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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Has he not heard of the safety? Or removing ammo from the gun??? Makes you wonder when it sounds like he is a person that goes pig hunting. The "group" and probably the indivdual should at least know basic firearm safety. Seems his dog may be the smart one of that relationship.
  2. Fingers crossed that Penny is okay. PUlling her away is a very natural refelex and one we have probably all done at some stage. I am really hoping that Penny just has a bit of a sore neck and nothing more. I am guessing you probably had one of your lovely wide collars on which is good as the force will have spread over a larger area. Rommi and Lewis send lots of licks hugs and Whippets kisses to you and Penny.
  3. Hi Jed, hope this finds you a few steps closer on the road to recovery. Still thinking of you every day Whippet hugs and kisses
  4. I have been told it can easily travel up to 20 metres in airborne droplets. So dogs walking past COULD potentially pass it on. I have had Rommi with it as a young pup and my old Stafford got it from her. I know where it came from. The both ended up on antibiotics - Rommi was 10 weeks from memory. The dogs are vaccinated now but it is like the human flu vaccine, does not cover everything and they can still get a case of it.
  5. Cruel - no not at all Fun - hell yeh and the dogs love it.
  6. It is good he hasn't tortioned, but as Fifi mentioned, bloat even without the tortion can be deadly. I remember from when my girl had GDV the likelyhood of GDV re-occuring in a dog who doesn't have gasrtoplexy is something like 85%. So if you have a dog opened up to correction a tortion get the gastroplexy done. You can do everything "right" and still have it occur. Basically you are always on the lookout for any sign. The first time my girl had GDV She woke me up at 5.30am howling. I got her out of her crate and she looked a bit preoccupied, but wagged her tail. I took her outside incase she needed to go to the toilet. She trotted around for a few minutes, then went to have a drink and it basically fell out of her mouth. Her tummy looked very slightly blaoted, as in she looked like she had had a decent drink. SHe hadn't as she had been crated. She had a full tortion and no tube could be passed to decompress prior to surgery, so we got in ASAP and her stomach and spleen were tortioned. She did recover and had a gastroplexy. She had two more bloats, once may have been a GDV, but details (from the vet) are a little sketchy as she was boarding at the breeders at the time.
  7. I haven't used The ping String, but I got the four feet tomato stakes ( I think that is how tall they were) and had three strands, one so no-one could crawl under, one around mid chest height and then a taller one that would be harder to get over. My dog got zapped once, then didn't go near it after that. If you have a dog tha sails over and one that goes under I think you will need more than just one starnd as it needs to be high enough to deter the jumper and low enough to deter the bulldozer
  8. On me generally! Apart from that the lounge or one of the recliners. They will not sleep on their own bed by choice.
  9. My previous dog went away for a month and was never the same again. I would not do it now as they are my pets first. My pets stay with me.
  10. thanks rommi she would let you too she still sits on my lap and gets me to carry her around rofl. i could get hubby to drive a camper hmmm might be an idea ;) If she turns out anything like most Rotti's I have met she will still want to be sitting in your lap when she weighs 50 kilos! Yep mine did at 45kgs! She did have the manners to back backwards nicely and lower her bum, so at least she didn't leap and flop - but she was still heavy!
  11. They don't necessarily! We removed most of a dressing gown from a Guide dogs stomach along with around 50 cm's of large intestine! He had graduated 6 weeks previously.
  12. Chunks of meat not mince and no bones for a little bit. Mince and soft food like tinned food etc can get pushed into the socket and cause problems. Bones can cause problems as they are do hard - I am sure your dog would love diced topside, or porterhouse for dinner
  13. Absolutely gorgeous baby Rotti. I just want to pick her up and kiss her smooshy cheeks!
  14. This is the breeders problem, not the fact she doesn't show or trial due to distance. She is not breeding with a purpose or to better the breed.
  15. Rommi n Lewis, you need educating. Sadly, that photo is relatively tame. I get a lot of mailouts from the various organisations I donate to, and I cannot even look at them. I just write a cheque every so often and sign petitions :D I am not sure I would like to be educated in regard to that! Horrendous. I would do the same as you, sign petitions and help with a small donation when I can. Human beings disgust me.
  16. Glad to hear he didn't bloat - although dog spew in the car is not too handy! I admire your tenacity in dealing with his behaviour and I can honestly say I am not sure I would have your patience.
  17. Oh Bugger Kirty all you need is a dog with bloat. Hope all goes well for you at the vets. I know what it feels like to be presented with a dog with blost. Your heart hits the floor. Oh and vent away and call him lots of names on here for all you like.
