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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I don't care if they are entire or the size of a small horse - in fact I have one of those in right about now :) I also accept bitches in season. I don't do half days. Currently I do charge dependant on size and the second(third) dog in the same run is at a discounted rate. That is for my long term boarding. The area is under large shady trees and we do have clam shells etc and toys, kongs, treatballs etc that we have for those that like them. Thanks for your feed back, keep it coming :)
  2. Yep!! I've been using unscented baby wipes for years for my dogs. They're also great for cleaning up messy bums or wiping mouths after a messy dinner. I used to get them for the kids, then they grew upa nd I still get them - although in far smaller amounts :) I have had no issues with my cats and using them and one is sensitive. And if you are wondering why I use them on my cats, they are Sphynx and required regular bathing,ear and nail clenaing :)
  3. As Above. More market research :) What fee would you feel is reasonable to have a dog stay in a secure boarding facility for the day only. BEing dropped off in morning opening hours and picked up in the evening opening hours. This IS NOT doggy daycare and there won't be groups of dogs all running around together. Dogs will stay in a roomy run and have a good play in a large yard with us or any other family member dogs. I do not run dogs together that are not from the same family. The yard will be big and have tunnels etc for enrichment. What would you feel was a reasonable daily rate for such a service - any meds or food needed to be given would be given at no extra cost and we don't charge extra for play/exercise. Should it be one rate for all size dogs - due to generally not having to feed them, or should the price go up dependant on size? What about for more than one dog from the same family in the same run? Hit me with it!
  4. I use scent free, nasties free baby wipes on my cats. You could also try the baby safety ear buds with some ear cleaner on them for the harder to reach bits - I do that with the cats also :)
  5. I got some from Spot On enclosures and I was very pleased with their quality
  6. There are minimum sizes. Mine are 5m X 2 metres. Originally built to house a single Dobermann per run. NOw I have 2 one side and one the other. However I also added a 17m X 12 metre grass year. The single Whippet has a small area fenced off, the two boys the rest. They are only locked in now if required due to injury/surgery etc. At the kennels their runs are 5m x 1.5 metres. The first is before the yard went up, the second is after
  7. I used to ride down a country road that had a caravan park that allowed dogs. A cattle dog used to run out at us and I got annoyed but when I growled it went back where it came from. On day I didn't swap to the other side of the road - I was day dreaming - and heard a moron sicing his dog onto my horse. Imagine his suprise when we swung around and took off after the dog and went inches from where he was standing behind the tree egging his dog on. I could see the top of his head and knew exactly where he was. He was spoken to quite harshly and the dog never chased a horse again, it stood well back from then on and got told good boy. Pity the owner was a total moron! I have seen the bottom of a rump and down to a hock torn open from a dog attack at the beach and a reasonably badly hurt rider who hit the ground very hard. To a point I would stay away if I could but if that was the only place I was allowed to go, I would goa nd expect dogs to be under control.
  8. I have both. If I see a horse, I leash up. Horse poo is not like dog poo on the potential zoonotic issues and bacteria etc. I have seen horses injured by dogs, huge tears in shoulders and hindquarters and one had a large powerfull dog grab onto it's throat which resulted in nerve damage and paralysis of half its face. If a dog is hassling me will not or is not called off, I charge it, turn the horse and chase, simple. Too much damage can be inflicted by especially large dogs. My mare would back up and kick it before it got too close, my other would just stand there going what the?? I would look up the rules regarding what can be at the offlead beach. Even so horses are permitted to be ridden along roads etc, they don't have to stick to specific areas except for ares stated ie, no livestock on freeways/highways etc or beaches with specific rulings. For example horsess are not allowed on our foreshore beaches but can be ridden at all the others
  9. Hahahaha well that's one way of looking at it :) Thankfully she should now have no issues with UTI's
  10. That's looking really good :) What a sore little tushie she must have had!
  11. Yep one to think about. I often see people in class at training who try and take their lead off and the dog legs it to go and play and they have no idea why. The fact that they let them play before/after class or at the park beach etc means that their dog has a high value for that - and/or other dogs. As I said, easy for me to say, I have multiple dogs and acerage, so mine do that every time they step out the door.
