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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Depending on the actual problem with the ear putting drops down it can actually cause a bigger problem. I would get them looked in asap.
  2. I have 5 acres around the house and the dogs spend lots of time chasing each other and trying to take toys off each other. Lewis is always bringing you something to throw so that helps as well. I throw Wubba's, I-squeaks and balls for them. Sometimes they get them and take off chasing each other. They do this for quite a few hours each day. They also do lead walks of around 4 kms and obedience They don't swim although I wish they would. We don't have a chiro down here but mine get Bowen if needed - Lewis is pretty obvious when he needs it- and other than that 3 to 4 times a year.
  3. Thank you all I will go through this with her. She gives people a lot of space. Unfortunately some people are stupid and get too close. Now that she tels them to back off an mean it the situation is improving. Some people seem to think all dogs should get along and enjoy playing with each other. Unfortunately at times she has had to resort to being rude to get them to listen but it is happening. I will definately look up click to calm and get her started on that.
  4. I like to train with 3to4 people or a few more. Club stuff isn't really my thing, but at the moment I don't have a choice, so I do my own thing off to one side, sometimes joining in for the odd stay etc. Mine are crated at a trial My routine when at a trial is get set up take them for a walk around/toilet, back in crate. Take them out for another toilet stop around 20 minutes before. Then just before we need to go it do a small walk to loosen up muscles then a couple of positions, some fronts, a few nose touches spins then in. As a general rule I do not let people take my dog, however there are a couple I would, not necessarily to train all the time or do a big training session with, but just to get the feel of something or to help me out with something. I would not be worried about someone taking them into the show ring, but I am the only person that takes them into the obedience ring. Down here though I don't really have anyone that would even be interested. If I was up in Perth it may be different. I think fitness is very important. I like my dogs very fit regardless of them doing obedience or not. I think that to do a trial even at the lower levels requires a fair amount of energy/fitness and also mental energy. So they need to be generally fit, but also fit for what they are doing ie heeling. Lewis in particular puts lots of energy into his heeling and if not fit for heeling you can tell. I liked my Whippets ripped and fit. Nothing better than seeing a fit muscular dog moving.
  5. Well bugger me I don't have Whippets they are Staffords - Brutus will be so pleased!
  6. I agree - which is why it is easier and IMO less risky to treat each dog equally. ..... I even remember my Mum saying (with grimace) when we were kids :- "I don't care which of you two started it ... " Lol .... not to suggest anthropomorphic gestures count here, but the topic just triggered a memory. Gosh how many times have I heard that line!!! Rommi is a bossy bitch when it comes to toys and food. Lewis is bossy when it comes to getting on the lounge, he won't growl over it but lays down where he wants if that is on Rommi's head so be it! It is hard to explain, but a fight that is a bit of a tiff , well you can tell that is all it is. One that is deadly serious, well you can tell that as well. My dogs are treated equally - well okay the oldie gets some special treats, consessions - but sometimes Rommi is fed first, sometimes Lewis is. They both hang back until I have gone through the door. A couple of times a minor snap of growl has gone further and I have told them off but never to the point I have thought they need to be seperated. When I first got Lewis Rommi was a complete cow once she figured he wasn't going home. She did get stuck into him (they were sleeping together) and he was yelping etc. By the time I got there they had stopped. I did after that, sleep them seperately as I didn't think it was fair if she was going to get terratorial over the bed, blanket, toy etc that he couldn't get away. Also they needed to be seperated when she was in season so now they do sleep seperately. Ever since that first month or two though they are fine she only gets a bit cranky when she is coming into season.
  7. Huh Me too??? My dog tried to kill her Grandmother, but when she was in season she was MORE than happy for the male to be running with her. Don't see your point?? I think Tatelina was talking about running entire bitches together and entire males together not females and males together, and the added risks of running together same sex entire pairs especially where bitches are concerned. Oh yep okay, now I understand
  8. Rommi had a seahorse Lupine puppy collar, which incidentally will still fit! Very good quality. I make my limited slip ones now so I can change them as often as I feel like it - which is quite often!
  9. I am seeing her tomorrow so will double check. She can get a bit anxious herself so that is why I was thinking some quiet calm down time would be good for both of them. She uses positive reinforcement with a marker word instead of a clicker. I will look at clcik for calm. The problem being when the dog gets her arousal up she is not interested in any of them rewards that have been tried so far. We are looking for more. There are no behaviouralists or trainers down here and the closest I am aware of is 750kms away. I am thinking it may de her some good to have a phone chat with someone though.
