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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Our Stafford was entire until he was 8. His urine was VERY smelly. His urine now (and for the last 6 years) has been "normal". Lewis doesn't mark very often so to be honest I have never really noticed, but all the entire males I have known have stronger musky smelling urine than their desexed counterparts. When it come to bitches I don't know. I have never noticed that my bitches urine was stronger when they entire as opposed to once they were desexed. Having said that we live on acerage and they don't wee inside or even really close to the house.
  2. Zoom grooms are brilliant, I did actually make my Dobe a little bit bald after attacking her with one! They work really well on my Whippets and Stafford as well. They are really good for giving a good scrub when shampooing and get heaps of loose coat out.
  3. Yep I second this. My dogs are pets first. Would be no good if they couldn't fill the position of healthy family pet first. I would like to think that anyone breeding is breeding for it all-Soundness(of mind and body) and adherence to the standard. There is only one way to breed dogs.
  4. Even though them eating cat poo - and other poo is gross. Eating another dogs poo or their own is another whole level of disgusting!
  5. Well.... they just got the dog a couple of days ago and it is fully grown and about to pop.... very pregnant.... to a bull arab x american bulldog I believe she said.... I just wanted to give him some facts on the things he stated as facts but I know are not but I wanted to word it right and get my facts right before I went on my high horse They also have a lovely young great dane boy..... who's dad was actually great dane x bull arab she thinks but his mum was pure dane... she is pretty sure. I honestly was just trying to give her some info as she didnt seem to really know and I thought she might be interested to know what type of dog she had just taken in. he said more things about If you are washing and grooming it to parade it and win trophies it defeats the whole purpose of the breed likend it to having a kelpie with no sheep to herd. Lol I can be a bitch too but as I really do like this friend I dont want to get on my high horse and be bitchy at her OH. Oh my!!!!!!!!! Just what is needed, does she have any idea what she is getting herself in for??? I definately wouldn't be getting into a fight with her OH, he wouldn't listen anyway. Be around to hand out sage advice and she will most likely be needing some help when the puppies arrive - good lord what a mix. Goodluck is all I can say.
  6. DO you have a postal address for people far away?
  7. Not sure what the rules would be?? However people like that quite often don't want to hear it and take any comments regarding the "breed" (used loosely!) of their dog as an insult or insinuation. If you wanted to you could reply something along the lines of you think the puppy is gorgeous and was just trying to help out by supplying your friend with some "breed" (once again used loosely) information. It is going to be a large dog so she needs to understand dogs and make sure the dog is trained and brought up correctly. If all else fails give her Wolfhound info - they are large and do need specific feeding and care as being a giant dog their needs are different to say a Kelpie or Whippet. I would be interested to see if down the track the little puppy has any joint issues. But I suppose of it did they would blame the named purebreed used in the cross as the culprit as usually happens. Not the fact the dog is a badly bred cross breed. Goodluck, but to be honest quite often these days I keep my mouth shut and maybe say something short and sweet down the track when their very healthy crossbreed dog all of a sudden has issues. But then that is possibly because I can be a bitch.
  8. Yep I have heard pineapple helps. I have a tin of the crushed variety in the cupboard! Oh and it MIGHT be normal for a dog, but it is still gross!
  9. Maybe because they are such slim dogs, they dont like what they see in the mirror and they think if they eat a lot of crap they might gain weight God that is a bad joke LMAO Bad but funny! :D ;)
  10. Lewis will occasionally eat Rommi's, not always but sometimes he will zone in on it and needs to be growled at. I pick up all poo seen as soon as possible to try and avoid him having the opportunity. He does not eat his own or the old dogs just Rommi's... He had a brilliant start in life and has never wanted for anything to eat, so why he does it I am not sure. I have read about MANY WHippets that eat their, their friends or any other dogs and to me as a breed they do seem a little over represented. Not sure why though. Rommi is not at all inclinded to do it in any way.
