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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. The ANKC is essentially a registering body. They do have a code of ethics, but it is just that a code. There are some people that are registered BYB's and some that work hard at what they do and do the very best they can because they are ethical. Unfortunately some people get a bad idea of registered breeders because they have unfortunate enough to buy a puppy from an unethical registered breeder. I hope these Staffords have had all their health testing - for starters at least.
  2. As soon as I had Lewis home I got an email asking if they could using him over their unrego'd slightly nutty bitch. I said no he is not available at public stud. Around 5 months later I got another email saying I know you said we couldn't use Lewis, but due to the fact our other WHippet has been diagnosed with cancer I was hoping you might change your mind as we really want another Whippet and we think Lewis is wonderful. My reply, I think Lewis is wonderful as well, but no, you cannot use him at stud. I also told them that it was against my canine membership to mate him to unrego'd bitches and I was not willing to potentially get my membership taken off me. That seemed to have more effect than just no. There are other Whippets in town that are BYB and the people don't care who uses them. So I am not sure why she was fixated on Lewis??? Anyway she has just had twins and suddenly the whole idea is a little less appealing. Another time I got asked I told them his stud fee was $2000(plucked a figure out of the air). They thought that was a little steep and that they were looking to pay up to a couple of hundred! Oh well keeps us amused I guess.
  3. Me too Irish Wolfhound GSP Anatolian Chinese crested (Powder Puff) Min Poodle Border Collie Kelpie Greyhound Pug So many dogs so little time! There are others but this is quick and off the top of my head
  4. Dobe babies are the cutest I am jealous, I came across baby pictures of my girl around a week ago. Made me cry all over again! For Wazzat sending off Ptolomy's details
  5. I have never been pushed to have my dogs desexed, but I used to work there and they know I show them. I have recieved cards when my pets have died, although come to think of it I didn't last time, but that was a different vet that I don't see often. I do think it is good that vets are on to people about desexing as the average Jo Public could get a bit lax and the result could be puppies. So as more average Jo Publics go I think that is a good thing. I really liike my vets, One of the vet nurses could dissapper into a cloud of dust never to return and I would be quite happy, but alas she is still there!
  6. If it makes you feel better I am not getting a puppy at the moment Not to say I wouldn't like one, but that is a year or so off for me. I do love seeing other people though. It probably also helps that I go to Puppy preschool nearly every Thursday night so I can get my puppy fix that way.
  7. Nope not the only nutter I am nuts as well or so my family and OH tells me - I think I am perfectly normal.
  8. I think Spotlight has differnt coloured webbing??? I use black as it doesn't show the dirt then I put ribbon over the top so I don't see the black. I get plastic triglides from Ebay from a seller in Hongkong( sells them in lots of 10 or more and they cost a few dollars) and the D rings I also bought off Ebay, got around 120 I think???? and have around 30 left. I have also made and sold and given away some.
  9. I think its around 50....but I could be mistaken - it was a few weeks ago that he was at the vet now. Someone told me if there dog had a RHR of 38 to 40 they would take it to a cardiologist! Then after some research I found it not classed as abnormal in hounds in particular. Like I say if it was only Lewis then yes I would be concerned, but because they are both like that I wasn't too worried.
  10. I feel your pain. I just get sick of looking at their collars. I kinda fixed that though. I now make my own limited slip and martingale collars. After I have finished with them I collect a few and donate them to Whippet rescue. The only side issue with that is I can't just buy one ribbon at a time - I have around twenty yet to be made into collars, tis so hard to pick just one!
  11. I don't let my dogs mark everywhere either, but neither of them try, they just go if they need to. To be honest until I saw this I have never really thought about it.
  12. Swimming is great excercise! Wish my sooks would swim! I wouldn't let it worry you too much. Incidentally Lewis and Rommi also have low resting heart rates what is Mason's?? Lewis's is 38 to 40bpm and Rommi is 40 to 41. I had a friend check her Whippets and they were around 65. I don't class mine as super fit, but I guess since they both have low heart rates they must be. Apparently many hounds do have a low resting heart rate. If just one of the dogs had an exceptionally low heart rate I might be a little concerend but they have both checked out healthy.
  13. My dogs will toilet on command as well. I usueally give them a run around before going somewhere and tell them to go toilet. If they do great if not I carry a bag,pick it up and bin it. I don't have to walk too far carrying a bag so it doesn't worry me. It is part of dog ownership. I can see the reasoning behing Guide dog puppies being taught to toilet on command and them not wanting the dog to toiklet whilest walking. That will have its benefits. I am sure however these dogs are given ample opportunity to toilet when required.
  14. Lewis loves an audience! I always have bags as when they need to go they just do. Lewis will be walking along and then go in a few seconds, so not much warning. I rarely have my dogs out and about down town so it isn't much of an issue.
