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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Many times at our dog club I have had to pull my dogs out of the way and had to move as people have allowed themselves to be dragged over to my dog bu theirs. I tell my dogs to leave it then move away. One person kept moving their dog closer and got offended when I said thet I did not want my dogs to play. When my dogs are at training they are at training. They are not their to play they are there to work. I would have thought some would have worked it out when they cannot do off lead work as their dogs run off to play with the closest dog and don't listen???? MAybe that is to simple. Most of the GP don't get it or think you are weird for not wanting your dog to rack off whenever it is offlead to go and mug some unsuspecting dog.
  2. Yes Jed Sounds like an interesting struggle to get the suit on! We are VERY glad you need that suit!
  3. Dogs will always go back to what they have been most rewarded for in moments of being unsure, worried or not really listening. If you are showing the more you reinforce the stand the more likely they are to offer it. That is why most pet dogs default behaviour is sit, (or jump up if they have been taught very little!) as that is what most of them are taught, even if they are not taught anything else.
  4. The one time my dogs got it I know exactly where they got it from, but it is just one of those things. We get colds that we can't avoid as well. The only concerning thing was a friend had her dog at the same gathering and had 2 10 day old hand reared rescue babies (still had placentas attached and found in a plastic bag) who came down with it. Because of the fact they would have had little to no immunity to anything they got really really sick and nearly died. The person who's dog brought it knew the dog had started coughing that day but brought it anyway. I would definately let anyone know who I though I had been exposed to my dog.
  5. It can take weeks for a food change to have an effect so make sure you are patient and don't swap around again too quickly. If he is allergic to his collar, what sort of bowl does he eat from? Some dogs can be allergic to plastic bowls, stainless steel is the toughest and most hygenic choice. Polar fleece is basically a plastic so I would definately have him sleeping on cotton. Our Stafford is allergic to 38 things other than foods. He is allergic to the hessian sack beds, but can have the white feed bag type covers, he is also allergic to wool. He is allergic to any biting insects, horse hair, cockroaches etc etc. He is also allergic to grasses, pollens and trees along with some foods. I would add Fish oil at 1000mg per 5kg and you will also have to give Vitamin E as well as they can be depleted in Vit E if having lots of fish oil. I also give Evening Primrose oil at the same dose, along with Ester C. It can be very frustrating and yes at times you may have to resort to short doses of Prednisolone. It is ideal if you can avoid giving them that.
  6. I totally agree with all you have said and also needed to add What an absolute cutie!! His name just suits him down to the ground as well. Isn't it great when you have a puppy that surpasses your expectations. I know with the WHippets I had some faily high ones, but they have far surpassed those. Keep us updated
  7. MIne are always obedience and show trained. They wear different collars and I run/stand differently. They have it figured no worries. I have sat my dog in a lovely front in my shade on a hot day whilst the judge was not judging my dog. She was much cooler than many of the others.
  8. I don't use rawhides, I get dried beef tendons, roo tendons and other things from here http://www.australianpettreatcompany.com.au/ Some are quite hard and do help with teeth cleaning. One of my dogs does not tolerate raw bones and meat evry well but has these no worries.
  9. Congratulations on all of your achievements. It is great your kids are having a good time as well. Oh and yep Bull breeds do most definately rock
  10. How WELL do they have to work together? Are we talking obedience type work, loose leads, perfect turns etc, or uniform dogs doing a normal show workout together? And yes a video would be good
  11. I would try the implant Suprlorin to see if that may help, however I would also seperate and consult an expert. If it was me I wouldn't have had two males, but there is no changing that now. I have lived with bitches that wanted to kill each other and had to be seperated until one passed from old age. It is really hard work and they can never be trusted and you can never make mistakes, Get onto it ASAP
  12. I have had cat holes in me!!!! Two lots of antibiotics, infected tendons and a hand that didn't work for a while, and that was when I went to grab him as he went to get through the door as we had visitors coming in. He got a fright and sunk his claws in! I didn't let go, but Geez - the pain!! - Yep anyone that doesn't contain a cat at the vets or going to or from is a fool. Having said that, the only time I haven't was when my old cat went down hill very quickly and by the time I loaded us into the car to drive to the vets he was basically comatose. I carried him in wrapped in a towel. He however was incapable of anything at that stage.
