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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Have found this http://www.intervet.com.au/binaries/82_115219.pdf
  2. I have just rang my friend who is at work today to get her to find out exactly who makes it and if it has the same active ingredients as the one yearly. I may not get an answer today. I know my vet would not sign off on a 1 yearly vaccine as a three year one as they have not embraced the three year one as yet - I am working on it. It is so hard to find info on the net as everything is so conflicting and many unsubstantiated claims. I want concrete proof. I wouldn't vaccinate my dog with a one year vacc and leave it for three years because "most" dogs have enough immunity. My young dogs do do high risk things and I am not prepared to risk them getting Parvo. I just want it to be a whole lot easier and straight forward. I think the next time I see my vet I am going to corner him to hash it out a little!
  3. Maybe explain to your MIL that you will put her down when she is older and starting to cost a lot of money on tablets etc. And geez, if she goes into a home, well she's done for then as that is just way too much money! :) Trust me I was tempted! She has no illnesses and takes no medication considering her age she is very healthy. She is always dying of something though, gets no sympathy from me - My Dad has Parkinsons and has real pain, battles and suffering every day and never complains. I just tell people my dog, my choice, they never suffer so bugger off. I am quite used to being the crazy dog lady as well, I am going to get one of those shirts made up!
  4. Geez they don't want to come to my house then! 3 dogs, 2 cats, 6 Guinea Pigs, 2 pet Sheep, 2 horse paddock ornaments and a cow that thinks she a dog! Oh and I have a fish tank in the middle of the table. I think I am being quite restrained!!!!!!!! Many people think that I am very odd and cannot understand why I go to the lengths I do with our old Stafford. He has around 5 to 6 tablets a day, polar collars, cool coats (as do the Whips) and I have to be very careful on hots days as he is on fluid tablets, so he has special meals with lectade added and water added to make sure he is getting enough liquid. Thay cannot fathom why I would spend quite a few hundred dollars a month on his tablets when he is old. My MIL told me he is old and I should put him down rather than keeping him alive for my own benefit. When he is medicated he goes for walks, plays and has a great time. He also has a great appetite. If he was in pain, not eating etc yeh fine he would be euthed. I won't put an animal down just because they are old and starting costing me a bit of money. As long as they have quality I will keep shelling out. I think people who don't like animals or don't want any are a bit strange!
  5. I had a purebred dog from a rego'd breeder (but not a very good one!) He had 4 different hereditary diseases as well as a shocking temperment, skin issues and way undersized. I have since bought 4 more purebred reg'd dogs, one died from a hereditary disease, one from old age, the others are still young and healthy. I will continue to buy the dog that I want from rego'd breeders. I did have a friend tell me that since there last dog had such bad temperment/speration issues and conformation problems that lead to cruciate ruptures, he was going to get a pound puppy next. The breed of his other dog? A purebred American stafford X English Stafford. He did want to have a highly strung purebred again. I did my best to educate and leave it at that.
  6. I am thought of as the crazy dog lady as well. My family can't understand why I pay money for a purebred and eve less why I would want to show. They can understand a little why I would want to do dog sports. Funny thing is they are the first to sprout he/she ia a champion etc to their friends, or my daughter knows what she is doing she has obedience dogs(nope I can't fix every dog problem for all your friends and neighbours!) My old bosses were quite good and asked how we went and were very happy for me even though the didn't think much of the showing side, they never said much to me. They always congratulated me on any passes or places. The vets nurses were not so accomodating and took every chance they got to say that everyone should rescue a dog, no-one should by purebreds and dog show were for egotistical maniacs. The took every chance possible to give me a hard time about it. A few years down the track and all of a sudden obedience training and puppy pre-school are not such bad things. One of them couldn't get her dog back from a run at the beach before it was ready, that was an hour! My reply to most these days is - This is my idea of fun, spending constructive time with my dogs, they enjoy it, I enjoy it. I don't hurt anyone, my dogs are extremely well cared for, are not left in the backyard for days or weeks on an end. I don't drink, smoke, hurt anyone or cause anyone else any problems, so don't cause me any problems and tell me I am weird or an idiot for what I do. ETA also remember some people are always right regardless of if they are or not. Don't waste your breathe or energy on those, not worth it. Heidii, try not to take it personally I look at it as they are the ones losing out, not you. Come and share your new puppy and your achievements with us because we appreciate them.
