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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Oh no, I hope poor Grumpy is okay. Hugs for you.
  2. I find this all quite disturbing! Glad your girl is okay TO-how awful and upsetting that must have been.
  3. Crates and ear plugs. If she scratches all night she will get tired eventually - even if it is days! DO NOT GIVE IN! This is the secret. Never give in.
  4. Good to hear from you Rappie Wondering how she is going?
  5. Personaly I wouldn't care if new owners decided to desex their dog and have it purely as a pet. I may be a little sad that the puppy was not going to be shown, but a loving home outweighs that.
  6. 1 - Broaden your horizons 2 - Unethical puppy farmers couldn't care less about MR or any register 3 - if your dog will be a pet who cares what register it will be on 4 - Many breeders, once you have established a relationship will transfer the puppy up to the main register. Any puppies that I have will automatically go on the LR (except for the one I keep myself). If a puppy is deemed show POTENTIAL it will be upgraded to MR. Most of the people who buy my puppies are pet owners so they don't care which register they are on. My pets go with a desexing contract. If however the people wanted me to assess their puppy and I deemed it of show potential then I would tear up the desexing contract.
  7. Petplan is one that does not have a maximum per condition. Part of the reason I went with them.
  8. Good on you for taking her back. It does sound like she needs more care. She should at the bare minimum have a PCV and fluids. I am guessing she may also require a blood transfusion. If your normal vet won't do it, get a copy of her records and take her elsewhere. This could be the critical turning point. Goodluck, sending lots of get well vibes to Bonnie and lots of hugs and Whippet kisses to all of you
  9. That is a very reasonable price Stormy. Ours does not include fluids, but does include pain relief antibiotics and up to date monitoring.
  10. I think that my vet is around $250 for a Whippet??? Haven't had mine done and not going to but from memory a dog WHippet size is about that.
  11. Did they check her PCV??? If her ear keeps bleeding you can bandage her ear to her head. So soft stretchy bandage, a wad of soft gauze between her head and ear, and depending on where the graze is, her outer ear and the bandage, then bandage firmly but not too tight around her head. The compression sshould help. Out of interest do you have another vet around you that you could see?
  12. I am guessing that maybe correct process of surrending the puppies was not done. If the puppies were signed over to the rescue they could demand all they liked but have no legal ownership of the puppies so could go jump. If they tried to forcibly take them, then the police should have been called. I am also interested as to how they got the foster carers address??? I would be more than a little annoyed if my address was given out to a nasty piece of work that liked to bully to get what they want. However if the do not follow the correct process of gaining ownership of the animals in their care this sort of thing will continue to happen. Which is extremely upsetting for people like yourself.
  13. Glad you are getting somepostives. Hope Bonnie is better soon. Did they give her fluids or a blood transfusion??
  14. We don't know what stage the treated dogs were at. If people don't know the dogs have eaten the bait or only seek treatment after they start bleeding it would be quite possible for them to lose them all. Even so, I'm surprised the vet would give such a poor prognosis to the OPs dogs who have been treated extremely early before exhibiting and clinical signs. We've successfully treated dogs that have already started haemorrhaging. If the animals receive a vit K injection and then daily tablets, in theory they should be ok (if they haven't lost tooo much blood in the first place). I would be keeping them crated or at least very quiet so they don't have any opportunity to start bleeding. Anyway fingers crossed for the OPs doggies My understanding is they can get a dose that is high enough that treatment just cannot stop the problems, but the amount of poison ingested is very high. I know of one such case in 15 years. Dogs can and do get secondery poisoning from eating dead and dying mice and rats - the amount required would depend on the generation of poison used and wether the mouse ate enough of a dose to kill it,then ate something else, or snacked flat out on ratsack until it died. It may take many mice or only a few????? too many variables.
  15. I have just had snake number two at the house today! I would be looking out for them as well.
  16. Oh and definately NO exercise, crate them or keep them inside. Outside to the toilet and that is it, I wouldn't let the kids pat them too hard or play with them at all. They shouldn't bleed on Vit K but it is best to be sure.
  17. I think I remember in 15 years of nursing, definately losing one who was a small dog, eaten a huge dose and not presented until very very unwell, and possible another????? They have been big, small, old, young. I have had two friends have dogs with it. One was a 6 year old BC who they found having a HUGE nose bleed. Took him to the vets PCV 18 got treatment, still alive today. Another friend had an 9mth old Stumpy tailed bitch, eaten a large amount over time. Presented very flat PCV 15 or slightly lower?? can't remember for sure. She deteriorated in the time she walked through the door, had a brain bleed and fitted, was blind for a time but did eventually gain most of her sight back. The worst case ever presented to the clinic and she is still alive today. I would also be concerned if the vet had lost ALL cases so far this year. I would also be checking what sort of doseage of Vit K they are on. Good luck and I hope your dogs are fine, I would however take your very quiet one to have her PCV checked.
  18. I would probably fence it off. As he gets older and the novelty wears off you may be able to remove the fence and he will leave them alone. Otherwise can you get bigger stones that cannot be swallowed?
  19. OH and my vet told me to give them pro-biotics with the antibiotics and then to continue for a period of time aftwards. I used Protexin
  20. They look very similar to the trees we have here that we call Lilacs. I have been told the berries are toxic and have researched and been told that one can cause a problem, to they need to eat lots! Lewis has a particular attraction to them and I am always teling him off when he goes near them. He has eaten the odd one here and there because he is so determined and had no detrimental side effects. I still try to stop him eating them and if he is caught with one in his mouth he will generally spit it out.
  21. ;) ;) Gee, your blood must be something special!!! I can sympathise, ours are terrible at the moment and they LOVE my blood. I can have 20 buzzing around me and OH will be lucky to have one! They blow up huge and itch and hurt like crazy as well. Concrats to the lovely dogs (and Handlers) and their Royal success. Sure it was Lemonade ......I believe you....no really.........I do**not***
  22. Good to hear all are safe and although shaken not injured. I read the opening post and thought OMG a little hairlesss boy out in the elements by himself what a disater, but thankfully he is all okay apart from some sunburn. HUgs to all
  23. BedazzledX2 has a grooming salon in Midland
  24. I hope they find out very quickly what it is, poor boy. I do remember a Yellow Lab bitch being carried through the door one day. She had gone to get out of bed, fell over and started shaking etc. The owners thought she had been poisoned. She had ruptured a disk in her back. She ended up fine, but shaking is often a sign of pain.
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