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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Mine will be a puppy from a rego'd breeder. Not necessarily a DOL listed breeder. I doubt I would get an older adult dog but am open to getting a pup up to 12 months of age as long as it has been brought up in a similar sort of house hold to mine - i.e cats and kids. I would not seek out a rescue.
  2. Oh also a Bunnings Compost doggy pen - Excellent!
  3. Ears can do some very unusual things around teething time. My Whippet had the most amazing ears ever at around 14 to 16 weeks. As per the photo. She now has a perfect Whippet ear set.
  4. OMG - Horrified! If someone do that to mine they would cop a mouthfull and possibly get wacked themselves. I never hand my dogs lead to anyone. There are a couple I would, but they are not down here. Report the scum!
  5. Looks real to me. I would like one as well - the foal I mean, but a guy that likes cuddling up to them, now that is sexy!
  6. Um yes ....*ears prick up*.........Nice whippet t-shirts, please tell me more????
  7. Most definately!!! HappyPaws training treats Hound Bag Cool Coats I-Squeak Balls Australian Pet treat Company Hand made leather Whippet collar from Kirislin Pet-n-vet direct Hmmm I think that might be it I have bought stuff many times over from some. I love the new great stuff, my credit card doesn't quite as much! The dogs of course love it.
  8. We haven't seen to many this year. A few years ago we had heaps up near the house, and one in the wall for a day. We have only had four near the house (as in around 6 feet away from us!) this year. Three too many for me as I really don't like them. I have seen quite a number down the farm though going about their business.
  9. Wow poor little puppy. What a shock! Hope all is okay and she heals up quickly and is back running aorund in no time. She has some impressive hardware in that leg!
  10. Still praying for you Tris and the poor little dog at the centre of this.
  11. Current advice seems to be that soaking dry foods with a high grain content is not a good idea for bloat prevention. Soaking dry foods with a high meat content seems to be OK. Not sure I can find that article, but that is what I recall. Of course like all things with bloat, there is a range of advice out there, it's hard to judge. One thing that does seem constant in the research is that the risk of bloat is much higher if a direct relative has had bloat. That was a few years ago now, so not sure any any current changes to protocols. She was on Eukanuba fish and potato as it was the only thing she tolerated. I was told to feed them from a raised bowl as well. I am not missing having a bloat prone breed that is for sure! Having Whippets is so much easier, however I still follow the exercise after eating and before regime as I would not like to eat a roast dinner then run for an hour either. I have no idea regarding history of bloat in relatives with my dog. I had her grandaughter who never bloated and as far as I know her mother didn't either. The grandaughters father died as a result of bloat, but was elderly and had been on arthritis medication for an extended period.
  12. Yay I-squeaks - not long now! Rommi and Lewis say thanks in lots of anticipation.
  13. I used to fee my dogs two smaller meals. I was told to feed no more than 3 cups of food in any one meal (taking into consideration dry food and how much it swells) I was also told to part soak any dry food before feeding. I did not feed within at least an hour of exercise If the dogs had been at the beach or having hard exercise I would allow them to drink then stop them and allow them back in 10 to 15 minutes etc until they we happy. I found if I let them gulp they would drink heaps, if I stopped them and gave them a small break they would drink less. No exercise for 2 hours after and I also crated my dogs or had them in the dog run which is 5m X 2M. I had GDV once and bloat twice, all in the same dog. The first time we have no idea why, all the above was followed, she developed it at 5.30 am after eating her dinner at 8 the night before. The second time she broke into a laudry at the breeders and ate over 5 litres of food. And the third time she broke into a bag of dry Lupins and guts herself. After that she wore a basket muzzle whenever she was outside and running around as she would eat rocks, weeds, wood and anything else she could wrap her mouth around. She had her last surgery at 7 and a half and lived to not quite 12, dying from DCM
  14. All fingers and paws crossed here for you Tris. All our prayers and positive thoughts we can muster for you. Come home little girl.
