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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Um that I was spreading about nasty gossip about the receptionist of where I used to work and had said some nasty things about the clips she had given her dogs. I had never said anything to anyone and as for the dogs hair cuts, I had not bad mouthed them at all or even mentioned them - I don't go out often. But really if you have Border Collie X's and shave their sides and legs but leave their tails long, a mohawk down their back and big fluffy heads, you would be dumb if you thought people were not going to comment!
  2. No worries, thank you. Rommi would be fine on a smaller one, but I thought it might be a little small for Lewis.
  3. Okay next question - size of grooming table. What is an average good size for Whippets. I have been wanting one for ages, but usually use the outdoor table, the motorbike trays or whatever is handy. Is the "terrier" size okay or is the standard better???
  4. Thank you PF a wealth of knowledge as per normal My horse shop had a block of white dog chalk - very interesing as they were quite amused I had actually bought it for a dog! I will have a look for the Garnier stuff. I normally wipe a small amount of PP Reviva coat over them and that has them nice and shiney and doesn't alter the coat at all. I did used to use a human hair shine spray for the Dobes that worked well as well. I might stick with chalk for the nose. Poor Lewis I am going to attack him with a chalk block later today for a practice run - he will rather wonder what has gotten into me!
  5. The cover up creme is a very thick creme - I use a touch on Howie's nose but its too thick for large area coverage over fine hair. When I use block chalk I apply it directly to the dog (haven't used a pre-chalking creme to date) and then lightly brush it into the coat with a goats hair brush. I way prefer the spray - quicker, good coverage and once dry, it stays put. I aim carefully and brush it out of any areas it shouldn't be before it dries. Howie has four white legs so my aim doesn't have to be very good. I don't use it anywhere else. Have the dog on a towel for doing feets or you end up with little Whippet rock art paintings on your trolley top. Thank you so much. All these questions I have been pondering have now been answered. Lewis has four white legs as well so not to many dramas there, could use the block for higher up. Where do you get a goats hair brush?? Would the Plush Puppy soft hair brush be similar?? Do you go over the entire coat when finished with a shiney spray or something similar?? Or would a wipe over with a damp cloth to ensure their is no chalk on the top of the coat be sufficient. You can see Lewis's nose in my sigi, would cover colour be good for his nose??
  6. What about the CC White Creme Cover up ?????? IS that entirely different to chalk????? DO you apply Chalk with a small damp spounge??? CAn you tell my last dog was black! :rolleyes:
  7. Okay for a complete novice like myself, what is chalk helper and can you just use chalk by it's self and what would you do with fairly hairless Whippet legs??? I use PP Whitening shampoo as well. Oso, the Ring 5 spray chalk is awesome on Whippy legs! Fawn and white Whippets are I prefer to show my boy without the pee stain he gets on one leg being visible - hardly cheating IMO. Yes I'd forgotten about Spray Chalk!! That's a good one too. I'd chalk any white part that had pink showing through. I don't see it as cheating either. I just like to present my dogs to the very best of my ability. If it means chalking them a little ;) I am not sure how it can be seen as cheating either I am not changing his colour just making him more handsome I am making his white aresa look white instead of pink.
  8. Okay for a complete novice like myself, what is chalk helper and can you just use chalk by it's self and what would you do with fairly hairless Whippet legs??? I use PP Whitening shampoo as well. Oso, the Ring 5 spray chalk is awesome on Whippy legs! Fawn and white Whippets are ;) I prefer to show my boy without the pee stain he gets on one leg being visible - hardly cheating IMO. How do you go not getting the spray chalk where it shouldn't be??? IE I want some on his pink tummy bits, but need to keep it away from the brindle bits??? Do you go close and then use say a sponge to go up to the edge of the colour? It sounds good for his legs, but not sure about near the margins where the colour is (osrry probably sounds dumb but I am having trouble envisiging it as I have never seen the spray chalk)
  9. Okay for a complete novice like myself, what is chalk helper and can you just use chalk by it's self and what would you do with fairly hairless Whippet legs??? I use PP Whitening shampoo as well. Chalk Helper is a product which helps hold the loose chalk in the dog's legs. I put the Chalk Helper on then powder the legs and brush the excess back out. When I was showing my Whippy girl, I used block chalk on her legs. I just rubbed it on and brushed the excess out with a soft brush. I used to use the PP Whitening shampoo on her as well. She is a fawn and white and very gorgeous I am a little biased though LOL Ah yes that makes sense. I have a soft brush from PP so could use that. I have used block chalk on a black dog before to help a couple of very bald patches not show up so much. Will get some block chalk and have a play I think. Of course your girl is gorgeous, she's a Whippet!! ETA - What about lower chests/tummies?? Lewis has white part way up his rib cage and it is rather pink and dotty, would you use block chalk for that as well??? I can post a pic if it would help.