  13. There is a behaviouralist called Kathy Kopelis - McLeod that works in Perth. I have only heard good reports. Glad your guys seemed settled an happy. I am quite sure they have had enough of the quarantine kennels. Lovely photos
  14. No worries, I have heard some people call them a corridor of jumps as well.
  15. My sentiments exactly. There is always two sides to every story and in this case we know both, but many times we do not and many times the breeder involved would have their reputation tarnished without the ability to respond. I think this is something to think about before making posts in future in relation to breeders for all of us. I am very sorry for both parties. I am very sorry that a breeder had to ring and let a new family hear the worst news, the way to finish off an already broken heart. And the new family will of course be completely devistated, no more much anticpated new baby. I feel sorry for everyone involved.
  16. Not people Dory, other animals. I do not worry at about people saying hello
  17. I walked out of the consulting room into the waiting room last week. A small very scruffy and dirty SWF went straight into Lewis's face. Now he had nothing catching but I didn't know about the dog or if it was DA. I stopped the dogs and had to pull mine back as the dog walked up to them. The owner was standing there with a 6 mo baby in her arm and said"oh sorry that was my fault". Now wouldn't you think that you would be MORE likely to put your dog on a lead if you were carrying a baby so you had more control? I had no idea what was wrong with her dog - hopefully it was in for grooming! I have also, in the past, had someone allow their dog to walk straight up to mine while I was getting him and kids out of the car, I pulled him back but not before they had managed to touch noses. The then informed me their dog was in as she has been losing hair and had been diagnosed with MANGE! As you can imagine I was not impressed and came home and gave everyone Advocate. Lead and control and a little common sense people!
  18. Didn't think it was rare either. And also under the jaw? Amybe they have a different disease they call strangles?????? The do push to presectute many people they should leave alone though. Then ones that do need it get let off with pretty much a slap on the wrist. CAse in point, Tibetan Terriers previously discussed on here and Rozzies dogs.
  19. So sorry to hear about Vadar. Many many years ago I had a very similar thing happen and it was on a town block. I can tell you now you never stop blaming yourself or feeling guilty. I now make sure my dogs are in the car or locked up as they can be very quick and are so tiny you cannot see if they are where they shouldn't be. It will be harder snice he was your birthday present and I know how excited you have been in the lead up. Please accept my deepest sympathies. I would wait until the next litter, it will seem like a long time, but 8 weeks will go very quickly indeed. Hugs and Whippet kisses from us.
  20. Yes a grid is a series of jumps in a line, I usually use at least three and up to 6. There is regulations for how far apart jumps have to be for agility so I make sure I practice those, but other than that the distance between depends on what I am trying to achieve, closer together to get the dog in to the bottom of the jump, further apart to make them stretch. For small dogs the distance between jumps could be very close, for larger dogs it will of course be longer. The distance between is also governed by the height as of course they need to take off from further back to jump higher. I also do 3 to 6 jumps split around corners, serpentines, and many other combinations. I feel that doing grids quite often helps dogs figure out in the early stages that they need to do more than one jump at a time. I will send my dog down the line of the grid while I am standing at the first one, and also leave them at the first one and send them from the last one.
  21. This is my reply in the other thread.
  22. Thanks Tassie, I am off to google Susan Salo Will also look for the book, Thanks To the Whippets horror I have just dragged out some more jumps! Grids here we come
  23. As per another thread there was a bit of a discussion about dogs jumping styles and how to train to try and change there jumping style.E.g a dog jumps very flat or very long, what do you do to try and train them to have a better style that is more economical and less likely to have them hit jumps or taking down bars. Do you do grids? use ground poles? What do you do to make them jump rounder? Longer? shorter? Or do you not bother training for a style and as long as they get over the jumps you leave them be? I am very interested in what people do. I have a background in horses and that influences how I train. As where I am is fairly isolated I don't have a lot of outside influences, I read what I can, I haven't as yet watched any DVDs. I do get my dogs to do grids etc to create the jump shape I like. So please share
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