  12. See if I want my dogs to compete around other dogs - at obedience, agility, showing, I want them to have no value for other dogs. They know they are there, they know what they are and are not worried about them, but have no value for them, they have value for me. So if I wanted to do dryland mushing I would train him around otehr dogs but wouldn't not or do not see it necessary for him to actually play with other dogs. Not sure if I am making sense. But my dogs who have been neutralised around otehr dogs are actually better with them than the one who initially played with other dogs.
  13. That is great, I would love to meet more people such as yourself, who not only do the very best they can but ask questions and take on board answers. Thank you. I do not want or encourage my dogs to have a high value for other dogs, so a group session in a dog park goes against that. If I didn't think or want that then it is possible they would be more social. I also have multiple dogs so they can play quite hapiily with one or three other dogs - plus the odd rescue I have kicking around :) Having said that my bitch went to a puppy school group where there was heaps of group play that she loved and was a total social butterfly. On only a small number of occassions when she was 6 months old, then around 12 months, she was harrassed by a dog and she went with the get them before they get me way of things. I think had I not allowed her in that sitation she would be as she was today. The second two have never been taught to see other dogs as anything of interest and actually deal with them and any unwanted attention much more appropriately than my bitch.
  14. The brindle dog and yours obviously know each other. My dogs play like that all the time with no issue. If I took my dogs to the park and they did that too them my Bitch would have gone shredder and my boy would have reprimanded. If they were known, it would be no issue.
  15. My version of going to the dog park is, there are dogs oflead - not right next to the main gate. They stay away from entering dogs - either becasue their owners call them or they don't care. I approach or someone else approaches me to see if my dog would like to meet theirs, yes or no occurs. If yes the dogs get to know each other, all going well they run around and play together. If things don't go well/no they move a distance away from each other and go on their respective merry ways. My dog does not approach anyone I have not checked with, no-ones dog approaches mine that has not asked. People understand that shoving, jumping on, standing over and humping are rude behaviours. People don't let their offlead dog run up to others at any time unless it is double checked, all people respect that other dogs may not like being approached and have the right not to be. The dogs have very good leave it's/recalls. I also understand this is never going to happen, hence I don't go to any :)
  16. Yep BD, I have also grabbed the collar of a young boisterous dog that charged mine - to play, not attack. I got him inches from them and damaged my wrist. Had he got them at that speed he would have damaged them as they were on short leads as we were walking down the track.
  17. My bitches reaction is totally inappropriate, she has damaged another persons Whippetand Lewis due to her lack of bite inhibition, hence I am wary. My boys I believe is appropriate to a degree, he has the right to be there and not get shoved nipped etc, but due to the fact he is what he is, if he does it to a dog that flies back he could get shredded easily so I don't risk it. At home he does it to the BC when get gets in his face and annoying and as long as he doesn't chase him down and only does it when the BC is in his face pushing buttons I let it go.
  18. Growl and flatten with spit. My btch goes from nothing to teeth holes so she does not go I to those environments. Her is growl launch and sink teeth in as hard as she can, the boy does growl flatten and spit but has bite inhibition. He likes other whippets and greyhounds but is not interested in other dogs of other breeds so will merrily do his own thing ignoring other dogs until they shove, stand over or put a paw or something on him.
  19. If your dog came up and out a paw on my otherwise placid boy he would get nailed. If not he would cruise around Ignoring all the other dogs. Having said that I don't do dog parks. And yes HD I agree.
  20. Plenty of issues with dogs at the beach here.
  21. Good point Jules, something to keep in mind.
  22. If she will eat raw bones etc I would try a raw diet
  23. I got done run panels from Spot Onenclosures that I am very happy with
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