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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Glad to hear his is slightly better. To have poisoning as badly as he has, it can be a long road to recover especially since it was so severe. Hopefully his temperature is a little more under control. He is obviously a tough old begger. Thoughts to Reg and his Mum and you.
  2. I know PetPlan will help you with advertising and rewards when they are lost/stolen and also on the top level of cover you get their purchase price back after a set period of time and some other conditions. I will have to find the appropriate bit That is a brief bit and you are only covered if you are on the top cover. Hope that helps, not sure about other companies
  3. Great to hear things have settled a bit. Fingers crossed he is going even better tomorrow.
  4. His kidneys are still working and his urine seemed normal colour. The blood transfusion went in very fast due to him losing so much blood so quickly. He had collapsed after it and was getting very still and not responding much so we had to get the blood into him fast. Vet grabbed his own elderly dog, knocked it out and we took the blood from her. There was no time for me to go get one of my dogs. Thanks for your insights! It has been so helpful to get info from ppl here. Im exhausted and can only imagine how his owner is feeling. She has been brilliant with him, really nursing and nurturing him through this. They are on her mattress on loungeroom floor so she can be with him at all times. The only time she has left his side is when I was there with Reg and she left to get IV stuff for him. I am hoping and praying Reg can overcome the fever. I wish there was more I could do for him but there isnt. He has a cool coat on and is under the ceiling fan with the aircon on. You are both doing everthing you can, now he will just have to fight it. I hope if I ever have a really unwell dog I have a friend like you to help me out. Goodluck and still thinking of you all
  5. He may not be weight bearing due to fatigue, but he may have also had a bleed into his joints, which is very painful for them. I had a major life threatening blood loss and a fast blood transfusion can make your body go a bit silly! I was freezing and shivering and asking for more blankets, when in reality I actually had a fever. They told me it was a side effect of a blood transfusion, and the fact they had to put it in so fast. Due to the fact he is anemic will also make him feel like crap. Blood transfusions in people can bring on flu like symptoms from memory as well. Oh and while I remember rapid blood loss and fast transfusions can give the kidneys a hard time so plenty of fluids and keep an eye on his urine output and colour. I am still having my kidney function tested from time to time 2 years on.
  6. It is so great to hear you can enjoy being out and about with your dog. Have a great time
  7. Another example of a horrendous human being. I hope they find her and she pays for everything including the mans hospital expenses. And if she can't put her in jail. What a nasty cow, how on earth can a person walk away from another injured person without a backward glance? Just disgusting
  8. Oh thank goodness! I go visit the inlaws and it was all go! I am glad his owner is back, glad he has had a blood transfusion. I am praying really hard for this boy. Hugs for you and his owner as well.
  9. Not thaT i know of. Im so drained from the day. Hes still bleeding, anyone got any idea how long it should take to stop?? He is lying quietly on the lounge His owner is devastated and blaming herself.. To take his PCV they would of had to draw a small amount of blood then spin it in a StatSpin or similar machine, seperates the blood cells so you can see how many red ones. From memory around 15 to 18 is transfusable level, around 30ish is normal. I would consider ringing your vet, if he has had a resonable dose of Ratsack he will quite likley still bleed. The problem is he may run out and be needing a transfusion. There can be lethal doses of Ratsack that do not respond regardless of treatment(not what you are wanting to hear I am sure - but it is possible!) I would be calling the vet to see what next and asking about transfusions. If he has never had one before he doesn't need to be cross matched, if you have a reasonable sized dog yourself(the bigger the better) then you could use your dog as a donor dog. The main problem in country practices is being able to have access to dogs for donated blood. When I had my Rotti she saved 4 lives over time due to her blood donations. Good luck and lots of very gentle healing hugs for the beautiful boy
  10. The club I go to as a general rule lots of people use either CC or Haltis. They use a check chain, but are not taught the correct manner to use them, so as the go along the dog still pulls so they use a Halti. I use martingales as I have WHippets. If a club didn't allow a martingale I wouldn't go as it is a safety issue with the breed of dogs I have. A person can give corrections on a CC, Martingale, flat collar or halti. Doesn't mean that they will achieve anything and they may be quite harmful depending on the degree. I think a club should be flexible, but if they truely do not know how to deal with a certain type of behaviour, then say so, but give the person someone to go and see instead that can help them, don't just send them on their way. I do not expect everyone to be happy trying to deal with a large dog aggressive dog that is trying to attack everything. I would be more than happy for someone to have a check chain on their dog if they were concerened re lunging and control, and be training with a clicker and treats. They are only using a check chain as an 'incase" not as a method of training. I use a clicker and food at my club, no-one else clicker trains, but some use food. I asked them before I started if they would mind if I used it, they said as long as it didn't interfere with anyone else they didn't have a problem with it. I also work off towards the outer of the class and finish if I need to before they do.
