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I got some of this to give the dogs a go. They love it - although one is not fussy at all :) Their coats look great but I ma finding I am having to feed them twice a much to keep their weight on and also their muscle quality has dropped. I would use it happily as a fill in food but I wouldn't feed it all the time. I have found this happens with quite a number of foods. My Whippets do quite a bit of exercise and I find many foods just don't have enough protein in them for their needs. Other than that its a good food though
  2. Yep I have one who will stay - she is the one who gets damaged the most adn had a TPLO. The other two I could move.
  3. So if not Petplan, any recommendations for other companies?
  4. Dogs can never be "wrong" as they don't know what our "right" is.
  5. I got my renewal for one dog on time, no issues. It has gone up $60 for the year. I have never claimed for him. It has gone up around $50 previous years. I pay yearly and have three insured.
  6. I used it for my cats, stinky poops gone, IBS gone, they looked great and loved it, then I couldn't get the roo so had to change them off it. My dogs have had mixed reactions to it, some did great, some did okay, one ended up with a very gassy upset tummy.
  7. I have used it on my cats when they had food sensitivty issues and I was trying to find a suitable food. I have also used it on one when he was having IBS attacks. It worked brilliantly. With the cats I just put the powder over their food. I have used it in the dogs when they have had upset tummies. I got the capsules I could get from the chemist
  8. some vets are slash happy me thinks! I can understand that many vet hospitals push for desexing for the average pet owner that cannot keep them from being mismated etc etc but if the forced it one me I would get rather amped about it.
  9. Fingers crossed you will get exactly what you wish for and the pooches will get a fun area to play in :)
  10. Awww yes I remember, I cried buckets when Rocco died. I am going to buy this and for Christmas presents as well. Serena is a clever lady :)
  11. Well worth the wait though, do it once and do it properly :) Can't wait to see photos :)
  12. I am wondering if there is a canine commercial kidney diet other than Hills?? I am asking on behalf of a friend.
  13. I am going to pick up some concrete soak wells this week :)
  14. Try Spot On enclosures. I have just got some panels from there and I am inmpressed with the quality and price. http://www.spotonpetenclosures.com.au/
  15. Aww bless him, his aim will get better as he has more practice :)
  16. I have three entire males so leg cocking is the most common position. However they all squat at various times ususally if they are busting rather than territory marking. Wilson will hit his leg, then get an eww look on his face, he also periodically thinks oooohhh what you looking at just as the other has finished sniffing and cocks his leg. We then have yellow pee drag stripes down his neck adn side. One day all three boys pee'd on the same tree at the same time, luckily no-one got hit :) They were all well spaced around the tree and all cocking the same leg. IT was all rather uniform really.
  17. Contact them, keep the food as I am sure they will want to test it and get them new food. Hope they are better very soon, poor things
  18. Please share photos when you have it happening :)
  19. HIs hot spot was on his left leg, yes? Maybe he has some weird feeling/pain due to damaged nerves???? Just a thought :)
  20. I find that a little weird....why not call it Beef & Chicken, or Chicken & Lamb. Why don't you get on their facebook page & tell them, you are a bit disappointed. Agrred, I am very dissappointed it isn't a single protein source food. And also agree they should call it what it is, not beef oh and we added chicken. I also want chicken free.
  21. I have been written into wills to be left 6 dogs, I am just hoping that I don't have them all arrive at once! I make sure that the owners tell me what they would like done, ie one is very elderly so he would be euthed and buried with his owner. I have breeder contacts where applicable and find out a fair bit about the dogs so I can fidn tehm the best home. These people know that I will not necessarily keep all these dogs but I owuld find them the very best home possibly and keep my eye on them and take them back should it be necessary. I believe that not matter what your age you should have a plan for your animals should the worst happen. I have seen many times where people have passed away and none of thier family want the animal and sometimes otherwise healthy animals are presented for euthanasia because no-one in the family wants them but they "know" their family member would hate them to be rehomed. In actual fact I am quite sure their previous owner would prefer them healthy and appropriately rehomed than euthed.
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