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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I think breed also plays into it a lot. I would never even consider 2 entire male Dobes (although I do know someone who had 2 and they were best buds) I probably would not have two bitches again, and almost certainly not entire. With the Whippets I have one of each entire. The bitch is the pushy bitchy one, the Male gives in very quickly, he will very occasionally growl at her if her really deosn't want to give up his possession, but if she says now, he goes no worries! I would happily keep a mix of Whippets. It is possible I may have the odd hiccup but from my understanding it would be less likely that there would be and more likely they would sort themselves out and get on. I doubt I would keep two entire Males Whippet or not. I would have one desexed, one entire male Whippet though
  2. Damn that is expensive for freight. Would it be that much for someone in Perth to send it to you? eta - if that makes sense If I could get someone to pick it up and take it to the freight depot in Bently I think it is $22.50 for 2 X 20kg bags. The quote was with another freight company, but it would still be $30 for the WA supplier to deliver it to the depot then $22.50 from the depot to here. So the freight would still be $52.50. I have decided I may pick some up when I am in Perth next to try it. Alternatively I need to find someone that regularly makes the trip and has space for 20kgs of dog food. I really would like to buy some, but when freight is half a bag of food it doesn't seem worth it.
  3. Hello Not from the Wheatbelt, but from the South east coast. I am originally from the Wheatbelt though if that counts
  4. I got quoted $95 for a 20kg bag. Unfortunately the freight charge is $65 so at this point I have left it. If and when I next get to Perth if I have some room I might buy a bag and bring it back. 20kgs will last me a while.
  5. My 19 1/4 inch Whippet is too squashed in a PP40 so will look at the PP50 with interest when it is released. I have an extra large Vari-kennel from my dobe but it is too big.
  6. Great news. I have had a dog with bilateral elbow OCD and I was hoping beyond hope that was not what it was.
  7. My two did, were seperated and luckily (I didn't think so at the time) my older bitch was muzzled. She wore a basket muzzle as she tried to eat everything and I mean everything after her 3rd GDV surgery. She wore a basket muzzle to run around on the 5 acres. She also had her coat on. The young bitch was trying to throw her on her back,but the coat kept moving and old bitch had her legs splayed so stopped herself being thrown over. The basket muzzle stopped her from actually being able to bite the young bitch and make the fight escalate. The old bitch had multiple holes through her lips, head and ears, her coat was torn up over her neck and shoulders. She had blood going everywhere. The young bitch was of course not harmed. As much as I was upset because the old girl couldn't defend herself (even though she was trying) I really think it saved her life. The fight was over in minutes and I was shocked at how much damage was inflicted in such a short time. I was also lucky my OH was home as he got to them before I did, so the fight was stopped sooner. They were never left together when they were not supervised. The old bitch was desexed, the young one was entire. They were 8 and 2.
  8. Mine - Roo roo's And that is the sound she makes when she is happy to see someone/thing. It is like a cross between and bark and a chortle kind of sound that sounds as if she is saying roo. Chortle ( you know that strangled sound that only a Stafford can make!)
  9. Take her back so he can see her while she is sore. If you are worried, push for the xrays. They may show nothing and you may have spent money you didn't need to. But if there is a problem that can be picked up then you are onto it straight away.
  10. I had two bitches that fought, the had had the odd little growling match but no more on and off. They were never together when I wasn't with them. One night they decided to fight and it was a good one. They were never together after that unless I was walking them-they were fine then- they wore basket muzzles in the car and I carried a horse whippet just incase. There dog runs were next to each other and they would growl at each otehr when they walked past each other (I had no option but to have them next to each other) there was a tarp between so they could see each other all the time. Your dogs need to be seperated and now. IT needs to be strictly enforced or you could have severly damaged or a dead dog. Each time they have a fight they get practice at it and get better at it meaning that more damage will occur. It is very stressful to have two dogs on a property who hate each other and will try to kill each other. It can be done but to be honest when my old girl died of old age it was a relief to not have to be thinking all of the time so as not to accidentally let them out together. Rehoming wasn't an option for me so it was managment.
  11. My dog as a 9 month old went to Perth for the Breed Champ show. Within 2 days she was hospitalised on a drip. It took three days for her to become well enough to come home. The dog should never have been in the ring in the first place as the risk to the other dogs was not acceptable. The owner is an idiot and it was the likes of him that saw my bitch extremely unwell.