  15. Naughty Beagle boy stealing Lasagne! Hope he keeps getting better and better, he won't learn so all yummy things will have to be far away from Beagle height in future. I have been through Bloat and GDV 3 times - I know just how stressful it is so hugs from us.
  16. It would also be disappering if it was doing that at my place as well. Roaming and being annoying is bad enough, but going into your house - that is not on. I also agree the dog is not being much of a companion if it is never home! I would suggest the bloke gets it desexed, then at least you are not having to worry about mis-matings on top of everything else. Some people have no bloody brains. Hope you get a resolution very soon.
  17. What he might want to do and what he might feel legally obliged to do might be two different things. I feel for the vet in this case - but boy what a looney that woman sounds like! I do realise that, however if he is the one left deciding who actually owns the dog, his decision will be swayed I am sure. I also feel sorry for the vet, and I hope the mad woman has karma bite her on the bum badly.
  18. Hope you get is sorted very soon and she gets returned ot you. Surely the vet would choose a rescue that the dog has been with over a mad woman who wants a totally healthy dog euthanased for no good reason other than she is quite mad? No vet in their right mind would death for a perfectly healthy dog over being returned to a rescue with a great history-surely?
  19. I have Petplan with $100 excess. Have only made a couple of small claims, all good so far. I am not covered for flea/Heartworm products etc. I have cover for Accident and injury $415 each per year for the Whippets.
  20. I go to our club, but use artistic license! Rommi I can train in slightly longer blocks, Lewis well around 5 minutes may 10 at an absolute push and He LOVES training, especially heeling. I think to expect a dog for focus for an hour is extremely counter productive, I can't imagine any dog being able to maintain focus of any intensity for that period of time. I have yet to see a trial at even the highest level that goes for more than 15 or so minutes. Try and find a club more focused on trialling or a group of like minded people to train with and bounce ideas off.
  21. Yep I agree, maybe even get some small mesh to attach to the bottom of the fence so it at least cannot reach your side.
  22. How bloody stupid of people to auction off a dog, even more stupid are the people that "donated" it like the dog was a chair or something. As for being a church group, I do remember a thread here about a church group who I think the bitch of one member had puppies, they all went to church membrs who were going to breed them and sell them to make money, so just because people are members of a church group doesn't make them ethical when it comes to animals, or that they have a shred of common sense. As for the comment Willow, take no notice you did the right thing. Also taking into account Willow has her own dogs and animals to think about and take care of and may not have the facilities to take on an unknown dog with potential issues, she is also due to have a baby very shortly. Whilst that will not affect the current animals she has, having an unknown who may prove to have some issues could be a real problem. Willow will be busy enough in the near future without having to clean up after stupid people mistakes. We are not all able to bring home any waif and stray that people threaten to euthanase. If I had taken every dog or cat or even horse home someone had threatened that with, I would have hundreds upon hundreds of them
  23. I also agree, the sooner she is seen again the better. Good luck!
  24. I got a Dobe at 6 and a half. I didn't like her name, but it was hers, she responded to it and she had no bad experiences in regard to it. So the name stayed. It was certainly not a name I would have called her myself. She was a retired show bitch that was very well known and it wouldn't have felt right to change it. I also have a Horse I got when she was 17, don't like her name either but it is staying. If the name was something that was rude or had nasty type connitations I would change it, but other than that no.
  25. When I had a pissing competition going on inside between my bitch and dog, I clean everything very well (shampoo'd carpets, cleaned walls etc) then I sprayed liberally with UO so they are less likley to smell it and re -mark. After that I got Bosito's Eucalyptus spray in a can and sprayed it liberally (open your windows it is quite strong!) in the areas the had pee'd. They haven't done it again, also had VERY close supervision) but as they generally sniff before peeing, I worked on the theory the don't like the smell of eucalyptus so would be less likley to. So I would probably give the outdoor setting a good scrub, use UO then spray Citronella - Get of My Garden is one - and re-apply regualrly. Same inside but I prefer the Eucalyptus so I used that. Good luck
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