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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. It normally takes ages to get down here as well, however since they have come from Perth I might be lucky. Have to take my son to Kindy so will definately check, if not I won't be in town to re-check until Thursday. I am very excited, at least on here people understand you getting very excited over a dog toy, they don't tend to "get it" in real life quite so much, they just think you are a bit wierd!
  2. MIne gets his in the morning for exactly that reason, although he does get up during the night it is no where near as often as it would be if he had his pred at night.
  3. I have used it for training treats. I agree it smells nice than the chunkers, but the dogs like both. I haven't ever fed it as their meal though. I have seen somewhere they are making a dog sauage as well, refridgerated, haven't seen it locally but was going to get some when I can to try it for training treats as well.
  4. Wow mine might be here tomorrow when I go to town and check the mail. How exciting. I was thinking of taking the kids for a drive, but I am not sure now after hearing Bully's stories - I might have a mele in the car!
  5. I know what you mean, I have whippets and a Stafford. I have multiple PP products for them (yep 'cause they have HEAPS of hair!), where does my shampoo come from?????? The middle of the ranger supermarket stuff, no salon products for me Anyone used their Sunscreen? Can you use it as sun block on unpigmented noses/testicles?
  6. Just wanted to add I have been doing some 'steady feet' work with Lewis the tigger dog and I am having some results - so Thanks His work would be better if I had been doing more training, been a bit slack of late, but the very first ever sit still exercise I tried he did even make 3 seconds!!! Now he can keep his feet still (and his bum - miracle!) for quite a few seconds.
  7. I also have some in the fridge, luckily i haven't had any close encounters and I can get to the vet quite quickly so not needed to use it. I have no problem with using it in a supportive role. I am considering getting it in powdered form to have on hand to give, if required, in a healing role.
  8. Yep probably would, but I don't show mine - distance a bit of an object! I just do it because I think it looks pretty, and yes when you pat them you do get a little bit of shimmer on you hands.
  9. Never had it happen in mine - thank god!!!!! Luckily I have tiles if it did happen though. EEwwwww
  10. I just rub mine in straight. And i also have many other PP products I probably don't need but I love I also like a very light application of Pixie Dust just to make them shimmery.
  11. Great to see your friend has taken charge. The little dog will have a great time, yes he will still need to learn manners and have training, but he now has the opportunity to shine. Wonderful outcome. If the hubby complains she can tell him to get on his bike!
  12. I use Reviva Coat on my Whippets after a bath, it gets the coat sitting nice and flat with no greasyness, and nice and shiney. I also have used it on a red Kelpie with a very dry sunbleached coat and it helped a lot with that one. I did read on the container you can water it down and use it as a grooming spray for brushing out without snapping coat.
  13. Brings a tear to my eye to read your post. Love it Love it Love it
  14. Happy birthday CBR Hope it is a good one
  15. IT is something you can give if you have a long trip to the vet - although I wouldn't stop to give it if it extended the time it would take to get to my vet., I think of it more as a supporting thing, support for organs and boby systems. The only thing that will neutralise snake venom is antivenom. Snakes can give a dry bite and not envenomate, therefore it would appear to work and cure the snake bite. I know of many cats who have recieved supportive therapy only and have survived, even when they have been paralyed and unable to move - but were maintaing their own airway. My SIL has had two cats bitten 3 times and two times each. They only ever recieved supportive therapy. The 3rd time one was bitten he didn't make it. I would use it if veterinary help was a long way away, or impossible to get to, after all you have nothing to lose. In any and all other circumstances I would go straight to the vet as fast as I safely could and not waste time with stopping to go to the fridge and inject a dog - by the way to give it intramuscular hurts like hell. With snake bite every minute counts. I would not risk it not working, I would always go antivenom first and formost with Vit C as a supportive thing.
  16. Sounds like the breeder is being upfront and honest. Can't ask more than that. It sounds like you have full breeder support, which again is great. If you are happy with the photos and the advice you have recieved then it all sounds good to me.
  17. Hehehe - poor bloke probably though he was going quite mad! He will be hooked on I-squeaks for life, that is all it takes ......one little squeak!
  18. I think what we should also start petitioning for is an independant audit who's results are fully disclosed to the public.
  19. Why does that not suprise me! Although I have heard about the legal represntation one before.
  20. Hmm funny that, people actually wanted the money they left to go towards actually doing some good not just paying the fat pigs at the top scooping the cream.
  21. Ahhhhh that's it!!! That is exactly what I was thinking! Most be something that is irresistable to doggies
  22. Why then do they have not enough money? That is a hell of a lot of money to be donated from such few people and in a reliatively short period of time. They will never get another cent out of me - alive dead or otherwise.
  23. Good to hear you have got the papers and all is sorted
  24. Maybe the big wigs sitting at the top should take a pay cut. I am sure that would free up a reasonable amount of money. I do not believe they are struggling becasue they don't have enough money I believe the waste money or cases that are crap and paying the top exec's far too much. The people that actually do the hard work are quite often volunteers or people paid a normal wage. It's the fatcats skimming the top. I think they need a fully disclosed independant audit to find out exactly where all their money does go.
  25. I am thinking that the Whippets will LOVE their I-squeak balls. How excited where the Whippets when the squeaking started - VERY EXCITED!!!!!! Can't wait till we get them home
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