  12. My CR parcel arrived. Well it arrived on Friday but I have only been able to get in today to pick it up. Very very cool stuff in that box I can tell you. It was open for quarantine inspection - I think the quarantine dogs just want to play with the toys!
  13. OUr family dogs growing up were always working dogs, Kelpie X's etc My very first dog was a Rotti. I originally wanted a female Lab, OH wanted a Male Rotti, we compramised and got a female Rotti Whom I adored. We lost her early to hereditary disease. I then decided to go the Dobes as my friend had them and I loved they way they looked, their personalilty and the fact they were a lighter build than the Rotts for jumping etc. When I lost my last Dobe - also to hereditary disease- I decided I needed a change. I know had two young kids and could not put the amount of one on one work into a young Dobe that I knew a young Dobe would need. I wanted something smaller, totally non agressive/guarding and needing less exercise and as a breed less likely to suffer from hereditary disease. I had three breeds shortlisted and researched them. The Whippet seemed the best fit and so I contacted breeders and made sure they were for me. I now have two with plans for number three and I don't think we will have another breed. They are perfect for us. I have dogs that I can train and do agility with, but if for a day we don't do much, they don't care and spend most of it laying around. They love their people and unlike Howie mine are always with me and following me and Lewis in particular would get inside my skin if he could. If I move they follow regardless of if it's outside to the toilet etc.
  14. I definately agree with that one. I have also seen what happens when one is wrapped around a human's leg that was wearing shorts and then the dog bolts - not pretty!
  15. I use Plush Puppy Sunscreen, but I also use Plush PUppy Reviva coat that helped to improve and elderly Kelpies very dry and brittle brown coat. So I would probably use the Reviva coat then go over with the Sunscreen. Petnetwork - (who have a banner at the top of the page-just click on view all and you will find it) That is where I have bought from before.
  16. Could you feed dried treats ie beef tendons, roo flaps etc instead??? Not quite as good as bone but I imagine the fat would be negligable http://www.australianpettreatcompany.com.au/ I can't feed Lewis chicken necks as he cannot handle much fat and these give him a very upset tummy.
  17. I use it as training treats. I think it is too expensive to feed alone as their meal. I also feed many things and as a part of their diet it would be fine.
  18. Same in Black cattle, never thought about it in dogs! I would give the coat a good going over with an undercoat rake, then use a coat sunscreen to stop it fading from sun exposure.
  19. MIne are generally inside with me, but every now and again I put them in the dog runs when I am home for a little bit so they don't carry on. They are outside with us (never left out by themselves as we have 5 acres with stock fences and a reasonable amount of snakes) inside with us or in their dog runs - which we are building a yard attatched to that will be snake meshed like the runs and nice green grass so they can be out in there when we are not home and they don't have to be confined to the runs. They are in the dog runs when I am out as I do not like dogs locked inside when I am not around. It can get very hot in the house and I have a fear of them being locked inside and having a fire and they can't get out. To me they are safer in their dog runs. Over summer they sleep in their dog runs as it is much nicer with a cool breeze they can lay in if they want to. Winter is in crates. As I have two entire dogs of the opposite sex, this can change when my bitch is inseason and I am shuffling them around. I do try to go for a lead walk daily, but having two young kids and a shift working husband some days it just doesn't happen. As we have 5 acres around the house they race around in that, do training and I can throw toy/balls with them. They also chase each other around and do zoomies so get a fair bit of exercise that way.
  20. Only two clickers - I have 6 that I know where they are and about 25 that are around here somewhere!
  21. Mine don't lay around sunbaking outside, but Lewis always has sunscreen on his nose and testicles as they have some pink areas. I have seen dogs sunburn very badly, but generally it is the dogs with Liver, brown, white pigment etc. Ones with black pigment don't usually have much of an issue. I have never had a problem with Rommi's nose.
  22. I would say brown as most people I have seen with red Kelpies have the solid reds and other than that many call them Brown/tan. I have a Blue Brindle and White and a Fawn Brindle. Yes they both have stripes but look quite different. On their rego's they are Brindle and White and Brindle and fawn. Seems they cannot extend their explanation of a colour. Good luck!
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