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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Just because the dog - so far - will put up with that doesn't mean it should have to AND that sort of behaviour from the child has the potential to annoy the dog over time to the point it does react. Then we hear "that came from nowhere", "we have never seen him do that before". The dog is a saint I agree, but the child is not being taught respect for the dog and its space, the child is not being taught how to behave around dogs in general and in a second it could change, for the worst. If someone got in my face like that and tried to take my food they would get stabbed with a fork.
  2. Although we are Adelaide side of Perth so really that worls in your favour, drop off the highway around Norseman and its only 200kms south :)
  3. Hahahaha nooo :) And considering we are 750kms from Perth, well yep a bit of a drive :)
  4. I don't know of any club in Adelaide where that is prevented or actively discouraged. They call it "socialisation" so if anyone has a reactive dog they have to work very hard to warn people over and over and over. But I did have a look at the breeder's website and she's into homeopathic everything herself. So there you go. No need to tell her - she's probably recommending it. It's discouraged at our club.
  5. What a fantastic dog, and yes what stupid parents. I do find it hard to believe that any thinks that a dog should happily and will happily tolerate such behaviour fromn a child. Even if it does, why should it have to?? The dog in this video has an amazing temperament. But holy moley was I cringing!
  6. To be perfectly honest, many people don't hear what their told, partly hear or pick out what they want to hear at the vets. I highly doubt it was said like that. I have been in with vet and client whilst they have been told stuff, then been there when they have been chatting to friends family about said vet visit and what they relay is quite often nothing like what they were told!!! Your neighbour is tactless.
  7. None of my dogs have needed to be seen for issues that have arisen due to having "unhealthy" genes. So far they have all been crash issues bar one testosterone fuelled issue.
  8. I doubt he would have anorexia I would be thinking he is not wanting to eat becasue he feels unwell.
  9. Yep Bunnings :) My old Rotti was exactly like that when she had a bath. I used ot use a hose from the laundry out the door. Trying to hold onto that dog once she got suds on or was rinsed was near on impossible! She would roll in milliseconds! I love the photos, those are happy happy dogs :)
  10. I agree iwth this. Yes I don't want my dog to run up to people and I do want them to be under control and have manners etc. I don't want them to run up to dogs or visaversa. However I do wonder why they hell people who are terrified of or hate dogs, go to the very small areas dogs are allowed - especially off leash - and then bitch, moan and cause a comotion. It makes no sense to me.
  11. I would feed him whatever he eats, if its pizza then so be it! As long as it is not something known to be toxic feed it. If he doesn't eat it isn't going to end well, so if he eats it, feed it! At his age with his illnesses/issues I would go with whatever works to get him to consume calories. What is he like with things like tinned tuna? something a bit smelly help? I know of an almost 17yo Whippet who is getting frail but does rickity zoomies nearly every morning and she hasn't eaten dog food or out of a bowl for the last 5 years. If she wants it she gets it.
  12. I use sketchers with memory foam. I have a wide foot and these are a bit rounded so don't squash my toes. They were very comfy
  13. Whilst it is best for dogs not to walk up to people on the beach he didn't jump on them or rush them he, walked. Had it not been an offlead beach you would have called him back, yes maybe you could have intervened and called him back sooner. I think her reaction is over the top so she obviously does have an issue. However if it is a signposted dog beach theya re stupid to be there if she has that much of a problem. I agree it would have been polite to apologise to her friend for inadvertantly scaring her, however with that behaviour I would have told her to jam it and f off as well. Her behaviour was over the top and very agressive.
  14. Yep Ivermectin is available but I wouldn't risk t I know of a few dogs that have died horrible deaths due to accidental over dosing. No way I would risk mine. I ahve seen dogs affected bya nd treated for HW infestation, wouldn't be risking that either........... I believe TAS is very low risk for HW. We are in a low risk but not a no risk area. I treat mine all year round - well they have sentinel so they do get treated monthly.
  15. IS it all done by hand scaling? Are they polished afterwards?
  16. My way of processing it is, Have they had it before? Are they showing signs of pain? If a test/procedure I talked about Will it change treatment/outcome? If it was a brain tumour for example for me it wouldn't I would keep then comfortable with painkillers etc then euth, spending thousands on an MRI is really not going to achieve much. If they are young then my answers would be different to if they are old or if they have pre-existing conditions. I am not one who needs a definitive answer as to exactly what they have or is going on, so I am happy to treat symptomatically. If she is not in pain, otherwise happy/eating and has had it before and recovered, what's the rush??? I have seen some dogs recover with cortisone when symptoms have gone on longer than normal. It's about their quality of life as well, why get her pocked and prodded if it isn't going to change much/help much
  17. Yep I know of someone down here who homeopathically "vaccinated" her litter of pups and de-wormed them that was as well. Oh and yes and homeopathic flea treatment as well. Some pups came to the vets to be properly vaccinated and were full of worms, felas and looked bloody terrible. After a good few dewormings they picked up a lot. The ones who went to people who believed that shit ended up one - very sick due to worm infestation, two others died from parvo.
  18. I possibly may have dropped the camera when I got scratched by Miss Boo pants!
  19. Another one thought Goose was a goose .... until I reached the part where he growled :laugh: :laugh: Poor little Boo. She looks a huge personality in a little body. She is one tough little cat. She survived Av Gas poisoning and there was more than once she crashed and fought back. When she came home she had to learn to eat and drink again with no villi on her tongue. She laso lost her sense of smell. As well all know cat rely on their sense of smell so much when eating. I though it may not be really good but then I put fresh tuna under her nose and as it wasn't in her normal food bowl she had no idea it was under her nose as she was yelling the her bowl that was on the bench. I had to hand feed her for 6 weeks as she still had a very sore tongue when she came home, then food kept dropping out of her mouth before she could get it in far enough. She is a tough little girl. I ponder if she will ever get to be old as I don't know how hard her organs were pounded.
  20. A friend is helping someone out and is looking for contact info for Nightdrift Staffords, S & K Lee, somewhere in Perth. If anyone has any info it would be greatly appreciated
  21. MIne don't bark on leave or returning however they are a quiet breed. The BC will bark at inane things like planes flying over or the moon so he gets told to shut up once then gets a bark collar on. He then thinks about it for quite a few months before trying again. Mine are in the dog yard when I leave, they have toys and will sometimes get a treat or bone, sometimes not. they just go an lay down somewhere. When we turn up they run to the fence, maybe whine a bit but are ignored until I am ready to lay them out, the don't bark at all between me getting home and getting them though. I got Lewis as an older dog and he did bark and whinge for a while if I got home and didn't let him out straight away. HAving a shift owrking husband that didn't work, so he got a squirt of the hose every time, within a week he stopped.
  22. If mine barked like that and I needed to go out and was worried about noise complaints I would put a bark colalr on him before I left, leave him with stuff to do and go.
  23. We actually met as his cat was brought in with snake bite to the clinic I worked in :) He visited his cat often - my dad loves cats and I feel a guy who loves cat must be alright - and it went from there. We have always had at least 2 cats around :)
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