  10. A friend of mine has a two year old working line GSD. She has been a bit of a hard slog but is now maturing into a lovely girl. There is one thing that still needs a little work. Today after turning up at Dog training another dog got into her face snapped at her, she retalliated as in went to snap but was removed from the situation. Later in the class a dog that was supposed to be doing some off lead work ran around a little and although she didn't go near this GSD the GSD ended up in a very high level of arousal and she was trying to leap around and would not listen as she was too highly aroused I have suggested that if she get highly aroused that she removes her from the class situation until the point she aknowledges that the dogs are there but is not so wound up she won't react to treats toys etc. Stand quietly with her until she is calm, reward calm and the move closer to the dogs, but not until she get too highly aroused again, so she will still take treats etc. I see her as a fairly typical young working line GSD that is needing to learn how to be able to get past a dog amping her up and learning how to calm herself down. When she is leaping around she is not barking and growling she is just trying to leap around like an idiot! Please help me out with suggestions and wether or not I am on the right track.
  11. If you think your puppy is likely to pull out of a collar a Martingale or limited slip is much safer. I use them because I have Whippets and they can very easily slip out of a flat collar. My dogs wear their collars down low on their neck where a normal colalr sits. I always start babies on a coorectly fitting flat collar. You will go through a few but IMO they don't need martingales or slips until they are older unless they are a breed who can easily slip their flat collar. Some Staffords fit into this category, especially when they are fully mature and their necks are very solid.
  12. Huh Me too??? My dog tried to kill her Grandmother, but when she was in season she was MORE than happy for the male to be running with her. Don't see your point??
  13. IF hadn't of stepped in and just let my dogs sort it out then I would have had a dead dog. I truely believe that people that take that opinion have never actually had dogs fight that were serious about it. In my house minor grumbles and the odd snap are let go, anything that looks like it will ramp up gets stopped very quickly. Whomever the aggressor is gets put into isolation. I am the boss it is my job to sort it. I won't ever stand back and just let my dogs go for it. If I do I have failed in my job as leader.
  14. Yep I think the one in mine either got between the shade cloth and the snake mesh or went up the bricks.
  15. All gates need to shut into angle iron frames firmly that go around three sides. Having said that I have dog runs, brick house, chain wire fencing. I have snake mesh around the bottom and also some shade cloth. I have seen snakes trying to get in, but only a couple of tiny ones the thickness of a pencil have managed- until the other day! I did not know it until the next day, but I shut a 40cm tiger snake in the door of the dog run killing it. It had come from the inside up in the roof and was coming over the top of the gate as I was shutting it. What freaked me out more was i had walked under that are twice just before shutting it. How it got up there god only knows, but it did. All I am thankful for is neither of my dogs were bitten as they had been in and out of the runs through out the day as we had tractors driving around and one had an injury so on rest.
  16. CR order - excellent! I-squeaks here we come!!!!! I was going to be good and not buy anything for a ehile, but well you know why not!!! Pea is gorgeous!
  17. I would try something bigger and higher so there is a definate step on and off. If you have some stairs try those, even the edge of the lawn/paving something that is very different to what they are on. Once they get the two feet thing then you can transfer it to a large book, then smaller etc etc. I would also try a small amount of luring I have also found the moving my shoulders or leaning is anough of a lure for mine.
  18. WHat a great idea. Now thinking of a shopping list.
  19. I am so glad you are getting Pea, such an upsetting time for you. I am quite sure Pea will be quite happy wearing pink/purple, he will be so comfortable in his own self colour won't matter.
  20. RSG - My heart breaks for you. Such a terrible thing to happen. Not only do you lose one of your babies, another perosn does as well and so close to when she should be going to her new home.
  21. My old Dobe girl did this for around the last 12 months of her life. Same thing, firm, didn't smell and she didn't seem to notice. Nothing could be done, we never worried about it and she seemed happy enough
  22. OMG Tiggy. I am so very sorry to hear that how awful for you both. So awful for you to have lost her before she arrived, but also to RSG who had to make that hard decision and then tell you. So awful My condolences to both of you
  23. I don't think it is entirely breed based, but I do think some breeds are more likely to have issues than others. I am also of the opinion there is no such thing as never. I know of Whippets who have and have been attacked when opposite sexes were involved.
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