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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Must be one of those rare miniature Greyhounds then! She sounds adorable Longclaw, congrats on your new baby
  2. I totally hate handing my dog over to anyone - however for the purposes of the pole, I choose Caesar as he is not a trainer as such, and is the least likely to stuff something up that I am trying to train. When Dr Harry can put a chain collar on the correct way around then he could be considered for the poll, Steve Austin is up there, some of them I haven't ever seen working with dogs so can't choose them. I am thinking just shoot me is close to the first pick...............................
  3. That is very funny! Us west aussie's are not sounding very accomodating at the moment are we!!!!! I will remember that for when I go to SA and Vic next year!
  4. The honey they sell - as a general rule in the supermarkets have been treated at high temperatures etc so would be safe. Active Manuka honey isn't. The Jarrah one I posted the link to say that it has been lab tested to have the same or higher rating than Manuka honey from NZ You cannot take fruit from the southern half of WA into the region above somewhere past Geraldton to protect our growing regions in places like Canarvon. There are pretty strict laws governing the moving of fruit, vegies and other produce within WA as well as at the border.
  5. Good to see she has the vet stuff done and has had a check up. If you feed her a good basic diet, no tidbits and I am guessing she will have more exercise then she will lose weight. Weigh her before you start and weekly to make sure she is not dropping too quickly. Really yukky teeth are a BIG problem, they can release bacteria in the blood stream and cause problems with heart valves, kidneys etc. I am guessing she will need to lose weight to decrease her anaesthesia risk, however she may benefit from a course of antibiotics to reduce the bacteria load in her mouth and help her feel a lot better. You will probably need to feed her softened food until her teeth can be dealt with. A healthy, not obese Chi should easily live a good fourteen years, have seen the odd 16 to 18 yo. But to get to that this girl will have to have her mouth taken care of and of course lose weight as you are doing. Good luck.
  6. As a real general rule, reduce there intake by 25%. Sometimes they hit a spot and don't move and then need to have the food reduce slightly again. It is VERY important that they do not lose weight too quickly as too much fat can be released into the blood stream and cause liver problems and possibly pancreatitis. I know for an average sized dog about half a kilo/ a kilo a week is a good weight lose, but for someone so small probably only a few hundred grams will be the go! Do you have a friendly vet who could help advise you? How long do you have her for? What is she being fed at the moment?
  7. Okay, I will do some searching! This is what I have found http://www.wescobee.com/-Jarrah-Honey-.html You can buy Active Manuka Honey on the web, but cannot get it sent to WA - even though someone on ebay from NZ said they send theres to australia and all over the world! I just hope they don't bring in any pests!
  8. Jarrah honey is a good alternative to manuka, try to find a local apiarist who sells it. You want the upprocessed stuff that hasn't been heat treated, just spun to produce the honey there's one up in the swan valley that does jarrah honey but that might be a bit too far for you! Yep it's about 700km's! However we do have a couple of bee guys down here, but the only problem is Jarrah doesn't grow here, more down the southwest. Here it is more wildflower honeys - all tastes good though, oh and unprocessed apart from getting honey out of the honeycomb and into a jar or bucket! Edited for those annoying missing letters!
  9. OSoSwift

    Puppy Pens

    I can go out later and measure them for you! Upposed to be house cleaning atm, can you tell I am procratinating!
  10. Rommimum, when I tried to get Manuka Honey I was told you can't get it in WA because of the quarantine:-( So I don't think you'll find it locally. Hmmm okay! Does normal honey - straight out of the honey comb to you- do anthing good?
  11. At least now I would recognise him walking towards me on the street, instead of going hey thats Moose's bottom He is looking great! Good to hear about Lacey as well
  12. OSoSwift

    Puppy Pens

    I got two packs of four panels from bunnings, may even use some for a roof! Much cheaper, they were $26 per 4 panels
  13. We don't have a health food shop, but will check out the supermarket and pharmacy, so I know where it is if I need it - hopefully I won't
  14. If only we could train partners and other family members!!!!!!!
  15. Ohh that looks very good. I don't have a solid fence I could lean it up against, but have lots of trees, maybe could even make a base thingo for it. I have the rubber, could find some marine ply and then some timber - hubby has heaps down the shed he did make timber furniture, and will again when he has the time I am going making doggy stuff!
  16. Now that is a really good idea Shoemonster! .................goes off to raid the shed!.....................
  17. Sounds like a case of the dog being smarter than the owner. Until she realises SHE is the problem he will continue as he is. Same here! Sometimes Rommi will look to me before she listens to her dad! He is a big softy, even with the kids he is always softer than me. I guess I am more of the dog person though so spend much more time training etc than he does. I also expect them to do as I ask the first time, he is happy to sttle for the second or even sometimes the third
  18. Our club has two flyball boxes which I will use eventually, but at the moment the ball is placed on the rubber mat (same size as and looks like the matting on the front of the box) and she is ent to the mat. I am teaching her to do the beginnings of the swimmer turn (ie placing front and back feet on the mat, and turning and pushing off from the mat) on the flat so that hopefully when we start to introduce the box she is more likely to know what is required and therefore activate the box. She is to light to activate the box unless she hits it reasonable firmly. ETA just watched your clip - he is doing really well!!! Lots of drive which is great. I haven't practiced for a while, I think I am trying to train too much and something seems to get forgotten! He looks fantastic
  19. Hope you are all okay, I agree with the off to the vets for the boys, it may be worth while to have them on antibiotics and they may stiffen up a lot after they have cooled down - although at this stage you might like them to feel a little sorry for themselves - little buggers. They can get very sore muscles, even if not from the bites, but they will have a fair bit of bruising. Definately off to the doctor for you, you do not need an infection when you are pregnant, they may just tell you to bathe it and keep an eye on it, but you never know. Good luck Definately keep those boys apart - naughty little furballs.
  20. No teeth on human ever - I don't even like being licked! Can bite toys as much as she wants, and loves playing tug and I encourage it.
  21. I just had a look at the calender and they had 3 trials at the end of June. I have never heard of them before though. Perth unfortunately is still 750kms away, but hey at least they are in WA now! Will keep reading up. I am assuming that your dog can be rego'd with them only and don't have to be ANKC rego'd? Rommi is anyway, but looks interesting. Pity there are no WA based judges with them yet!
  22. Thank you very much I shall go and read
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