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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I din't pay for mine and it gave me an insight that turned out to be spot on. Having said that I am very tuned into my animals and can quite often tell when something is just not right. Sometimes it has taken a litle while and quite a bit of money to be found, but i have been right about 3 very "huge"things so far. Sometimes it would be nice not to know. There are a lot of people willing to rip you off.
  2. Snoozing on their doggy bed, we have been out and about and moved some cows, they have followed me while I have hung multiple loads of clothes on the line. So at the moment it is rest time
  3. If my old Stafford gains another lump I pretend I haven't seen it! He has a major spinal issue and he would die under a GA as he has heart problems. He is medicated for his issues at the moment. I wouldn't put him through surgery, so while he is happy we keep plodding along, if he has anything that causes him to go down hill he will be euthed.
  4. The only dog/handler combination I have helped was an older GSD Bitch and we did the dog pulls handler stops and rewards a loos lead and attention. Worked quite well. I also like the idea of the penalty yards Jules. Basically the dog gains no ground and doesn't get to walk if the pull. only loose lead walking get the reward ie a treat and a walk.
  5. I love this pic!! Gorgeous I would love one like this with Daisy Lovely - look at that focus! Yeh not bad for a dog that had only being doing obedience for 4 weeks at that stage! I love the focus in that one as well.
  6. I would say to those that are frustrated. Go to the really good trainers even if it is a bit out of your way. A few trips of an hour or two could be the differnece between frustration for the next 12 to 16 years and enjoying your dog. Now doesn't that make it sound like it is worth it? Good luck I know just how frustrating and soul destroying a dog like that can be.
  7. Oh how exciting! I love getting parcels and even better when they are doggy things. I told OH I blame you you shouldn't post about great doggy things and then I wouldn't have to buy them as resistance is futile!
  8. I don't throw treats as the Whippets are not very good at catching! I will toss them on the ground or deliver them to their mouth. I use Happy paws training treats, cubes of chickern meat or cubes of dog roll. They bounce pretty well. The smaller dried ones do tend to get lost the easiest. Dog roll and cubes of cooked chicken are the easiest for them to see.
  9. No not for sheer vengence - not my style. The dog would be euthed to make sure it didn't happen again. We have been shown time and time again that people do not listen and do not take appropriate steps to stop it happening again. I would not risk that fact the animal would get out and attack or kill my defenceless animals again. If the same happened to my own dogs I would as mentioned before deeply mourn the loss of my dogs but would fully understand why it had been done. It would be my fault my dogs had been allowed to raom. Having said that a dog merely turning up at my place will get contained, have a feed,drink and any help it requires whilst the appropriate channels are followed to find it's owner as I have done in the past. I will not shot a dog no questions asked, but kill, injure or maime one and that is what will happen. My dog returned our neighbours dogs 4 times. They still didn't keep them home (had to go around 15 to 20kms to get to our property) so they disappeared.
  10. I would have only one dog out when I was training, no competition and snatching of treats issues then. If they are really close to you hand it to them. Most dogs if they are a little hungry don't waste too much time snabbling a treat. I am lucky both mine pounce on a treat I would have no chance in being able to pick them up before mine got to them first
  11. Thats a tough one - the small are about golf ball size the medium are just a tad bigger than a tennis ball - so why not get 1 or 2 of each so you can make your own decision Now that sounds like a plan! Lewis is tennis ball addicted! Okay 2 x small 2 X medium for me please and once again I blame DOL for spending more money on my dogs ..........it wasn't my fault it was DOL, DOL made me do it!
  12. You are doing the responsible thing. If everytime you are at the beach and your dog barrels off and you call him, he has been highly reinforced for running away (ie interaction with a person or other dog) and he has just learnt that come means run off in the opposite direction. Yes the dynamics will change, but for your dog not the other. People use that as an excuse for their dog when it picks a fight or won't come back. They try to pin it on your lead - totally off the mark in my opinion. Keep doing what you are doing you are teaching your dog he can have a run around but not choof off when he feels like it. I would walk with your dog on the beach any day as opposed to some of the other dogs and idiots I run into now.
  13. What gorgeous babies you have, Love the split faced BC. You most certainly can have a dog that heels beautifully and walks on a loose lead at the end of the lead. Mine walk both on the left of men and heel to the back pram wheel. Makes sure no-one gets ran over, tangled up in leads or try to tip the pram over. Mine are taught to heel on the left and right. When we are walking I don't care if they are beside me or infront as long as the lead is loose and they are not walking RIGHT infront so I tread on their back feet or trip over them This is my boy who's heeling is fantastic, but is equally happy walking to the end of his lead
  14. Oh can I add one, I have one of Lewis I love, I am not sure I have them doing naughty stuff because thy don't really??
  15. WHat size would a Whippet like?? I have squeak and ball addicted Whippets so I think they may like some
  16. Another reason I have decided if I ever have problems with dogs I will be researching a flock guardian breed of dog to help me patrol. Wonder what people who think if their dog perishes due to one of those, after all he/she probably didn't mean it did they?
  17. Hmm I didn't hear anything about a cat, I only caught the tail end of the story on the news. Can someone give me a link to the other thread on DOL the link above isn't working
  18. Whilst I am aware that accidents happen and some dogs may chase stock or other animals when they get out. I am still of the opinion that any dog seen worrying my stock will be disposed of. I have seen 30 odd sheep ripped apart with unborn lambs ripped out of them, many still alive and having to be shot. You don't get over something like that very quickly. I have two sheep here, they were bottle fed from around 12 hours of age, they were crated and I got up during the night to give feeds. I have a horse that was born here and I got to see his very first steps, I have an aged Clydesdale mare with arthritis who would find it very hard to evade an attack, I have cats and Guinea pigs, some babies I have bred and raised myslef. I have WHippets and an aged Stafford. Any fight would kill my Stafford and if my Whippets couldn't out run them, they would be badly injured as well. Now tell me in all honesty that it is okay if even just one of them is injured or slaughtered and it is okay if the perpetrator gets away with it????? I am really sorry but I cannot agree. Those dogs slaughtered a pony, they inflicted agony and drawn out suffering on an animal that in no way could defend itsself. But they should be allowed to remain where they were AFTER they came back and tried to drag the carcass of a pony away?????? They should have been euthanased and if it happened on my place they would have been shot - no questions asked, no second chances given. I would not risk another or my animals to them. Incidentaly in the properties around us we have Cattle dogs, Pitbulls, kelpies and Border Collies among others. None roam, we have never had a problem in 11 years. They are all close enough that the could easily reach our place but they are confined and monitored appropriately.
  19. A dog that merely chases - does and can kill stock! One and the same in my opinion.
  20. Great to hear the good news. RIP other doggies since passed over. Hope they find out what is going on to save any other owners and dogs the trauma.
  21. Thats good Value Certainly was, I would be more than happy to buy more anytime! He had a Landa
  22. Great to hear. I am sorry she has been made sick by anything - but thank god it isn't 1080
  23. It works well fro our Stafford as soon as he has a slightly smelly or cruddy looking ear, straight into using it, 5 days down the track all lovely and clean again. Have pretty much been able to get away without needing any drops for around 2 to 3 years. As long as I was onto it quickly!
  24. Agreed! And it happened more than once, sometimes it was the other way around, loved the Stafford, hated the Dobe. Now I have Whippets it a whole new type of breedism. The best was oh my god why do you have a Whippet they are the uglist dogs out. The are all scrawny and horrible why on earth would you want one of those?
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