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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Jazzie, so sorry to hear of the loss of your mum and the injuries to your dad and baby. Sending lots of hugs and healing vibes to you all. Such a wonderful person for thinking of others when your own grief is so new.
  2. My. what horrendous injuries. That poor boy. Lots of hugs and Tyson - you need to eat little man.
  3. Have lit a candle for Jed also. Thinking of you. I am also anxious about when Jed becomes more concious - however I think, as Dyz put it, she will possibly already have an idea it was very bad. Sending lots and lots of hugs, get well vibes and Whippet kisses.
  4. Thank you both for your tips, much appreciated. Murdoch is about 800kms from me, so a bit far unfortunately. I have tried to locate a Bowen therapist down here (willing to work on dogs), not much luck at this stage but I am still trying. I have not run out of leads yet. She does seem to be going quite well - a tad frustrated but who wouldnt be! Last night she was a bit stiff, but we had done a little bit longer walk so I will cut back again for another little while. I would LOVE to do a Dog Massage course, but yes Brisbane is a little far away! I have been giving her massages and it can't have been too bad because she ended up on her back legs straight up and her eyes closed! It has only been a week and a half or so, so I am happy with how she is going at this point.
  5. Sounding good Tyson - tough little cookie. Still sending lots of Whippet kisses to you and your family
  6. I have just read this from the start. I am quite suprised I have not woken up the kids. This is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time, and Wazzat - I love your style. I wish I was that quick. Love it so much I am going to read it again!
  7. Good to hear Jed is through her surgery. She is a toughie so I am sure she will heal quickly physically. Emotionally - gosh don't even want to think about it.....
  8. Oh god that did it for me - Look at those sweet little faces and Chi Chi, no words...
  9. Yes it's very exciting. It is hard to believe though two days ago it was nealry 30 and we had a bushfire threatening houses and today is 13 raining and FREEZING! Nice steady rain is what we need - brilliant
  10. Oh how awful Thinking of you Tyson. Get better very soon cause everyone loves you little man. I hope that when your family is strong enough they make sure the owners of the dogs that did this are severly delt with. I think the worst thing is they are in their yard, they should be safe and they are attacked and cannot get away as they are SECURLY contained. Unlike the perpertrators of the attack. Whippet kisses to Tyson and his family.
  11. Will always have a Whippet or two! 1 - Border Collie 2 - GSP 3 - Greyhound 4 - Mini Poodle 5 - Pug 6 - Kelpie 7 - Anatolian Shepherd Dog 8 - Rottweiler 9 - Chinese Crested (Powder Puff)
  12. I am also going to join, but will need to wait until payday, hate that! Pacers do a wonderful job as does everyone on DOL. IT is good to know that if it all goes pear shaped there is such a supportive strong crew that will go in and help in the worst of situations. I am proud to be a DOL member and will soon be a proud PAcers member
  13. I am also a person with a budget for everything and a puppy is included in that. I agree with Ellz, there are dfferent ways of asking. If I email someone (and these days that is quite often the first contact) I tell them about my situation, that we live on a farm, and the sorts of things I would like to do with my puppy. I will quite often have a few questions for the breeder especially if it is a new breed for me. I also ask an approximate price for their puppies. I only want an idea as if it is outside my budget I will thank them for their time and leave it at that. I don't want to waste their time or mine to find out it is many thousands of dollars I cannot afford. I don't think it is rude to ask, but I do think a "how much are they" with not much else would be a cause of concern for me. If the price question comes after others and pertinant information about the people their is nothing wrong with that, we all live to a budget (well most of us anyway). If it is a breed/dog I really want I will then set about saving up some more to afford a puppy.
  14. We got some rain - Yippee! only 20kms away at OH work they 130km winds, hail and LOTS of rain. We didn't cop all of that thank goodness, but we have some moisture in the ground. Green grass is only days away.
  15. Thinking of Jed today and hoping her surgery goes as smoothly as it can.
  16. Did think that myself??? Just too much devastation. So many tears, so much heartbreak and my heart bleeds already for the anguish Jed will face once she is awake enough to know what has happened and all that she has lost. So so hard.
  17. Nope not much a all. Have had areas close get some, but it seems to keepp going around us. Fingers crossed for tonight. Bit of lightening, the odd rain drop!
  18. Oh bloody hell - RIP Magnus There will be so much to bare when Jed is awake. Good to here she is stable. All my thoughts are with her.
  19. When you have finished with the rain could you PLEASE send it down here - we are getting desperate!
  20. I gues it may be possible, if the chip was not to badly damaged?? I guess you could always give it a go and see.
  21. Still sending all the healing energy I can - and Magnus, times up for running around, time to go home.
  22. Was hoping to hear Magnus had been at least seen. Come on mate, we need you found! Fran - you are doing a great job and the memorial plaque is a brilliant idea. Here's hoping all of the people that are dealing with all at Jeds place and looking after her dogs at least managed to get some rest, you guys are doing a great job - please look after yourselves as well. Hoping to hear Jed has improved markedly today. Healing thoughts to you. Has anyone heard how her cat is going? I have been thinking about her as well.
  23. I am off to bed, but will put all my dreams and thoughts to good work for Jed and her dogs. Sending all of the best healing vibes and I hope to wake to better news tomorrow.
  24. I have an Astra Wagon like amypie said, I better watch her I think she wants to steal it . The wagon part is probably the same size as the new Holden Sports wagon. I'm pretty sure the crates would fit in the older holden station wagons. The crates are 30" though, not sure if they're big enough for Whippets. Okay thanks for that. I will have a little measure of the other crate I have and see what I come up with. Rommi is a dainty girl Whippet, but Lewis is a bit boofier.
  25. Thanks for the update, I have been checking often. I really hope Magnus heeds our calls, in real llife and via ESP and returns home, or goes to someone so he is safe. If anyone one can will Jed better DOL can. Sending lots of thoughts of healing. Whippet kisses. Thanks Steve for the updates. You are all doing such a wonderful job and it is so heartening to see everyone pulling together and doing their best in such a tough situation.
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