  7. I was at Riverside Gardens last night and noticed a few greyhounds there, running free and not muzzled. I did wonder if the laws had changed. The dogs weren't a problem at all, in fact I could easily have snuck one home with me I was at a dog park a few weeks ago and a lady had her greyhound offlead and unmuzzled. I was worried sick because the park is on a main road and her dogs (also had a whippet loose) weren't listening to a thing she said, she had no control. They were very friendly and gorgeous dogs though. That is a worry, hope she smartens up soon, but I doubt it!
  8. Yep Tiggy But when you live where I do, just trying to get a 3 year vaccine is not an easy task! Never mind talking titre tests, not to mention the fact our club people have never heard of it as I asked them! I am thinking going for the three year vacc for Rommi, getting Lewis his first yearly booster then three yearly after that. I do get a bit stressed about it all as I have nursed dogs with Parvo, one with Hepatitis and there was one with Distemper about 5 years before I started at the clinic I was at. I just can't bring myself to not vacc, but I can live with a three year vacc, I feel I am not playing with fire as I have them covered, but not over doing it either. Having said that our Stafford has not been vacc'd since he was 8 and had a severe reaction to it, and my Dobe wasn't from the age of 6. It just does my head in really! ETA would a Vet hospital issue a certificate from a titre test for a boarding facility or club? Such as if they have no idea about Titre tests? Something to say that the dog has adequate immunity to this and this disease and it is valid for 1, 2, 3 years etc?
  9. BedazzledX2 on DOL grooms in Midland, Railway parade. I think she is called Bobby dazzler dog grooming? Would highly recommend her
  10. How do you then get around clubs boarding facilites requiring a certificate. I am guessing only the vacc labelled 3 years would have a certificate that could be used in these facilites.
  11. Sound a lot like what we do! At least our PPS people will know what they should and shouldn't be doing, Even if the rest of the population may not!
  12. When I had my Dobes the line " If you don't want your dog to look like a patchwork quilt Get it under control" worked quite well. Now I use "If your dog so much as touches one hair on my dogs body I will make sure your dog is reported as dangerous and you will be paying any vet bills. I will also get extremely angry. To avoid that control your dog" Has worked the couple of times I have needed it. Because it is perfectly normal for an adult male Rotti to stand over a 5 month old female Whippet on lead and growl at it when it is sitting still shitting itself! The other thing is when I get extremely mad I speak to people like they are very very stupid and it is not hard to tell I am about to erupt so most people get the point quite quickly. The easist way to get me to that point is threaten my kids or dogs safety.
  13. Rectinol is human haemaroid ointment - have many mnay other uses! Neocort/Neotopic H is an ointment available from Vets on prescription it is local anaesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
  14. This is what I have been practicing with Lewis as he will rock back when stacked. I also give a small push against the front of the chest. Quite often a dog will spring forward when you do that(oppositional defiance) As I use a clicker I give a small push on the chest as soon as he stretches forward I click/Treat. Over time I with held the click for a fraction longer until he is now stretching forward and holding it until I click. I will work on this of course until he does it himself without any prompting. My other thing with Lewis is his inability to keep his four feet still if his life depended on it! I am also C/Ting for four feet still. I have found with him that if I move his feet from up up high as I have done with all my dogs (around elbow etc) he doesn't put his weight onto that foot and will move more easily. If I drop my hand even only an inch he will put his weight onto it and is less likely to move??? Not sure why - but he is different! Good luck! My Dobe HATED being lifted with a passion, have you tried just moving her front feet and not lifting her? If you lifted my Dobe she would react much the same as your girl. I used to move the front leg that needed the most correcting to the other, then the back legs. I would also recommend trying to find some reputable show handler classes as the person running them will have seen every trick in the book and will probably have some great ideas. I also second the chiropractor visit, she could be doing it due to some soreness
  15. If the reaction to the chew was that quick I would be definately suspisious that the treat had caused it. Is he red and itchy all over? or in spots? If in spots anything with local anaesthetic in it - rectinol or equivlient, neocort etc. If all over may a rinse in pure tepid water will help reduce the heat and if it is a contact allergy help wash it off. Good luck at the vets.
