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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. One fits easy and according to my measurements two should have fit . I can fit one of my 36" crates in sideways so will keep doing that. What sort of car do you have? Would they fit in a Holden station wagon - not the new smaller shape?
  2. I was getting a bit worried as well. Thanks for updating Steve. I amglad the dogs are going to be looked after by people Jed knows. Come Jed - we are behind you all the way. So so brave.
  3. Well there you go I have learnt something new again! Never knew Blue Weims existed!
  4. Done. Wish I was a millionaire at this point.
  5. absolutely in shock - how terrible. I really don't have the words at the moment. Thank you to the MDBA for organising care of her horses, those deceased that are decseased and for making sure her dogs did not have to stay with the RSPCA - I know she will be extremely grateful for that. Jed you are one of the most respected posters here, your words and wisdom are great. You have helped me in the past as I am sure you have helped many others. I am sending all the healing energy I can to you and your family. You have dogs that desperately need you, as you do them. Please get better and be home soon.
  6. I am the same, it is my puppy I want the papers in my name. I am happy to abide by any agreement (or I wouldn't have bought the puppy) but my dog, my papers and my name. I am happy to pay all the associated transfer costs and have done so in the past. All my registered dogs have always been transfered into my name as soon as. A couple have been "chosen" from litter whilst in the conception stages, it was just a matter of who it was going to be.
  7. NO that is not normal! It sounds very much to me like they are more than happy to breed for the money. Look for someone else.
  8. Looks much like my Staffords feet when they have an allergy flair. They get itchy and inflammed, dog chews and licks, they get moist so annoy the dog more so they lick more etc. At his worst out Stafford would literally chew his pads away overnight! Stop him licking them and the vet maybe able to give you something to dry them up a bit. I could never walk our dog in Spring/Summer due to feet like that and worse.
  9. Tell that to my Whippets! They are convinced if they get wet they will turn into Iggy's - and that is With a coat on!!
  10. Was driving along a few days or so ago and I saw a smaller blacl SUV pulling a dog trailer(very rare sight in these parts) with a Border Collie sticker on the back and with South Oz plates. My immediate thought was - oh who are they and I wonder if they are a DOLer? So if you are a Border Collie person from SA - Hi and I hope you liked Esperance
  11. Pregnancy can bring on a whole new set of stresses for a dog. They know something is going on and sometimes do not know how to deal with it. I would put a belly band on him so you can have him where he normally is as making stay out of the areas at this point in time may make the peeing worse as he is more stressed than normal.
  12. Looking at my almost 13 year old. No way would I abandon him, at any age - but now???? No way he would not cope very well. ANyway how hard would it be to find a home for a gereiatric, mostly deaf dog on heart tablets and pain killers? I will give him an extra smooch tonight when he is warming the carpet mat in his favourite spot
  13. No, Aussie3, I don't consider myself a dog god, just a mere mortal. Just wondering how your staffy would react if it approached a swf dog that growled at him and does not want to be bothered? this is a genuine question as I tend to fear the worst in these situations and this does not apply only to staffies but to certain other breeds too. MIne would quite likely yawn and act bored, however in his younger days he may have got excited and bounced around on his toes doing the Stafford Chortle. He would never have launched an attack and if he did it think about it, it would have been stopped very quickly. As in he had an extremely good "leave it" and I would physically remove him if required, but it never was. The leave it sufficed.
  14. I have never really had a problem with the GP at shows, but hvaing Dobes only those really interested wanted a pat an 99% asked if they could. My most memorable moment involved a VERY well know exhibitor of a different breed to mine. I had my Dobe in her crate and was helping a friend with her dogs. I heard my dog going off, barking/growling etc. I did not like her making noise, especially for no reason, so looked over to see what was going on. This particular person had their fingers stuck in her crate and were leaning over staring at her, while poking fingers at her soft toy. I told them to stop as she was not happy. He said oh her tail is wagging she is just pretending! She was pissed off and I told him to stop again. He wouldn't. Some other showies were looking on disgusted and quite convinced he was an idiot. I then said to him oh well when she bites you don't come whinging to me as I have warned you and asked you to stop twice. He laughed at me and told me there was no way MY dog would HIM (like he was a god or something) then thankfully proceeded to bugger off somewhere else. These two you girls who were standing nearby told me they were quite shocked at how stupid he was. I would have been more than happy to get her out ,when I wasn't busy, for a cuddle as she would of loved it, but we had travelled a lot over the days before, she had been in 3 shows in two days and the poor girl just wanted her sleep, and I was busy. It really annoyed me. I have only been to the Royal once and my dog was crated on her bench, I got her out for a little bit, she got some pats, when I or she had had enough she went into her crate for a snooze - all good.
  15. Thank you all again - so much good information It isn't torn at all thank goodness. I have seen some pictures of that and it is horrifiying to see. I don't have Penetrine but can easily get some. What I do have though is some Dercusal - will that be of any benefit?? The Bowen lady I am chasing up does do horses. The person could remember her daughters name but not hers, so they are going to find out and get me the contact info. We don't have a water treadmill, only the ocean and that is beyond freezing at this time of year and I am not even game to get my feet wet. We did have a doggy heated pool, but no longer unfortunately. Rommi is on Glucosamine even though it isn't her joint I decided it wouldn't hurt.
  16. Good to hear you have an answer, even if it does mean more surgery. We are sending him lots of Whippet cuddles, hugs and kisses.
  17. I always aim for 100% reliability, At this point it has always happened. However I do not put the theory to the test by letting my dog off lead near a road or near loose Roo's just to test my theory. I also do not go to dog parks as I don't need to, but due to the fact I haven't trained for a 100% recall in a park full of loose dogs I would hope they would listen, but wouldn't be overly suprised if they didn't. As they are animals with their own mind I would not say my dogs were 100% reilable under any and all situations. As I have said I use my disgression where they are off lead and able to remove themselves. However, I train to and expect it if that at all makes sense!
  18. THank you so much for your replies. I have been looking on amazon so will keep searching. The course sounds great but I am 750kms away and have only just been away. With the odd cow still to calve I am sticking close to home. I would love the name of the book Westie mum. I am also looking into getting a cold laser as it will help - hopefully with my sore backs and the old Staffords "issues" I will look up the poultice and see if my local horse supply shop has it in.
  19. Ahh yes, just had my face Staffneezed in!! I just cannot fathom that people are essentially calling for my boy to be kept under those conditions when he has never done anything wrong! Ridiculous!
  20. Poor little man - He is such a trooper though! Do you think he may have arthiritis in that joint now? That may help explain the pain a little. I know of some dogs who have not had surgical repair and given time and controlled exercise they have a joint which has scarred up sufficiently and they have a pain free functional leg. Have you the ability to do non-weight bearing exercise like swimming in a heated pool? Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise for joint issues as it helps the msucle build up around it without the joint moving and causing pain. I would possibly give it a little more time and do physio on the leg to see if I could build up the muscle. Fingers crossed all goes well for your boy - he has had more than his fair sahre of medical issues already! ETA - being lame will put more strain on his other leg, but once they are surgically repaired the are usually quite strong. I would definately recommend the swimming for him.
  21. Thanks Ptolomy She is on evening Primrose and Fish oil but has only started a few days ago, so I am hoping it is helping. She is going to hate me for stopping her zoomies though! It isn't severe which is also a good thing.
  22. Thanks that would be great. Whilst I hate going to the city and could never live there - there are some very clear advantages!
  23. The vet said that doggy massage would be great, however we don't have anyone like that here and apart from the basics I do not know much about it. Any direction on books etc on how to do doggy massage would be gret though.
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