  11. Yep Kelpies are meant to be huge! Bloody idiots. Red Kelpies rare my a$%e! Poor dogs will end up going absoluetly crazy in someones backyard until they destroy it them off to the pound they will go. I know of someone who had a chocolate coloured Kelpie X,X,X Bitch, largish Kelpie sized. Got mated to god knows what. She gave away some of the puppies. The ones that were left were chocolate and black. She sold them to a petshop as Lab X's as she could get more money for them than is she had sold that as multi crosses. Yep she cared about her puppies and where they ended up and no money wasn't a motivator at all.
  12. There has to be a bull doesn't there? ;) Well there was.........in the beginning at least! :D
  13. The way I look at is this, Look at the worst case senario - all of it, yep even the death of your bitch and all the babies. If after really looking into it you believe you can handle having to deal with midnight c sections, hand raising babies, babies fading and dying and there is nothing you can do about it, having enough time for babies, then you are part way there. Anyone of course would be exremely upset to lose their bitch but is it a risk you are willing to take??? If the answer to all those is yes I can handle it, find yourself a mentor withon your breed or another toy breed. Their knowledge and wisdom is gold. If after seeing everything they have gone through to breed litters you decide it is for you, get your prefix and work with your mentor to find the best combination of bloodlines to breed the best Poms you can. It doesn't matter if they are going to pet homes, breed like you want to produce a world champion. If you are very lucky you just might, but it doesn't happen by accident.
  14. That sounds great as well, I knew you guys were full of good info ;) I have some small containers for jackpots, so will use them and spread them around. That would have been interesting with Jedi! Did you get him back or did he run off going hey mum, where is my treat pot?
  15. Oh yes that makes perfect sense! Thank you hadn't thought about doing that. Right will add that in
  16. I looked I just couldn't help it! I want all the Susan Salo DVD's but have no money for them :D I do however have something to save up for after I have finished saving for a new car ;)
  17. HEllo Eileen, what a gorgeous doggy you have there, and a very lucky one to go to live with you :D ****mumbles to self.......I will not go to the Cleanrun site.....I will NOT go to the cleanrun site....I WILL NOT go to the cleanrun site.....oh damn it....wanders off to look at the cleanrun site.......******
  18. Just wondering what sort of process you go through when you take the treats off your body?? Do you leave them in a closed treat bag? How far away do you have them in the inital stages? I am moving treats off my body - way later than I should be!- and wondering how you do guys do it? Lewis & Rommi seem to be coping with it better than me, I am finding it hard to let them go! We have already started on jackpots, but I am so inclinded to keep treats on me and forget to get rid of them! Bad bad me
  19. My lot love them and they need to have a good chew on them, they can't chew them up quickly. I get mine from here http://www.australianpettreatcompany.com.au/
  20. Good news, give her time, and once she can return to normal exercise and life she will pick up again. You can increase her food a bit but don't overload her tummy (definately don't want bloat-been there 3times!) Her muscle will increase with exercise.
  21. Definately not allowed to do this. The Judge or Steward should be onto a dog that is moving. If however my dog is under duress and a judge did nothing I would go to my dog quietly and remove him/her if required. I have never had a dog fail their stays at a trial in open or novice as yet, and although I have had a dog move next door they have never stood over or aggressed my dog in any way. With my Whippets however I would be more likely to go and "save" them if I deemed it necessary as they are a very soft breed and a dog picking a fight with them could blow their confidence forever. If a dog moved a stay and it handler called it out or called an extra command I wouldn't be very impressed. Having said that I do train for such occurances.
  22. If the meat is meat meal and still at the top of the list that is good. The meat can be the top of the list, then you take away the moisture content and all of a sudden it is 3rd of 4th on the list. Meal is the meat minus the moisture - which is what happens to it eventually anyway!
  23. I do not do stays unless I am on a pass. If we are disqualified already because the dog is off or having a bad day I am not going to risk them going down in a sit stay or moving when there is nothing I can do about it. Novice stays make me nervous after some of the things I have seen happen at trials. I haven't had a problem at Open level.
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