  18. Sorry that happened Kirty. I think a good place to start is a heavy duty dog run. At 8 I am really not sure he will change, or if he does not a whole heap.
  19. Oh Geeko, I have never seen a picture like that - that is just disgusting, horrendous and appaling. Plus many other things I cannot say on here.
  20. I actually hope the imbissiles do get run over by the bulls! Hope the poor little dog was okay - looks a bit like a Min Pin to me - may be wrong though. I cannot stand Bull fighting and cheer if the twit with the cape comes unstuck.
  21. I would never claim to know it all and do the best I can to educate myself. It is harder being away from the hub of it, but not impossible. Why would I need my own bloodines - well maybe I don't need them, but maybe I would like them. Maybe I would like to breed what I think is the best Whippet I can, with the view to being able to show the progeny down the track. Isn't that why most people would like to breed? To breed the best dog they can?? I have travelled reasonable extensively in the past, but cannot afford overseas travel, and shown my dog at national specialites and all breeds shows ( different breed) so when I can travel and show I will, but why should living 750kms away from such things mean that I shouldn't be able to do something I love and have a great passion for??? Maybe I can breed a really good dog, with breeder back up, guidence, and good choices?? And well maybe I can't but how will I know. I still stand by some people have a eye for a dog and some don't regardless of if they show. As long as mine are the best conformationally they can be, can hunt rabbits as they should be able to and do well in obedience, agility and flyball - when we get that up and running- Then I am happy. I do not expect everyone to agree with me. Oh and I do have some very nice Whippets already
  22. Maybe Ellz, but I am saying it from my perspective, whilst trying to get the point across, that some people that don't show can breed nice dogs, infact there are some on here that from what I understand breed very good dogs, but don't show, or show very little. I do not like arrogance very much at all, and it is the posts with that tone that have got my hackles up a little. At the end of the day what is said on here will not affect what I will or won't do, but sometimes the most arrogant are the ones in danger of getting caught up in " I have the best senario" only to find out down the track that maybe they don't. Anyway said my bit, will leave it at that
  23. So due to the fact I live 750kms from our main shows, have two young children and run a beef cattle farm, I can't breed dogs as I will have no idea what to breed for as I won't be showing, so therefore my dogs will be a mockery of their breed standard?? Because I am unable to show at the moment I should not be allowed to breed as even though I would be keeping one out of the litter, I really have no reason to breed because that puppy may not get shown for a while if at all? Also because I don't show or compete in a dog sport at this point in time, my puppies may be raised in substandard conditions. Even if I have excellent homes lined up for the babies, offer and stand by full breeder support for the life of the puppies, I am breeding just for the money not for the fact I am breeding to keep a puppy for myself to continue and create my own lines and thus am breeding towars what I think is a WHippet as close to the standard as I can, and I am aiming to improve on each generation. I am over time - if I do indeed breed my dogs - going to go very slightly insane as I will be breeding rubbish that barely resembles my breed, but will think it the epitome of the Whippet. Whilst I agree not everyone should breed and some do have "kennel blindness" I do not agree that the only way to prove your dogs worth and your ability to have an eye for a dog is only proven by sticking your dog in the ring. I have seen people showing that I believe have kennel blindness, and a couple of dogs that should never have been in the ring - but overheard one exhibitor stating that the particular bitch she had on the end of her lead was (X Breed) perfection. I thought it was less than average and more than one person shared my view. In my situation I love showing and trialling my dogs but at this point in my life it is not feasable to do so. I train my dogs to trialling standard and they do all the exercises that would be expected in a trial and I train them as though I am aiming for a trial even though it may be years before I actually get them to one. I train agility so if the day comes, they can go and be competitive. Surely if I am breeding with the bigger picture in my mind, I know which direction I want to go and I want to produce dogs that will do well, under the guidence of my breeder, conform to breed standard and do everything, but actually get to a show, I am more than a Registered BYB??? I think that some replies in this thread are extremely arrogant.
  24. Yes i know what the standard is, but they are meant to be substantial and withing a certain height range, not huge. A bitch at 25.5 inches certainly isn't huge. A well filled out 27 inch male is substanial, capable of pulling down and holding a man, but not what I would class as huge. If they wanted huge I would steer them in the direction of a giant breed. Yes a 30 inch Dobe is a large dog to me not a medium one, but once again should not be huge. I don't understand people preoccupation with having a larger breed then wanting to have the biggest one around. They have a standard, bigger is not necessairly better.
  25. I use a large amount of cheap polar fleece blankets for bed shredders here. No white fluff, cheap, easy to wash and dry
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