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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. It doesn't bother me too much anymore, I have been doing it that long I think I am pretty immune. People probably think I am loopy when I jump around and clap my hands and tell my dog how wonderful it is, but hey who cares. Sometimes you just get "in the zone" on something and it is like no-one is there anyway! I came out of the ring for Rommi's first graduation at dog club and had three people give me applause! I actually thought she didn't work very well at all, but it was nice of them. If I get approached I just treat it as if it is an opportunity to educate! As I now have two Whippets, one strikingly marked, I often hear people go past and go look at the Whippets - cool.
  2. I have had two dogs that just could not tolerate Roo, and now I don't even bother buying it! I use lamb, chicken, turkey and Beef. Roo is good for getting weight off, and good if you need to introduce a novel protein and your dog hasn't had it before.
  3. I wouldn't vaccinate him again. Our STafford had a smallish lump one year that was sore for a few days and went away, the next it was like my flat stretched out hand and fingers hot, sore and he wouldn't/couldn't lift his head! He hasn't been vaccinated now for quite a few years, can't remember how many, I just told the vets he wasn't getting done so they stopped seding reminders! Get him Titre tested and a letter from your vet stating why you are titre testing and not vaccinating. YOu need to remember with allergic reactions, each time you/they are exposed the reaction is generally worse! Anaphylactic collapse is not what you want to potentially be dealing with! Hope he feels better soon
  4. Great news! Labs are a little naughty with the things they eat! I have known of a recently graduated Guide dog that ate half his owners dressing gown! He was very ill, lost 50cm of intestine, but did have a full recovery and got back to work
  5. I can't even get something to start on any editing paint sort of program! You will have great fun taking doggy photos. Who wouldn't! Pogo sounds very cute
  6. They are very sweet, hubby is totally besotted now and they are very good at finding the softest spot to plonk themselves - usually ontop of me! Not much room left in the recliner then! I wish I was clever enough to make sigi's, but why when there are very talented people that do it so much better than I could!
  7. Geez you were quick I just read back through a little and figured I had missed that bit, thank you so very much - very clever
  8. Rach you are a little star. Thank you, thank you thank you! Now, what do I do with it to put it in my signature space?
  9. I was wondering if you have a dog say rego'd with CAR, if a person scanned your dog and they got the chip number and rabg AAR, would they get the information that the chip is an CAR one? I have one dog chipped locally and she is rego'd with AAR - which is what all the local vets use and the first port of call for shire ranger and vet hospitals. My new dog is on the CAR register so if he got picked up the first call would be to AAR, would that registery tell them where to call or not? I don't even think they are aware there is 2 National registries, never mind 4 ( which I didn't know either before readind this thread) Would it be in my best interests to get the CAR chip also registered on the AAR regisrty?
  10. Could I please get someone to make me a lovely signiture as I am not savy with these things at all! Following some photos of Rommi and Lewis
  11. That was also the way I was told to teach my girl. It did work up until now. My new plan is to reward any interest in the dumbell. Yesterday I had a bowl of chicken, clicker and the dumbell (& Jess of course :D) and we have now got some interest but she still is being a bit weird with it. We're back to; 'she'll take it from my hands but wont go near it on the ground' again :D Thanks all for the help :D It took a little while with my girl even with a big bowl of chicken and a clicker - remember baby steps. Sometimes 2 steps forward one step back. Also the more something is "taught" or reinforced the stronger it will be, so eventually she will have an extremely reliable retrieve even if it takes a while to get there. A couple of times my girl lost confiedence and we would go back to the start again, over time her confidence grew and she didn't need to go as far back.
  12. Oh that would be lovely! Only problem is I am a bit broke after visiting the folks, so maybe next time
  13. Maybe so, but that was what I was taught at the time and it had been used successfully on Dobes by the person that taught me. Maybe their idea of a forced retrieve was different?
  14. It took me four and a half years and I eventually had a reliable retrieve and a CDX title - so It can be done! Even with a totally not into retrieving anything (no not even toys!), ever Dobe girl! The original method I had been taught was the forced retrieve and she completely shut down, zoned out and went to another place, even though I gently opened her mouth placed the dumbell in, gently held it closed, said give, she spat it out and I gave her a treat! Totally ruined the retrieve until I started clicker and shaped it. It took LOTS and LOTS of patience (I am not always good at that!) some extra extra special treats, a clicker and shaping. Once she got the idea and I had taught all the various parts and they were all very very reliable, one day I just put it all together. It worked she did a beautiful retrieve - I went completely off, she was over the top as well, had a huge jackpot and my friend stood with tears streaming down her cheeks as she had seen what we had been through. A truely amazing moment!
  15. Good news Your house must be sparkling by now - like to come and do mine
  16. If you feel that she is suffering and unhappy, then I think you have your answer. Sometimes some vets will try and make you do procedures or proplong lives no matter what the age/condition of your dog. You have the right to say NO and mean it. They should not be making your feel guilty or pressured. She is an aged dog with chronic serious medical conditions. You could always change vets if you are feeling unhappy or worried, even if only to get a second opinion. After having worked in the veterinary industry for years I refuse to prolong my pets lives for myself, I always try to put them first in every decision I make. Best of luck with your girl and I hope you reach a decision with what you would like to do soon.
  17. Last summer I had some foster kitties that came down covered with ringworm! Myself and my youngest got two each, my eldest and husband didn't, Our aged Stafford got about twenty or more( just wash and cover all the round rings and bald patches with cream!) My Whippet got none! I disinfected everything I could get my hands on with a fungisibe and scrubbed and scrubbed, threw out anything I couldn't and we were all ringworm free a few months out Very very iky! You are not a bad mum and he will be fine
  18. My Oh has had a dremel that he bought for timber making things, he has a blue box of extra stuff, and I have never used it for nails! Maybe I need to snabble it! Although mine have never had a problem with having nails done with nail trimmers.
  19. Good luck little brave boy! Hopefully all will be fine now and you can go back to Puggy things very soon. Those eyes did look very sore in the before photos, made my eyes water!
  20. Yep all of them, she trains for them at home, but not when we are out. Both my other dogs were trained and turned inside out for chunkers, she is just a little bit precious!
  21. BBq Chicken still warm, did use chunkers, but not any more as she has gone off them and Happy Paws training treats (An advertiser in the banners up the top)
  22. My advice - Don't do it! It is far to easy to overdose animals that are not registered for the product. Some people get away with it, but other dogs die senseless deaths. It is not worth it. I have never used Advantix as our problems are not very bad and the dogs are in with us a lot anyway. I have used a smelly spray that you can use on horses and dogs for March flies when walking and although the dogs hated it being put on it kept the flies away - Just cannot think of the name???????
  23. Thank you for posting this, I live 200kms from Norseman, but am holidaying at the moment and didn't know it had happened, I will endeavour to keep you all updated once I get home. Signed, there are many horse lovers residing in Norseman so I am sure they will try to make sure he gets taken for what he can.
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