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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. RIP Magnus, you sounded quite the character. Have fun hunting smurfs whilst waiting at the bridge for the mum who tried so very hard to save you all. I don't have something in my eyes, I have a flood happening. Hugs and more hugs Jed
  2. Totally agree. We were watching ours hooning in the front paddock and it is awesome, Rommi did about a 5 metre jump at full flight - awesome! When the dogs start up, all of us stop to watch
  3. Lovely photos I also believe from what I have seen written before, that the muzzles can help reduce the possibility of dogs basically accidentaly colliding and a tooth ripping skin due to the force of impact. Even though the dog may not be trying to bite at all. Looks like they had fun. Mine were racing through mud a few days ago and got very wet and dirty as well :D
  4. Good to see you back Jed. Bugger about the drugs making you feel seedy, hope that goes away soon. I am glad your burns look better. My Dad told me the donor site hurt him more than the burns he had, I wonder why that is? Jed I don't know what to say really, the pain of missing your kids, I hope that the pain dulls a little for you over time so it is easier to bear. My heart goes out to you. At least you got a policeman with a sense of humour! Hope all your claims/paperwork go through quickly and with no hitches so you can start to rebuild your own home. *Bit too much Cab Sav last night - need coffee***** snuggles down with a dog or three, oh and a couple of cats*
  5. Would love it a I am not 100% sure, Thanks also the dose of Vit E would be much appreciated. I am going by the dose rate on the White E I have, but an exact dose would be very helpful.
  6. I wouldn't allow a pet sitter with a dog either. I cannot be sure they full understand what their dog is saying and the health and well being of my dogs come first. If I come home to find dog pee in the house I would be less than impressed! I would not risk any of my animals with a pet sitters dog. Not saying you do not know what you are doing, and I am sure your boy is very well behaved, but we have all seen the results of unknown dogs meeting and people either not recognising signs or not realising until it is too late.
  7. I have Petplan and have had no issues with any claims so far, they have all been small though. I pay $415 per dog per year.
  8. oh yes Cab Sav for me as well please, I am glad you can't get cold germs via cyber space as I have yet another one, so I think I will stay in Cyber world with a Cab Sav, a Rott or two and a couple of Cav's Whippets and any other pooch happy for a cuddle. Hope today was good to you Jed and your pain is ebbing away. The biggest thanks to your friend and thanks to your Blue nurse as well
  9. Thank you for that I will let her know. That is essentially what I am doing for my old boy, but use Ester C and have just been using plain Glucosamine. I am due to buy some more though so will get the Glucosmine with MSM and chondroitin.
  10. Ah okay all much more complicated than I thought. I guess that the circumstances surrounding the fight will need to be considered also. Who was on/off lead etc. They possibly also want to deal with your Aunt as they may think they can bully her into paying a large bill, they of course will not want to deal with you if that is their agenda as they cannot bully you. Dog fight wounds can look small until investigated further and I do not believe a vet would open up a huge area on a dog for no good reason. Around the neck they can get woulds that look minor until investigation as the skin does move reasonably freely around the scruff so the external wounds can look small, but the underlying ones are not. Apart from that many people can be hard to deal with and turn into bullies when money is involved. Trying to intimidate your Aunty is not excusable. If paying the bill is justified then so be it, bullying is not on!
  11. No worries I will keep an eye on the site and watch out for the cheaper price. Do your dogs like them?
  12. Really! that is a good price, how do you find them? I just had a look and they are $62 on Pegasus Pet products
  13. Definately keep using it then :D Lewis's eye glaze over like my BIL's totally ball obssesses BC who would drop balls on your foot all the time or just stare at the ball willing it to move. Lewis will even take a ball over his favourite food treat. I do use the ball as a reward for somethings, but wouldn't just prior to going in the ring. Best disraction training ever - Lewis training and a young boy kicking a soccer ball. I had to work hard to keep his focus as he has his own soccer ball he plays with along with an Isqueak, horse ball, small tennis ball like ball, kids balls (mostly now popped) and any other ball on a rope or otherwise.
  14. I couldn't use an Isqueak ball with Lewis he is just sooo obsessed with it. I would use it as a Jackpot afterwards though. I would use food rewards before going in. The last just before going intot he ring.
  15. Hi Jed, Hope you are feeling a little better today and your pain is under control. Chronic pain can be so debilitating. As someone else said if you feel you need to go back, just turn up on their door demanding to be let back in. The new room is quite nice, comfy lounges, I see the coffee machine has come with us and the magazines have been updated. I might just stick around for a little bit if you don't mind, got a great new book from the Pacers/Jed auction to read. Have brought the Whippets for a visit and the old fella who will love a good snuggle. Still think of you every day and wish you healing thoughts for your body and heart.
  16. Even if you use an airline crate to be probley crash safe it needs to be able to be fixed in the car. Sitting on the car seat or having a seat belt wrapped around it is not considered properly tethered. If it is behind a cargo barrier it obviously can't fly around the car, but could still get thrown around in the back of the car. Make is tether very short so he has to lay down on the seat and does have the choice of standing up to throw himself. Obviously this is for traaining only and for short trips so you can hopefully train him out of seat crashing. He will probably chuck a tantrum, but not be able to have all the fun of crashing a hammock and "playing". He probably finds what he is doing very rewarding.
  17. Well done Labsrule - excellent effort I am sure you will have great fun. Goes to show we never stop learning doesn't it
  18. I do some general walking around to let them stretch - how much depends on the day and I will have driven 400 or more kms to get there, sometimes on the morning - so they need to get the kinks outs. They always get a walk around when we get there, then another short one as part of their warm up. The i do some nose to hand touches, maybe a couple of fun leg weaves, a couple of one step heel positions then into the ring.
  19. Very good point, my young DObe did exactly that and I had to pull a wing out of her throat. Make sure what ever thay are having needs a good chew to go down.
  20. Can I ask one question. Of all the general BARF methods of feeding most people feed twice daily. Any particular reason for that? I can understand that with breeds prone to GDV that two smaller meals a day are the way to go, but as canine in their natural environment eat when they make a kill which may be daily or even every few days I would have though a more natural feeding pattern would be once daily?? Or a bone one day and a meal the next? It is something I have been thinking about for a little while now.
  21. Oh goodness. I sincerely hope no-one has been injured and he is caught soon. Please be careful all Melbourneites
  22. The drain can only be inserted from one side of the dead space to the other, so I would then assume that there was a large area of dead space underneath the skin. If that is left without having a drain inserted it will fill with fluid and it will be a rather large pain in the bottom. Small bite wounds that say the tip of your finger fits in to, would be left. To leave a bite would that left a large amount of dead space and no drain would be a disaster. They may have also opened up the are to make sure there were no major tears in the muscles or bloody vessels. I have seen very similar from dog fight woulds. They look benign on the outside, the real truth lies underneath. I have never heard of any lump, wart or otherwise being frozen off (apart from sarcoids in horses) The amount sounds right for what appears to have happened. If you are unsure contact the vet and ask them what was done. I am sure they would be happy to discuss it with you.
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