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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Decide what you are going to feed him, put it in a bowl leave down for 15 minutes. If he doesn't eat it, pick it up cover and store until the next meal. Offer again for 15 minutes and so on and so on. He is being allowed to train you and he is doing a very good job of it. If he is otherwise healthy he will not allow himself to starve. If he continues as he is he will will end up a very finiky eater. I am really sorry but ont his matter you need to toughen up a bit. He needs a balanced diet, be it raw or agood quality dry food. Buy the food, serve it up and when he is sufficiently hungry he will eat.
  2. What does his diet currently consist of, how old is your dog/puppy.
  3. OH yes toys are already here - hidden of course. Mine are getting zapper balls, wubba's, I squeaks and some non stuffing soft toys. They also get preservative/crap free chews and treats.
  4. My offer still stands if you need help getting them to the depot in Bentley Thanks BB at this point I have it organised (I think!), but if I have a problem I will definately call on your for help ;)
  5. I will do CCD with both the Whips as the rules have changed since I last trialed and even though my dog got her CDX I do not consider myself an experienced handler and still get rather nervous. I did consider going straight to Novice but decided to lower my stress levels a little. We will be taking a few weeks off thanks to me having broken a toe, and by then Rommi will hopefully be back into normal exercise and her fitness back up again.
  6. Mine loved the sample so when I get organised I will be ordering some big bags - which will last a while. It may be after christmas but not sure yet
  7. See even really famous people can be really dumb!
  8. No one has any feed Ahhh okay. We have been lucky this year. A couple of years ago we were in dire straights - at the moment we have fat cattle. Unfortunately I don't need a pony at the moment.
  9. Geez Mirra those are cheap prices for ponies!!! I have MANY MANY collars - even more it seems since I make my own. I have plain leads and change the collars
  10. I would not desex my dogs as 8 week old babies - IT just won't happen. If the average pet owners that buys a prt desexes it at 6 months great, that is my agreement. But I will not advocate or desex 8 week old babies. Personally for my own dogs they will not be desexed until they have had at least one heat, or they are 18 months. I do dog sports with my dogs and I am worried if desexed early I may have issues with them. I am responsible I have 2 entire dogs of opposite sexes and have not had an unplanned litter or even come close. I have had entire dogs of opposite sexes of different breeds and never had a problem. Why should I be disadvantaged because of idiots that cannot get their dogs desexed at an older approipriate age or if they wish to have a first season with them, lock them up effectivly??? We do not need more bloody laws!
  11. Make sure he keeps a clsoe eye on it so it doesn't get infected. HE will also know what she is like so hopefully between the two of you it will never happen again. Abbi is your unwell girl isn't she??? I would just use management
  12. Put him in there with a bone or something he likes, shut the door and leave him to it. If he bark ignore him, he only get attention if he is quiet. If you are trying to sleep use ear plugs!
  13. If he is anything like my Dobe was then I would say the guy was lucky he didn't make contact with the dog! Hopefully you don't come across this guy again.
  14. If you have laminator and you want it A4 size you can print and laminate your own, they last quite well. If you want them bigger than A4 then a printing place should be able to do them for you.
  15. Happy birthday Lara, have some very fond memories from watching you trial when I was last in the trial ring Have a great day. Hi Dobelover88 yes photos are compulsory, baby Dobes are the cutest
  16. Sounds like you had an eventful afternoon! Perrsonally I would always hold my dogs lead, that is me I am not prepared to risk not holding it if I am walking anywhere near cars, other people/dogs etc. If he was on a lead and reacted to someone getting in his face you are less likely to have a problem than if he is either not on a lead or dragging his lead. OUr laws over here seem to be not quite as bad as yours so I may be a bit off the mark. My belief is if he is on lead and provoked then you are safe from dangerous dog legislation etc. I have spoken to police officers about this and they have told me I am coorect. You can also use the provocation law if someone unlawfully enters your property. My dogs (infact all of my dogs) have always been taught "leave it". I have had dogs in my Dobes face trying to pick fights and I have yelled leave it, come, leave it etc and avoided a fight that way. I have also been able to intervene after a scuffly has started and they would alsways back down. I think teaching a dog leave it is VERY important. Yes he can guard you, but you are the leader and if you say "leave it" then that is what he does, end of story. He may still growl or even bark and have his hackles up but he should never advance his attack or defense if you have withdrawn permission. I quite liked the fact that my Dobe would defend if required and she even had it on cue, but the "leave it" was taught well before the "guard" command was taught
  17. Very clever Lewis would probably keep looking and whinge, Rommi might get it though???
  18. How much time do you need to be involved??? what happens if you cannot be involved for a period of time say a few days/week? I am not sure how much I could contribute or if I will have any good ideas
  19. Good on you and I am really glad you are so very happy. It is the little things that really get you isn't it! I feel the same about mine
  20. When I do a lead walk which I try to do most days but have been sick for a while, I do a good hours walk at as fast a walk as I can. We have 5 acres around the house so they run around and play with each other, I throw balls etc and we do training. They can have 5 or more "exercise sessions a day, but not all are walking on a lead.
  21. I have a dog that can do a reverse snorting thing from eating food too quick and it getting stuck in the wrong spot. It normally happens from straight away to within 5 minutes at the most. If he is doing it frequently throughout the day I would assume it is not the food. I am glad he is happily eating and hopefully the food trials will help his tummy. Sorry to hear he is itchy and a little unhappy in that regard. Hope you get it all sorted very soon for him and you.
  22. Didn't say there was but if you clip them like that you are going to attract attention. It seems many people didn't think highly of it and since the person was grooming at said ex-place of work I don't think it helped business!
  23. How awful, but not the first time I have heard of it happening. RIP little doggy and condolences to the owner
  24. I have no idea really having Whippets. But rinsing it out before it dries, then shampooing with a good stain removing shampoo when required for shwoing etc would do the trick I would think???? We do only have sand through, no red mud I have seen and been told that if you wash and dry them then spray somethhing like the showshine people use on horses it helps as the spray has silicone in it and the dirt slides off. Not sure about if it would change coat texture etc but it seems to wash out of horses okay.
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