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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. No way. Too hot, possible heat stroke, not enough air flow, and a real risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and death. I would never have a dog in a ute untethered as I have seen too many smashed and dead from not being tethered in utes or tethered too long to even consider it. Hypothermia to me wouldn't be a huge risk unless it was very cold as there would be no air flow and they heat up quickly. If there was no cover and on a cool night yes hypothermia is a real risk. There is no such thing as a short trip 6 minutes under that on a warm day could mean a dog dead or close too from heat exhaustion. Not tetheresd and under a cover a dog can quite easily end up with fractured n=bones especially if the ute was to have to suddenly swerve or brake. I have seen a dog with a snapped Femur after an near miss in a car and she went off the seat onto the floor and collected the glove box on the way. There is a large area for a dog to gain a lot of speed before coming to a sudden stop against the sides or cab. Hope I covered everything.
  2. It worked on my Dobe when I had been struggling for 4 years, with other issues with the dumbell as well though. So glad it helped.
  3. I have the two Whippets and an aged Stafford. We have 2000 acres and 5 acres around the house They have dog runs which are 5m X 5metres and that now has sttatched to it a 10m X 12 m grass 7 foot high fenced area full of toys. Which they play with for a good hour of more if they are in there. The Stafford sleeps, rolls in the grass and sunbakes, eats and that is his day. The Whips pretty much go where I do. If I am inside they are. When they are outside tehy chase each other runa round with dogs toys and play chasey with each other. I throw toys as they both love chasing them and bring them back. I got for an lead walk with the a few times a week, through the far. We go to training in town once or twice a week. We go to the beach where they are off lead, swim and fetch their ball for as long as you throw it. I do obedience training at home around every second day. Sometimes I will take them to town for a stroll to get the mail or something but due to the amount of off lead dogs I do not walk in town often. Most of their exercise is around the house yard but they do zoomies and bog laps of the house at speed so use a fair area to run around. They also get taken for a race through the farm or bunny hunting when it is cooler and there are less snakes.
  4. One thing I have done in the past is if they will happily sit in front of you and take the dumbell in their mouth is I put my little pinky a few mm;s below their chin. I don't hold the chin up, but if they go to drop the bottom jaw they will tap the finger and sometimes it will stop them dropping the bottom jaw and the dumbell rolling out. You are not making them hold it, just reminding them they have a bottom jaw and they can choose to keep it up. As with anything C/T straight away and increase by the tiniest of incriments. I have found that it tends to help them not drop the bottom jaw so therefore we have the ability to withold the click for a millisecond more and all of a sudden the lightbulb will go on that you actually want them to keep it in their mouths. I am sure those much more experienced will have some great ideas for you to try
  5. You are right Ptolomy - as per always RV's decription is a really good reminder to break everyhting right down. On a brighter note Rommi's SFE was rock solid today, even did one on three legs without putting the other foot down!! I had no idea why until a little later she started chewing on a toe on that foot and when I looked the pad of that toe was bright red, so I assume she got bitten or stung by something, but she wasn't lame so goodness knows!!! Both doggies worked very very well I am not panicing quite so much now
  6. I need 3 but I'm in Perth. I am also interested in what the price will be to pick up in Perth
  7. Great to hear he is going well with being next to the bike, such a big step. And even better to hear he is getting some confidence back I am off training again today and will implement some of the tips you guys gave me and will see how we go!
  8. Brilliant tips and help, thank you I knew you would help my frustrated brain cells. Oh and I definately like the glass of red wine that will help with frustration nicely Caffy the sit for exam idea is great I will do that as well. Have lots to work on. Thnak you, thank you, thank you
  9. I can do a sfe and can dance around her and she doesn't move, although I have done this again tonight so I can give her a high level of reinforcement, she does seem happier thankfully. I will try doing a SS's with someone else walking around her to reinforce that as well. I might give the actual SFE a miss next training session and do the stand stay instead. It almost like she knows she should but jsut cannot resist a pat from someone and just needs to tell them she loves them too! I like having a super friendly dog MOST of the time, but not all of the time! You are right go back to basics and rebuild. And not get frustrated!!!