  16. Not sure exactly, but have seen a couple of dogs adopted as being around 18 months and they were wayyy older than that! One had a heart murmer(in a breed that it is not at all common) was completely grey and arthritic! He was more like 8 to 10 than 18 months. I have also recently seen a 14 week old "pup" with a full set of adult teeth - canine were not 100% through but pretty close! I have always taken the ages on roaming rescues as a guesstimate.
  17. I also use different collars for wearing around with ID tags on and walking. My dogs are walked in martingales, but there tag collars are soft fixed ones. The 2 hound collars are very strong. The customer service is fantastic, shoot her off an email telling her what you are after and she will tell you if that is what they can make. I would invest in a flat collar for home and a mratingale (or whatever you use) for walking. I have some small name disks made up for the martingales with their name vets number and my number, just in case! They are the mini size.
  18. I love the way they look, but I couldn't live with one. Have seen few at shows - one little fiesty one in particular wanted to take my Dobe out. I had to give him points for courage!
  19. I have some from http://www.2houndsdesign.com/. They are fully lined and they do not rub of my WHippets coat. Do you think it is rubbing or an allergy to the fabric? If it is rubbing these are great.
  20. What breed of dog -and sex- you get will depend very much on the temperment and type of your dog. I have known many house holds with a male and female Staffordshire Bull Terriers have lived happily together, but also quite a few where they haven't. If you wanted another Stafford it would be wise to have the opposite sex and choose a quite different temperment i.e. if your bitch is a more dominant type you would need a laid back male puppy. Having said that even with the best research and planning sometimes they can have problems as adults and you need to be prepared for the consequence should it eventuate. I personally would not keep two bull breeds together without supervision, but many people do and it can work. Our Stafford has been with very dominant Dobermanns and was fine (although no way could I leave the Dobes together!) and gets on well with the Whippets, but is not with them when I am not around as he is geriatric and has some issues.
  21. You have no reason to feel guilty - it was not avoidable. People can react with anger when they are emotional and distressed, and I imagine they will be beating themselves up about the dog ebing out (or they should!) Working in the veterinary industry and being the first person seen quite often involved bearing the brunt of peoples emotions and anger. many were embarressed later, but when we have a nasty shock and something like that happen it can be a very normal reaction. I am sorry this happened to you and your friend and it is an awful thing to happen. RIP little doggy
  22. As the risk of Prostate cancer is exceeding low in desexed or entire dogs, I believe they would be more likely to suffer from prostate enlargement and associated pain etc from being un-desexed than prostate cancer caused by desexing Geez sounds like my desexed dogs should have died from bone cancer, prostate cancer, splenic hemangiosarcoma, cardiac hemangiosarcoma, urinary infections among many other things. Amazingly My entire bitch developed pyometra and needed to be spay, our entire male was casterated due to changes in his testicles and apart from some urinary incontinence in my bitch all have had none of the other problems and died from a genetic disease in one and old age with the other. The desexed Stafford is amazingly still alive! There are many arguments for and against. No need for scare mongering And taken from the link you have suggested
  23. No your not. I am amazed that a dog would be awake enough and ready to go after that shorter period of time. Ours always woke up really well and as a general rule quite quickly, but never that quick. We had some that were desexed at 9am and by 12 to 1were that noisy and obviously awake we would ring the owners to come and collect them. We wouldn't have sent a dog home that soon as they were observed to make sure there were no untoward happenings.
  24. My dogs have only ever had an injection of painkiller while waking up and not needed any more after that. Usually after a couple of days it is a battle to keep them quiet. I wouldn't use the rimadyl at all until you know what is going on, even if you have to take her to the hospital for daily injections of a pain killer. Some dogs/bitches can be very wussy and I have seen some that just flat our refuse to walk as it pulls a little when they stand up, so they sit and have to be carried. Does she normally have a fairly low pain tolerance? Try not to let her see you are too concerned, try to treat her as much as possible as normal.
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