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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I have never done one of these before but am going to give it a try! Lewis & Rommi - Get CCD and some passes for CD. Start in the jumping and Agility rings. Get back into the show ring for the first time in a looong time! I will limited opportunites to achieve these but am going to give it a red hot go
  2. The last time I had a dog desexed - which was a while ago now!- I stated I didn't want the tatto so neither of mine had one. My Dobe had her Dobe tattoo which was 3 letters and three numbers. When I eventually get my bitch I have now desexed I will ask for no tattoo for her either. Whippets have very fine small rose ears and bright green ink in her ear would look awful and very visible.
  3. Sorry to hear that Tiggy. Rommi injured her knee around 8 weeks ago and has been on very restricted exercise pretty much since! The words - may need surgery- were enough to give me half a heart attack, luckily it seems to have healed. Hope all goes well and she can go back to normal exercise as soon as possible after surgery/recovery.
  4. I have Petplan and have made claims without any problems. The only thing I have to get is when I renew the policy they ask for the previous 12 months medical history. While none of my claims have been huge-thank goodness- there has been a few up to the $500 mark and have not had any issues with them. I pay mine yearly so have not had any experience with having to do monthly direct debit. One thing I like is that a medical condition that has long term treatment/consequences is covered for the life of the dog to the yearly limit EVERY year, not just to the limit once then it is no longer covered like some of them.
  5. The difference is the RSPCA is a not for profit organisation. This means that apart from funds needed to reserve to cover up coming costs etc the rest should go back into the organisation. As such a not for profit organisation should not be making miliions of dollars profit. IF they were a private business fine, but they are not.
  6. A friend of mine had a Stafford with some feet issues. She used to stand her in the laundry trough with dilute condies crystals for around 5 minutes I think, then get her out and allow it to dry on her feet. She swore by it and apart from the fact it will and does stain the feet it did help dry them up. Also Epsom Salt foot soaks will help to draw out and dry up and infection or discharge. Good luck it sounds like the poor feela has had it tough but is now well on his way to being healed.
  7. What a handsome handsome lad. Love it. Rott's have a special little place in my heart.
  8. Great pics, but sh*t that must be close to you - keep safe Stunning photos and he is such a beautiful boy :D What a great prize to have won They are absolutely gorgeous and you have every right to be a proud mum. Can't wait to see more Hope everyone is safe and the fires are all under control.
  9. Thank you OSoswift The fact they look good to others is just so much a thrill to me, I must be on the right track!! That means more than any show wins Well done LEWIS!! J I know how you feel. I like my dogs to look "Wow". And you should be proud - that is why I commented because they are so impressive and that is what I aim for.
  10. Many vets - mine included - advocate desexing for anything related to a prostate issue. It is rare - unless they are a vet who see's lots of breeding dogs- that a dog needs to be kept entire if possible. My bitch got vaginitis, recommended desexing to stop it occuring again! Short course of antibiotics, it went and was not seen on her next season. My young dog had a suspected enlarged prostate due to a bitch being very close to being in season. He is entire for a reason as is she. Their first recommendation was desex him or her oh and maybe you could try the Suprelorin implant if you don't want to desex, but really that was an after thought and one I only got because I said desexing would only happen if absolutely necessary. The average pet person will most likely desex. If your friend is still concerned, is it possible she could go to a vet that has much more experience with breeding dogs?
  11. Get her a kids clam shell from Bunnings or somewhere, that way she can play but not in ikky green water.
  12. Sorry for your situation. Have you talked to him about it at all?? While he would miss the make he may be of the opinion that he wouldn't have the time/inclination, or he may say he hasn't done it because he hasn't had the chance or needed to but would like to. While the dogs would be sad initially I am sure they would get used to being seperated in time and if neither of you can bear to have no dogs them seperating them would probably be the solution. I hope you can both work through it and come up with a solution you are both happy to agree on.
  13. I agree with Sas wash his bed when you feel up to it. She will know he is gone and his scent will be all over. It is hard to watch them when they have lost a friend and even harder when they are elderly. Give her some time you may find she improves over the next little while. Sorry to hear about your mum, you have a lot on your plate. Don't feel you have to be strong or keep your chin up. If you feel like it have a dummy spit and a good cry because sometimes life isn't fair, then do it! Sometimes we all need to let it out. Lots of hugs for all of you. Sending lots of healing vibes for your mum and for your on the loss of Sam. My girl Angel will take care of him for you.
  14. Just had a look at the link Wazzat. Just had to say your dogs are looking exquisit. I remember seeing their quarantine photos and to see these ones, they look strong, muscular fit and in the absolute peak of condition. Peak condition is something I really strive for with my own dogs and just love seeing other dogs that way. They are very impressive and turned out impeccably.
  15. My Stafford had a reaction to a yearly heartworm injection. He developed a lump bigger than my fist on the side of his neck, could not lift his head, had a temperature and was off colour for a week. I have not given yearly heartworm for many years. I use Advocate and it has quite a generous le-way if you do forget. I give it on the first day of the month. I have read all the literature and decided that the monthly products - which can be used at a greater gap than 4 weeks, are much safer than the injection. I am also against puting 12 months worth of something into my dog if I can avoid it. I have a calender on my fridge with it written in nice red printing
  16. Dogs can have episodes of enlarged prostate as others have mentioned. Re-occurance would depend on the reason why it has happened, but if he is a young otherwise healthy dog I would not jump into desexing too quickly. Dogs can get an enlarged prostate by being near a bitch in season, or if left together, to many matings. I do not ever recall hearing it is hereditary. I would treat him, get a sperm count after treatment and stop panicing so much.
  17. I don't think chicken necks as such are bad for their skin, but having chicken necks as a substantial part of their diet means the diet is not balanced and they may not be recieving the essential oils etc they need for a healthy coat and skin. A diet that is mainly chicken necks isn't a balanced diet. Raw diets need things other than just raw bones to be balanced.
  18. Yay for the Xolo's well done We get heaps of Caranbys, they have rest stops and drink out of the troughs and strip the plastic coating of my cable they also make a mess of the trees, but we love having them. It is a real pleasure seeing large flocks come over every day. We have just come back from our Dog Club wind up and Lewis got the highest score for Class 2 for the year and got a lovely sash - We are very proud
  19. I wouls say definately not suited for life as a vet. EVts have many unsavoury jobs to do, many of which involve euthanasing animals, quite a few of those perfectly healthy. Whilst I am not for euthanasia for the sake of it I would rather a newly graduated vet had some hands on experience prior to be thrown out into the world and having to perform surgery on peoples vets. I do remember a vet student who under sufference desexed a cat - of course under the very watchful eye of the vet. She hated it and made it known that after graduating she was going into the scientific study side of veterinay medicine not the general pet GP side. She didn't not want to do surgery on animals in any way shape or form.
  20. Hopefully it won't take weeks, but be prepared that it may- depends on his will! Just remember puppies will use their brown chocolate eyes against you if you let them:o)
  21. it is hard to believe even an uneducated, ill informed person might pop up with these gems of information. But for someone who has been such a figure head and is supposed to have knowledge it is down right appaling and very scarey and dangerous.
  22. Good on you - stay strong it will benefit you all in the long run. I have never had a problem eater, but I am very strict with the eating rules. After a while you never have to worry about the 15 minute rule they just eat their meal Let us know how you go ;) Oh and be prepared for it to take quite a few days to break his bad habits.
  23. are you serious? so where did you get you dog from? Was wondering if your were serious also??? I am a registered breeder and I give more than just a damn.
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