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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Don't worry I am not going to have a go at you, just interested is all. She is quite large for a 3/4 Cav X so I am guessing the Poodle bit may not have been toy? Although she looks Kind big even if she had Min Poodle. Not that it matters anyway! The best way to tell theya re the correct weight is to have a good look, make sure the ribs are felt easily and that she has a waist and tuck up. At her size I would definately go for the frames, chopped if needed instead of wings and necks.
  2. What is she crossed with? I know you have said Cav X Before. I would go chicken frsmes - chop them in half if you want to give her less, and a beter dog food. Sometimes I make up cooked meat and a bit of rice - one of mine cannot tolerate raw meat - and they love it, but I figure I love chocolate but shouldn't eat it all the time ;) I also give the odd can of sardines, odd egg, odd bit of dog roll etc.
  3. Me too, much more potent than the Vit E Cream. Don't feed Vit E only apply it to the scar. Adding fish oil and evening primrose oil to the diet may also help. The oils are 1000mg per 10kgs.
  4. ;) Kids come out with some pearlers!
  5. Mine are normally on two meals until 12 months. My Dobes were on two small meals all the time. My Whippets started not eating one around 9 months. Now they get their tea and a chew or smallish bone in the mornings for teeth cleaning and boredom busting if they have to stay home while I go out. I feed a mix at meals, so would feed half BARF and Bikkies at each meal mixed together. So would have two meals a day with the mix. That way they will no hold out for the prefered food. I would feed him twice daily and use any leftovers kept appropriately for the next meal, not add one in such as lunch. As Ellz said a healthy puppy will not starve its self. I am a big stickler for the 20 minute rule for food being available in our house.
  6. Yay CC I bet you are one happy person today. I am quite sure you won't have time to post with all those cuddles and maniacly happy dogs and cats, so see you soon ;)
  7. I am not too worried about weight gain, I will just cut abck food and increase exercise and if it doesn't work, the weight will come off when the implant goes. Might be handy for thos dogs who don't gain weight easily?? Lewis had his today and holy crap what a big needle. Quite a bit bigger than the microchip one. I looked at the needle and said be prepared he might scream so don't jump! He didn't but it took a bit to get through the skin. Lewis was very brave.
  8. Is this add the same as the previous one mentioned?? If so there is a mobile and full name
  9. I had to cancel my appointment yesterday due to having gastro, so didn't get the implant. I was going to talk to the vet regarding leaving it for a bit, but tonight we have had issues again, so at this point I think I will go ahead. I don't like to do it, but don't want to leave things as they are. I guess I will have to take photos of his testicles for research purposes incase anyone else gets on here in a little while asking about it!
  10. Gorgeous baby Mira. Lovely buckskin mare as well. CC you must be soooo excited, plenty of photos please
  11. I would titre test, no point giving him something that could cause a flair up if it is not necessary
  12. If his condition is good and he is energetic and happy I wouldn't be concerned. He will go through fazes of eating more when he has growth spurts then eating less between. I do not like food left out to free feed. I do the put the food down for 15 to 20 minutes and then remove. If his condition is good you are not starving him at all. A couple of things can potentially happen. He may eat too much and become over weight - most common issue. He may eat a biscuit here and there and not enough to keep weight on. Also if he needs a vet visit/ anaesthetic you will not know exactly what he has eaten and when. He should have a visible waist, a tuck up (how much is dependent on breed) you should be able to feel his ribs easily and I like the shadow of the last rib or two visible. He sounds like he has a great diet to me. Don't get too hung up on the amount on the bag, most grossly over estimate the amount they need to be fed. Caloric intake is determined by exercise and genetic make up. All dogs are slightly different and dogs from the same little can all require different amounts of food.
  13. Confine them to a puppy pen or an easily cleanable part of the house. Crate when you can't watch and a belly band for him Go back as you would toilet train a puppy. Good luck
  14. Oh bugger there was - LOVE that Rat terrier, and um yep rats can be a decent size - yuk!
  15. Happy Birthday Amypie, hope you had a great day Yep I definately want to see foal pictures Congrats Wazzat - great publicity for you I have taken dogs to Dennis and he was great - funny old bloke, but my dog rather liked him. Anything else I have forgotten??????? Not sure ??
  16. As much as it sounds horrible if the dog didn't pass acceptence into the GAP program there must be a reason. Sometimes hard decisions have to be made. Personally if it was my Grey I would prefer I held him for the last time while he went. It would be better than passing him on, someone's SWF may get severly damaged or killed and he may not pass with the love he otherwise would have. I hate the thought of Euthing a perfectly happy healthy dog, but sometimes it is the kindest thing for the animal involved. Part of being a responsible owner is being able to make and carry through on the hardest decisions. It is a privlidge.
  17. Whippets and cuddling go hand in hand. Human, dog or cat they don't care they just have to be touching something!
  18. RIP Sweet girl, suffer no longer. Run fleet of foot at the rainbow bridge, you are in pain no more.
  19. Congratulations Kavik Well done Completely off topic, Nikivds Envy is just the cutest damn thing I ever did see! Love your new Sigi
  20. All the time! To each other and humans, Whippets drape on and over things, it genetic
  21. Young puppies can be a bit unco-ordinated and fall down ledges etc. If your puppy is limping and it became worse after you initally saw it, then I would xray. $290 isn't a particularly high price for xrays. Puppy's can damage growth plates and if not treated appropriately they can cause malformation of the bone and if in the leg, it can result in a twisted leg. I would take puppy for a 5 minute walk out and about to see the world if you really want to - a "socialisation walk", but I wouldn't be walking him half an hour a day. Playing in the back yard and around the house are enough. 15 minutes of training (and a 12 week old probably won't concentrate that long) will tire them out far more than 15 minutes of walking. Try to find a vet you trust and go from there. With limps that may be attributed to potential bone/ligament damage I get xrayed straight away. If it is broken the sooner it is fixed/treated the better. Good luck
  22. Inside means quiet time, no zoomies etc allowed. Outside Lewis is always runnig around with something in his mouth, if Rommi joins in - great! If not he will run around himself having a great time. Rommi does it as well, but not for as long. Easy dogs to keep fit.
  23. Mine walk over quietly and stare. If that fails they poke you with a cold, long, pointy nose. That inevitabley gets a reaction.
  24. Jeez Pers, what a crap string of events! I am quite sure today will be better. Sending lots of Whippets kisses and cold nose prods.
  25. I would hold off until he is mature, If I had to, 12 months would be the earliest. As a general rule I do not deesex my males unless there is a medical reason. I have had entire dogs of different sexes and breeds and not had any issues as long as they were handled correctly ie bitches coming into season can be hormonal bitches that will try and pick fights etc. Our entire male was desexed for medical reasons and we now have Lewis who does not show any "male" behaviours apart from being interested in lovely smelly girls!
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