  10. hahahaha well your no help to me are you. I just am at a loss to understand how it can just completely disappear! I could handle slightly unsteady or move a foot or two, but completely break position and try to mug the judge!! SHe hasn't done that since she was young! I felt bad because I got so frustrated and growled at her, well you can figure out that combined with soft dog. So now back to square one and lots of sucking up on my behalf! Lewis has kept his, wonder what he has lost in the five days it took me to get my voice back..........
  11. OH they are just the cutest little things ever! Good on you guys for saving the day
  12. Any tips for a completely broken SFE in a dog that had a perfect SFE before needing 2 and a bit months off due to injury???
  13. ahh okay thank you. I don't like to put a coat on them for the heeling etc but if it is cool at all, they freeze for the stays
  14. The GSD that lived next door to me barked for two straight years!!!! Do as Poodlefan suggested
  15. Can you use a coat for the heelwork etc part of your obedience and not the stays and visa versa, no coat for heelwork etc and have a coat on for stays?? I just want to make sure I get it right and not stuff it up
  16. I'm trying to just imagine what a fat whippet would look like! Every whippet I've seen has always been so svelte! FAt Whippets look like kegs on toothpicks - just awful!! Your dogs look great, I wish more pet dogs looked like that. However the best indicator is the feel for the ribs test. You shouldn't have to work hard at it, they should be there without too much pressure. Different breeds have different amounts of waist, tuck up etc. I wouldn't expect a British and a Whippet to have a similar type of waist, so I think the feeling for ribs is the best indicator. I remember one person when asking about the weight of their overweight Lab was told you should be able to feel the ribs etc etc. They brought the dog in and they were just about pushing their fingers thorugh the dog to feel the ribs. I had my Dobe bitch at work, called her out and showed them how easy it should be to feel their dogs ribs. They were quite shocked that ribs under an inch of fat was not what we were after!
  17. Looks like she is very focussed to me and while I wouldn't want my dogs head quite that high up I like the focus. The dog seems to be too close to the handler and it is almost like her touching her handler is a second signal. It looks like Schutzhund to me as they have to walk with both hands free not in one spot like I would for obedience. I wouldn't like my dog to crowd that much.
  18. Rommi's SFE are well and truely broken today. How the hell can a dog go from perfect SFE to none in 8 weeks??????? I have 3 weeks to try and get it together - arrgghh!
  19. .....whippets bums only just touch the ground so not too many problems with slouching! I think their shape makes it hard. Now chests on the ground in the drop, that is my nemesis!
  20. I am starting to get a little excited about Albany now, I am am getting it organised to have the four dogs we are taking to get measured as well. Woohoo. Now not to get too nervous before then
  21. You have more faith in the vast majority of vets than I do Most would be quite happy to see 5kg more on any of my "little" 15-17kg Staffords + 1 +2
  22. Bloody idiot owner, who should be done by the RSPCA IF he/she did infact leave there dog tied there for 4 hours. And stupid stupid mother for allowing a child to not only go up to an unknown one, but a large one at that. I hope the child is not traumatised for life or ends up hating dogs because their mother was an imbicile! Having said that I was waiting down the beach while my eldest had swimming leassons, dogs came along for the ride. On lead and behaving as per normal. I felt one of them move and a young child had his hand out patting my dogs head while he was on a short lead standing just behind me. Yeah okay a young kid, his mother was half a step behind him about to pat the dogs herself. I explained they should ask before patting dogs as not all dogs are friendly and while mine love anyone to pat them not all do. The mothers answer, oh you can tell yours were well behaved lovely dogs from looking at them, of courser they are fine to pat!! Now how do you educate stupid like that!
  23. I am not quite sure I am brave enough to video it and then post in on here!!!!!!!! I will take the camera, but sharing - might need an alcoholic beverage to help with that!! Well I will most likely need one for the trial - been around 6 years since I was last in the ring I get shocking nerves as it is!
  24. So sorry about the loss of Smudge. It is very easy to look back in hindsight, but please do not beat yourself up. You were trying to do the best thing by your girl and she would have known that and she would have known she was loved and cherished by you. We can be very very hard on ourselves with the what if's and guilt but you were doing what you believed was the ebst thing for your girl. RIP Smudge running free at the Rainbow Bridge young and agile once more, age will no longer weary your bones. Waiting until re-united with your loving mum.
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