  11. Yep that is what it sounds like! If you are talking about the Dobe on the latest DogsWA Canine news he is an import and I assume would have been done in the country of origin. There are many WA Dobes with docked tails, most of them would be done by a WA rego'd vet
  12. Did they do his PCV at all? Try and keep him as still as possible - he does look like such a sweet old fellow. A hard lesson learnt for his owner!
  13. I use Happy Paws training treats (one of the advertisers if you click on the banner at the top of the page) They are small, contain no fat, preservatives etc. You would find that a small amount would give you , numerically, a lot of treats. I haven't found they make any difference to my dogs weight, but they are not inclined to put on a lot. There are many different flavours, so I am sure you will find something they would like. They also seem to last forever, even when using them to give medication to the old dog twice to three time daily and training both the younger ones often. Oh and carrots are okay, but I did see on here somewhere someone was told no to use too many due to the sugar content. Have you tried cutting down their meal? I would reduce their meal so I could still train with treats worth working for.
  14. All I can say is I am so glad you were onto it! Vomiting isn't necessarily a sign of Ratsack so please don't feel bad about not taking him yesterday. I would be very careful about washing him as any sort of rubbing, no matter how soft could induce more bleeding under the skin and into underlying tissues. Treat him like fine China, no excess touching patting or moving around. Lots of small drinks, even a bit of Chicken stock (low salt of course) added to some water to help keep him hydrated would help. I know that seeing the blood on him may freak your friend out, but The touching associated with washing drying could meake the problem worse. Hope he stops bleeding soon. 3 days is a very average period of Rat bait poisoning to show up in. Goodluck
  15. I would avoid it until given the all clear. Dogs an people can get extremely sick from Blue/green algae. Not worth the risk IMO
  16. Lovely lovely babies, good luck with your choice!
  17. Hey JazzyJules I did live in Castletown until moving out to the farm, but am not far out of town anyway, so I have the best of both worlds. Having said that I have been out 6 days out of 7 (sometimes twice in a day)so I am being a hermit until Tues which is Master 4's first day of Kindy! My house needs my attention! Yep the drive is just a tad bronig, flying is 1hours 15mins or so, so much nicer Was hubby drilling out Scaddan way on the new mine?
  18. Typical bloody do -gooders, no idea and half as many brains! The Policeman did the right thing, Roos cannot be "fixed" their legs would never ever be able to take the strain they put on them again. If they survived the stress of capture and subsequent surgery. Most would die and agonising and painful prolonged death. Come on RSPCA go pick on the people that deserve it and leave the Policeman alone - he was doing the kindest thing in what seems like VERY trying circumstances. If you cared that much one of your team would have been available to check out the situation, they weren't he did the kindest thing - he stopped pain and suffering. Isn't that what the RSPCA is supposed to be about????............................................
  19. Oh how horrific, I hope the dog is found, therefore the owner and the owner is penalised severly. Best wishes to your poor friend and lots of get well wishes to his poor little dogs. Hugs from all of us Just terrible.
  20. Hi I am from Esperance myself, but there are some who are from Bunbury or near by who will pop in soon I am sure. hi there rommie , my hubby has jus finished working in esperance nice place i'd like to visit one day Oh where was he working? It is very nice this time of year, good beaching weather. If you visit, well have to catch up for a coffee
  21. Hi I am from Esperance myself, but there are some who are from Bunbury or near by who will pop in soon I am sure.
  22. Sounds like a great idea, wish we had a doggy Chiro down here, Lewis needs one about once a week because he is forever crashing!
  23. Great to hear, hopefully he is all better by today. Probably best to keep him quiet for a few days after he is feeling all better
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