  10. Okay for a complete novice like myself, what is chalk helper and can you just use chalk by it's self and what would you do with fairly hairless Whippet legs??? I use PP Whitening shampoo as well.
  11. Lewis and I did our club trial on the weekend. Poor Rommi missed out as she is still on confinment and no exercise! He did brilliantly and not only went well he also came first! He just loves to work and I love working with him. Hopefully we will do our first CCD trial early next year. I was going to go straight into Novice but though what they hey, I haven't trialled for ages so will do CCD first
  12. So sorry to hear this, such a shock for you all. Lots of hugs from us
  13. Hmmm okay, So chalking my dogs white parts so they look white not pink is against the rules????????? Even though I am not changing the colour or trying to hide anything????
  14. Definately feed seperate, all mine are seperate for all meals and treats.
  15. What I was trying to say, but said better! I am also wondering what exactly it is you train for and what you do with your dogs. My dogs do not need a check chain or anything else and if you did give one of them a decent check, of put an e-collar on them or a PP collar they would see it as a major aversive and it would be a very long term issue to get them past it. I have never had dogs with major aggression issues as i have them from pups and they have never been a problem or needed heavy handed techniques. Sometimes I have had to train smarter and they have really made me think, but I guess our relationship is one of understanding of what is expected when.
  16. WHen I worked full time most of my life outside of work was the dogs and horses when I had them. I got up at 6, went to work at 9. I walked for at least an hour, then depending on what we were doing, did some training as well. For many years my dogs came to work with me and there were 2 other dogs there also. At lunchtime I would do some training, maybe pop down to the beach or go to the park. After work was training - obedience, agility etc, the free running time until it was time to turn in for the night. My dogs were super fit, well trained, didn't whine, bark or display any other signs of behavioural issues. When I changed jobs I did all of the above but the dogs stayed home while I was at work, still no worries with stress behaviours.
  17. People who have clickers, treats, halti's, check chains, e-collars, prong collars or anything else in their "tool box" can be hopeless dog trainers who have no idea about anything. What type of training you use does not make you useless or an idiot or hopeless. Having a closed mind and being a know-it-all usually means you are an idiot. Funnily enough I was a check chain trainer and quite good at it. My dog got titles and was a well behaved pet. I discovered clicker training and trained that way and I am okay at that as well. I had a well trained dog that got more titles and was happier to work and was still a great pet. She only retired due to medical reasons. My two dogs now are clicker trained and work very well and I have a breed many consider is not the easist to train, my dogs work and well. They are handler inpaired to a degree but they are happy and willing to work. I have read Karon Pryors books - along with other positive trainers - and whilst I will tell the dogs off if they try to chase the cats, or I do yell leave it if they are near a snake, I do consider I am a mostly positive trainier. I do not own a check chain, e-collar or prong collar because I don't need to.
  18. I can identify with this and you do feel a little guilty, but it is true. Ah yes - the guilt at feeling relieved it is over - not only for the dog but for you can do your head in. Yep
  19. I can identify with this and you do feel a little guilty, but it is true.
  20. For me you just cope the best way you can I guess. It is never long enough You never have enough time to come to terms with it. I woke one morning to a dog with a hugely bloated abdomen I was sure I knew what it meant and I was right. I had my girl due to hard work from myself and my vet for another month before I decided enough was enough. His quaility of life is brilliant he is having a great time and he has no idea his time is going to be shorter than is should be. That is our burden to bear. You are doing the best you can for him, as hard as it is try not to think of the end or when it may or may not be, try to think instead when you get to the end of the day - that was a good one. I know your heart is slowly tearing in two and it hurts
  21. When my dogs are worling they are working as well. We do mad goofy stuff at home and the beach etc. People think I am strange as if they try to let their dog come up to mine I block their dog and move mine! My dogs focus on me and work, not leave their handler to play with random dogs - Me thinks I have got it right!
  22. I received a very generous sample and gave it to the dogs, with around two days swap over. HAd no issues - Lewis can have a funny tummy sometimes- they dogs love it Lewis in particular vacuumed it and so far all good
  23. Poor Fern. Ears are very vascular and they can be a real bugger when they are torn. Suturing is best if possible. Before I have seen ears bandaged for two days,bandages removed and ear clean(while being held still to avoid shaking of head) then rebandaged for another two days etc. One flick of the ear and the clots come out/off and it bleeds like buggery again. Hope Fern is feeling better now
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