  15. I agree with Poodlefan. Never have them together off lead/lead rope - I have seen many kicked, bitten and trampled. Introduce them whilst on leads/leadropes. I would thankful he has survived and make sure it doesn't happen again. I would also hope he is very wary and stays away from them in future. I have a Clyde who will stand quite still and look quite happy. As soon as the dog gets within striking range she is as fast as. It only happened once when our dog snuck into the paddock behind me and I luckily interevened and he was not hurt. She did however kill my Ostrich that she had lived with for around 6 years. We bought them of some people who had them together for years. The dog got a fright so he stays away. Luckily the other two have much more respect for the fences.
  16. I would appreciate an email or heads up about it. I have notified people before that I personally wouldn't rehome to a certain person (these were fosters and rescues) sometimes I could not tell them why I would just say I wouldn't and the person knew me well enough that there would be a good reason.
  17. If he is not overweight and he is happy and healthy then leave him as he is you are comfortable with him at that weight. He is not jumping so an extra kilo or two is not much of an issue. Also each individuals perception of weight can vary enormously. You could ask a working sheep dog owner, a dog sport person, a show person and a pet person and I am guessing they would all give you different ideal weights. as long as a dog is not overweight and it is going to cause quality of life issues then don't worry.
  18. I would imagine a Lab doing agility would be ideally very lean so as not to impact too much on the joints, it is also very hard to tell from a picture, especially of a black dog- exactly what they look like. I have just had a quick look at the topic and although Poodlemum does say that in the picture he looks a bit hefty, they other questions are valid as in if a dog is carrying excess weight it will hamper their energy and will to do things. I am the weight nazi around here, my dogs are always kept lean and I do not like much extra weight at all, so it is possible I may have asked similar questions. He may just be very laid back, in that case use whatever motivates him the most, if it is food then use food. I think Mason is very handsome. Oh and as I have Whippets I get all the other commets i.e - you need to feed your dog, look at the skinny dog, oh my god that dog is skinny. I am buying a shirt that says "My dog is not skinny yours is just fat" Now I know this is not always the case, but I do get sick of it!
  19. I use Advocate as it kills the Adult flea and we live in the flea capitial of Australia! We don't have a tick problem though and if we do have ticks they are just kangaroo ticks.
  20. Coolies come in coats from smooth to a Border Collie like coat. Yes they will have issues with the sun, I imagine they will possibly also squint in the sun as well.
  21. Training does not have to be boring, but unfortunately it is a lot of the time. Really good instructors that make it loads of fun can be hard to find. Having said that training is what you make it. If your dog needs a rest - do it, if your dog needs a drink- do it. A class does not need to be followed blindly. Also in down times dogs do not need to sit there fully focused on their owner. If you are waiting for help of your turn to do something, let them relax or play a game with them. I am really bad for completely doing my own thing though and some people may not feel comfortable doing that.
  22. No they are not hard to train, they do however have special needs and a person that understands what having a deaf dog entails.
  23. Very good suggestions Whippetmum! I don't know why I just assume they are mentally deficient! When I had my Dobes, they were extrememly well trained and could be called off a dog that was attacking them. They did not start a fight but where more than happy to finish it if not called off - not that I let that happen. What used to annoy me was when people would sing out - Oh Fluffy is frinedly. I would reply - have you ever though that mine isn't?? You would then have a flurry while they attempted to get their dog back and failed miserably. Then the reaction would be something along the lines of - You shouldn't own an aggressive dog, why would you have a dog that isn't frinedly, why are you walking it here??? I would then reply oh She is okay, but not all dogs are and Fluffy has just ran in hackles up and teeth out and she has a right to defend herself which I will let her and she will, so think about it and keep Fluffy out of other dogs faces! There was one time I thought we were in big trouble though. I had seen a large dog coming so instead of just callign her to heal I put her on a lead. This dog I had seen through work and he was a large Rotti cross with a coat a bit like a Goldie. He was fine with people but as it turned out not so with dogs. They tried to call him he didn't listen. The said oh he is friendly. Well 50 to 60 kgs of dog walking at me with stiff legs, head up, hackles up and teeth bared didn't look to friendly to me!!!! I was having a quick debate of what to do and decided to get ifnront of my dog and in a growly voice telol him to get lost. It took a couple of times he circled a little then decided to leave - my dog didn't growl or anything but was looking very uncomfortable. They said why did you have to be so nasty to him, he only wanted to say hello!!!!!!! I was not planning for my 30kg Dobe to have to defend herself from that! People just have NO idea!
  24. I am sorry I can't help with the info you seek, but I think you are wise to resist the urge to google. I am sorry this has happenend to your girl and I hope she has a long and happy life.
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